! *********************************************************************** ! ! Copyright (C) 2010 Bill Paxton ! ! this file is part of mesa. ! ! mesa is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the gnu general library public license as published ! by the free software foundation; either version 2 of the license, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! mesa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ! merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the ! gnu library general public license for more details. ! ! you should have received a copy of the gnu library general public license ! along with this software; if not, write to the free software ! foundation, inc., 59 temple place, suite 330, boston, ma 02111-1307 usa ! ! *********************************************************************** module run_star_extras use star_lib use star_def use const_def use alert_lib use mlt_def implicit none ! these routines are called by the standard run_star check_model contains subroutine extras_controls(s, ierr) type (star_info), pointer :: s integer, intent(out) :: ierr ierr = 0 ! this is the place to set any procedure pointers you want to change ! e.g., other_wind, other_mixing, other_energy (see star_data.dek) s % other_mixing => RCB_mixing end subroutine extras_controls integer function extras_startup(s, id, restart, ierr) type (star_info), pointer :: s integer, intent(in) :: id logical, intent(in) :: restart integer, intent(out) :: ierr ierr = 0 extras_startup = 0 if (.not. restart) then call alloc_extra_info(s) else ! it is a restart call unpack_extra_info(s) end if end function extras_startup ! returns either keep_going, retry, backup, or terminate. integer function extras_check_model(s, id, id_extra) type (star_info), pointer :: s integer, intent(in) :: id, id_extra extras_check_model = keep_going if (.false. .and. s% star_mass_h1 < 0.35d0) then ! stop when star hydrogen mass drops to specified level extras_check_model = terminate write(*, *) 'have reached desired hydrogen mass' return end if end function extras_check_model integer function how_many_extra_log_columns(s, id, id_extra) type (star_info), pointer :: s integer, intent(in) :: id, id_extra how_many_extra_log_columns = 0 end function how_many_extra_log_columns subroutine data_for_extra_log_columns(s, id, id_extra, n, names, vals, ierr) type (star_info), pointer :: s integer, intent(in) :: id, id_extra, n character (len=maxlen_log_column_name) :: names(n) double precision :: vals(n) integer, intent(out) :: ierr ierr = 0 end subroutine data_for_extra_log_columns integer function how_many_extra_profile_columns(s, id, id_extra) type (star_info), pointer :: s integer, intent(in) :: id, id_extra how_many_extra_profile_columns = 0 end function how_many_extra_profile_columns subroutine data_for_extra_profile_columns(s, id, id_extra, n, nz, names, vals, ierr) type (star_info), pointer :: s integer, intent(in) :: id, id_extra, n, nz character (len=maxlen_profile_column_name) :: names(n) double precision :: vals(nz,n) integer, intent(out) :: ierr integer :: k ierr = 0 ! here is an example for adding a profile column !if (n /= 1) stop 'data_for_extra_profile_columns' !names(1) = 'beta' !do k = 1, nz ! vals(k,1) = s% Pgas(k)/s% P(k) !end do end subroutine data_for_extra_profile_columns ! returns either keep_going or terminate. integer function extras_finish_step(s, id, id_extra) type (star_info), pointer :: s integer, intent(in) :: id, id_extra integer :: ierr extras_finish_step = keep_going call store_extra_info(s) ! to save a profile, ! s% need_to_save_profiles_now = .true. ! to update the star log, ! s% need_to_update_logfile_now = .true. end function extras_finish_step subroutine extras_after_evolve(s, id, id_extra, ierr) type (star_info), pointer :: s integer, intent(in) :: id, id_extra integer, intent(out) :: ierr ierr = 0 end subroutine extras_after_evolve ! routines for saving and restoring extra data so can do restarts ! put these defs at the top and delete from the following routines !integer, parameter :: extra_info_alloc = 1 !integer, parameter :: extra_info_get = 2 !integer, parameter :: extra_info_put = 3 subroutine alloc_extra_info(s) integer, parameter :: extra_info_alloc = 1 type (star_info), pointer :: s call move_extra_info(s,extra_info_alloc) end subroutine alloc_extra_info subroutine unpack_extra_info(s) integer, parameter :: extra_info_get = 2 type (star_info), pointer :: s call move_extra_info(s,extra_info_get) end subroutine unpack_extra_info subroutine store_extra_info(s) integer, parameter :: extra_info_put = 3 type (star_info), pointer :: s call move_extra_info(s,extra_info_put) end subroutine store_extra_info subroutine move_extra_info(s,op) integer, parameter :: extra_info_alloc = 1 integer, parameter :: extra_info_get = 2 integer, parameter :: extra_info_put = 3 type (star_info), pointer :: s integer, intent(in) :: op integer :: i, j, num_ints, num_dbls, ierr i = 0 ! call move_int or move_flg num_ints = i i = 0 ! call move_dbl num_dbls = i if (op /= extra_info_alloc) return if (num_ints == 0 .and. num_dbls == 0) return ierr = 0 call star_alloc_extras(s% id, num_ints, num_dbls, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) then write(*,*) 'failed in star_alloc_extras' write(*,*) 'alloc_extras num_ints', num_ints write(*,*) 'alloc_extras num_dbls', num_dbls stop 1 end if contains subroutine move_dbl(dbl) double precision :: dbl i = i+1 select case (op) case (extra_info_get) dbl = s% extra_work(i) case (extra_info_put) s% extra_work(i) = dbl end select end subroutine move_dbl subroutine move_int(int) integer :: int i = i+1 select case (op) case (extra_info_get) int = s% extra_iwork(i) case (extra_info_put) s% extra_iwork(i) = int end select end subroutine move_int subroutine move_flg(flg) logical :: flg i = i+1 select case (op) case (extra_info_get) flg = (s% extra_iwork(i) /= 0) case (extra_info_put) if (flg) then s% extra_iwork(i) = 1 else s% extra_iwork(i) = 0 end if end select end subroutine move_flg end subroutine move_extra_info ! examples of other_mixing subroutines ! examples subroutine RCB_mixing(id, ierr) use chem_def, only: io18 integer, intent(in) :: id integer, intent(out) :: ierr integer :: k, nz double precision :: lnT_mix, lnr_mix, ind_D double precision :: T,m,o18,o18max,o18f,kmax,Tmax,m_kmax,kf1,m_kf1,kf2,m_kf2,r,res1,res2 double precision :: lgr_mix, Dr, lgT_mix, o18_mix, he_en, D_mlt, D_add, Dexp type (star_info), pointer :: s double precision :: gradr, grada, tri_alfa, rho, radius, D_mix, mlt_D, Tlim, dm_dr ierr = 0 !double precision,dimension(size(gradr)):: D_add call get_star_ptr(id, s, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) return nz = s% nz o18 = s% net_iso(io18) !Dr = s% x_ctrl(1) !Tlim = s% x_ctrl(2) !lgT_mix = s% x_ctrl(4) !lnT_mix = lgT_mix*ln10 o18max=0d0 o18f=0d0 kmax=0d0 kf1=0d0 kf2=0d0 m_kmax=0d0 m_kf1=0d0 m_kf2=0d0 do k = 2, nz ! start at 2 since no mixing across surface dm_dr = 4*3.142*(s% r(k))**2*(s% rho(k)) D_add = 1d51/(dm_dr)**2 T = 10**(s% lnT(k)/ln10) m = s% m(k) if (s% xa(o18,k) > o18max) then !find zone where o18 has max abundance kmax = k o18max = s% xa(o18,k) Tmax= T m_kmax = m end if end do res2=abs(s% xa(o18,2) - 0.9*o18max) !find zone where o18 has 0.9*max abundance res1=0 do r=kmax,nz m = s% m(r) res1= abs(s% xa(o18,r) - 0.9*o18max) if (res1 < res2) then res2 = res1 kf1= r o18f= s% xa(o18,r) m_kf1 = m end if end do res2=abs(s% xa(o18,2) - 0.9*o18max) !find zone where o18 has 0.9*max abundance res1=0 do r=2,kmax m = s% m(r) res1= abs(s% xa(o18,r) - 0.9*o18max) if (res1 < res2) then res2 = res1 kf2= r o18f= s% xa(o18,r) m_kf2 = m end if end do do k = 2, nz ! Assign D D_add = 1d60/(dm_dr)**2 T = 10**(s% lnT(k)/ln10) m = s% m(k) if (m > m_kf2) then s% D_mix(k)= D_add s% mixing_type(k) = semiconvective_mixing else if (m<=m_kf2 .and. m>=m_kf1) then s% D_mix(k)= (1d50*exp(-(T-Tmax)/(0.01*Tmax)))/(dm_dr)**2 s% mixing_type(k) = thermo_haline_mixing else if (m < m_kf1) then s% D_mix(k)= 0.0 s% mixing_type(k) = semiconvective_mixing end if end do end subroutine RCB_mixing end module run_star_extras