! inlist_mixing ! contains the parameters controlling this job ! for the sake of future readers of this (yourself included), ! ONLY include the controls you are actually using. ! DO NOT include all of the other controls that ! simply have their default values. &star_job mesa_data_dir = '/rpod2/athira/mesa/data' !steps_to_take_before_terminate = 1000 !set_initial_model_number = .true !initial_model_number = 0 change_net = .true. new_net_name = 'agb.net' !new_net_name = 'basic_noburn.net' !new_net_name = 'nova.net' log_columns_file = 'log_columns.list' profile_columns_file = 'profile_columns.list' pgstar_flag = .true. use_se_output = .true. show_net_species_info = .true. !relax composition ! relax_initial_composition = .true. ! num_steps_to_relax_composition = 1000 ! use this many steps to do conversion ! relax_composition_filename = 'relaxed_composition' ! file holding composition profile information / ! end of star_job namelist &controls log_directory='LOGS' max_num_profile_models = 2000 ! initial_mass = 1.25892541 initial_mass = 0.90 initial_z = 0.02d0 initial_y = 0.28d0 ! initial_y = 0.2799702d0 max_allowed_nz = 5000 !x_ctrl(1)= 1d51 !x_ctrl(2)= 1.5d8 !x_ctrl(5)= 0.1 min_timestep_limit = 1d-12 max_years_for_timestep = 1000 photostep = 50 profile_interval = 10 log_cnt = 1 terminal_cnt = 1 write_header_frequency = 10 ! when to stop max_model_number = 10001 ! negative means no maximu ! log_L_lower_limit = -2.0d00 ! max_age=1d8 ! mass gain or loss RGB_wind_scheme = 'Reimers' AGB_wind_scheme = 'Blocker' Reimers_wind_eta = 0.5 Blocker_wind_eta = 0.02 !opacity use_CO_enhanced_opacities = .false. base_Z=0.02 varcontrol_target= 1d-4 !overshoot_f_above_burn_h = 0.025 ! artificial viscosity -- only applies when using velocity variables use_artificial_viscosity = .true. l1_coef = 1d3 ! increase to as much as 1d3 to suppress pulsations / ! end of controls namelist