&star_job create_pre_main_sequence_model = .false. load_saved_model = .true. saved_model_name = 'Si_ignition.mod' change_net = .true. new_net_name = 'approx21.net' set_rates_preference = .true. ! for use by net + rates modules new_rates_preference = 2 ! 1 = NACRE rates -- this is the default ! 2 = jina reaclib rates -- to match jina where possible set_rate_c12ag = 'Kunz' ! empty string means ignore this control ! one of 'NACRE', 'Buchmann', 'Kunz', or 'CF88' ! note: original CF88 rate is actually multiplied by 1.7 as in Timmes' rates set_rate_n14pg = 'jina reaclib' ! empty string means ignore this control ! one of 'NACRE', 'Imbriani', or 'CF88' set_rate_3a = 'jina reaclib' ! empty string means ignore this control ! one of 'NACRE', 'Fynbo', or 'CF88' use_se_output = .true. history_columns_file = 'history_columns_SJ.list' / ! end of star_job namelist &controls initial_mass = 25.0 initial_z = 0.02 star_history_name = 'star.log.6_Si_burn_to_collapse' star_history_header_name = 'star.log.header' ! if not empty, then put star log header info in this file ! in this case the star log has only data -- making it easier ! to use with some plotting packages. mixing_length_alpha = 1.6 log_center_density_limit = 11. min_timestep_limit = 0 ! (seconds). AD, sam default is 1d-12 ! alternative correction strategy - for runs encountering several backups: tol_correction_norm_alt = 1d-2 tol_max_correction_alt = 2d0 max_number_backups = -1 ! ignore if < 0 max_number_retries = -1 ! ignore if < 0 max_backups_in_a_row = 100 ! if do more than this many without a successful step, then terminate the run. ! some logistics max_model_number = 400000 ! negative means no maximum log_center_temp_limit = 12. ! stop when log10 of the center temperature exceeds this limit. photostep = 50 profile_interval = 100 max_num_profile_models = 10000 ! maximum number of saved profiles history_interval = 1 terminal_interval = 10 write_header_frequency = 10 ! mesh max_allowed_nz = 10000 ! maximum number of grid points allowed mesh_dlog_pp_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_cno_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_3alf_dlogP_extra = 0.08 ! AD, sam default is 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_c_dlogP_extra = 0.08 ! AD, sam default is 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_n_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_o_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_ne_dlogP_extra = 0.08 ! more neon burning resolution mesh_dlog_burn_na_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_mg_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_cc_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_co_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_oo_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_si_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_s_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_ar_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_ca_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_ti_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_cr_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_burn_fe_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_pnhe4_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_other_dlogP_extra = 0.15 mesh_dlog_photo_dlogP_extra = 1 xa_function_species(1) = 'ne20' xa_function_weight(1) = 20 xa_function_param(1) = 1d-2 xa_function_species(2) = 'si30' xa_function_weight(2) = 20 xa_function_param(2) = 1d-2 xa_function_species(3) = 's34' xa_function_weight(3) = 20 xa_function_param(3) = 1d-2 xa_function_species(4) = 'c12' xa_function_weight(4) = 20 xa_function_param(4) = 1d-2 xa_function_species(5) = 'fe56' xa_function_weight(5) = 20 xa_function_param(5) = 1d-2 xa_function_species(6) = 'si28' xa_function_weight(6) = 20 xa_function_param(6) = 1d-2 xa_function_species(7) = 'o16' xa_function_weight(7) = 20 xa_function_param(7) = 1d-2 ! timesteps ! general varcontrol_target = 9d-5 ! run up to 300000 at 5d-5. AD, sam default is 1d-4 ! this is the target value for relative variation in the structure from one model to the next. ! the default timestep adjustment is to increase or reduce the timestep depending on whether ! the actual variation was smaller or greater than this value. delta_lgRho_cntr_limit = 0.05 delta_lgRho_cntr_hard_limit = 0.1 delta_lgT_cntr_limit = 0.01 delta_lgT_cntr_hard_limit = 0.02 delta_lgTeff_limit = 0.01 delta_lgTeff_hard_limit = 0.02 delta_lgL_limit = 0.1 delta_lgL_hard_limit = 0.2 ! time step controls dX_limit_min_X = 5d-4 dX_limit = 1d-3 ! run to 300000 at 1d-5. Sams value 5d-3 ! limits on max drop in abundance mass fraction from burning with possible mixing inflow ! this considers both nuclear rate and offsetting effect of mixing inflow dX_nuc_drop_min_X_limit = 1d-1 ! SJONES !dX_nuc_drop_limit only for X > dX_nuc_drop_min_X_limit !dX_nuc_drop_max_A_limit = 20 ! SJONES !dX_nuc_drop_limit only for species with A <= dX_nuc_drop_max_A_limit dX_nuc_drop_limit = 8.d-2 ! 1d-2 ! SJONES ! Overshooting !mass_for_overshoot_full_on = 1.8 ! Msun units !mass_for_overshoot_full_off = 0. ! Msun units use_Ledoux_criterion = .true. alpha_semiconvection = 0.1 ! AD, see langer 1983 overshoot_f_above_nonburn = 0.002 overshoot_f_below_nonburn = 0.002 overshoot_f_above_burn_h = 0.002 overshoot_f_below_burn_h = 0.002 overshoot_f_above_burn_he = 0.002 overshoot_f_below_burn_he = 0.002 overshoot_f_above_burn_z = 0.032 overshoot_f_below_burn_z = 0.032 overshoot_f0_above_nonburn = 0.002 ! AD, allow overshooting from edge of the convective boundary overshoot_f0_below_nonburn = 0.002 overshoot_f0_above_burn_h = 0.002 overshoot_f0_below_burn_h = 0.002 overshoot_f0_above_burn_he = 0.002 overshoot_f0_below_burn_he = 0.002 overshoot_f0_above_burn_z = 0.002 overshoot_f0_below_burn_z = 0.002 ! C13 pocket overshoot_below_noburn_factor = 0.3 ! He-shell flash convection zone ovr_below_burn_he_factor = 0.143 ! atmosphere option which_atm_option = 'simple_photosphere' ! 'simple_photosphere' ! don't integrate, just estimate for tau=2/3 ! mass loss RGB_wind_scheme = 'Dutch' AGB_wind_scheme = 'Dutch' RGB_to_AGB_wind_switch = 1d-4 Dutch_wind_eta = 0.8 ! opacities use_Type2_opacities = .true. Zbase = 0.02 / ! end of controls namelist