! log_columns.list -- determines the contents of star history logs ! you can use a non-standard version by setting log_columns_file in your inlist ! units are cgs unless otherwise noted. ! reorder the following names as desired to reorder columns. ! comment out the name to omit a column (fewer columns => less IO => faster running). ! remove '!' to restore a column. ! if you have a situation where you want a non-standard set of columns, ! make a copy of this file, edit as desired, and give the new filename in your inlist ! as log_columns_file. if you are just adding columns, you can 'include' this file, ! and just list the additions in your file. note: to include the standard default ! version, use include '' -- the 0 length string means include the default file. ! blank lines and comments can be used freely. ! if a column name appears more than once in the list, only the first occurrence is used. ! if you need to have something added to the list of options, let me know.... ! the first few lines of the log file contain parameter values as of the start of the run ! for completeness, those items are described here: ! initial_mass -- star mass at start of run (Msun units) ! initial_z -- starting metallicity ! h1_boundary_limit -- defines abundance limit for h1_boundary_mass ! he4_boundary_limit -- defines abundance limit for he4_boundary_mass ! burn_min1 -- 1st limit for reported burning, in erg/g/s ! burn_min2 -- 2nd limit for reported burning, in erg/g/s ! note: you can include another list by doing ! include 'filename' ! include '' means include the default standard list file ! the following lines of the log file contain info about 1 model per row ! some general info about the model model_number ! counting from the start of the run star_age ! elapsed simulated time in years since the start of the run star_mass ! in Msun units !star_mdot ! d(star_mass)/dt (in msolar per year) log_abs_mdot ! log10(abs(star_mdot)) (in msolar per year) !time_step ! timestep in years since previous model log_dt ! log10 time_step num_zones ! number of zones in the model ! mixing regions ! mx1 refers to the largest (by mass) convective region. ! mx2 is the 2nd largest. ! conv_mx1_top and conv_mx1_bot are the region where mixing_type == convective_mixing. ! mx1_top and mx1_bot are the extent of all kinds of mixing, convective and other. ! values are m/Mstar conv_mx1_top conv_mx1_bot conv_mx2_top conv_mx2_bot mx1_top mx1_bot mx2_top mx2_bot ! radius -- values are radii in Rsun units conv_mx1_top_r conv_mx1_bot_r conv_mx2_top_r conv_mx2_bot_r mx1_top_r mx1_bot_r mx2_top_r mx2_bot_r ! you might want to get a more complete list of mixing regions by using the following !mixing_regions ! note: this includes regions where the mixing type is no_mixing. ! the is the number of regions to report ! there will be 2* columns for this in the log file, 2 for each region. ! the first column for a region gives the mixing type using the values defined in const_def ! the types are no_mixing, convective_mixing, overshoot_mixing, semiconvective_mixing, ! and salt_finger_mixing, numbered from 0 to 4. ! the second column for a region gives the m/mstar location of the top of the region ! entries for extra columns after the last region in the star will have an invalid mixing_type value of -1. ! mstar is the total mass of the star, so these locations range from 0 to 1 ! all regions are include starting from the center, so the bottom of one region ! is the top of the previous one. since we start at the center, the bottom of the 1st region is 0. ! the columns in the log file will have names like 'mix_type_1' and 'mix_qtop_1' ! if the star has too many regions to report them all, ! the smallest regions will be merged with neighbors for reporting purposes only. ! regions of strong nuclear burning ! 2 zones where eps_nuc > burn_min1 erg/g/s ! for each zone have 4 numbers: start1, start2, end2, end1 ! start1 is mass of inner edge where first goes > burn_min1 (or -20 if none such) ! start2 is mass of inner edge where first zone reaches burn_min2 erg/g/sec (or -20 if none such) ! end2 is mass of outer edge where first zone drops back below burn_min2 erg/g/s ! end1 is mass of outer edge where first zone ends (i.e. eps_nuc < burn_min1) ! similar for the second zone epsnuc_M_1 ! start1 for 1st zone epsnuc_M_2 ! start2 epsnuc_M_3 ! end2 epsnuc_M_4 ! end1 epsnuc_M_5 ! start1 for 2nd zone epsnuc_M_6 ! start2 epsnuc_M_7 ! end2 epsnuc_M_8 ! end1 ! you might want to get a more complete list of burning regions by using the following !burning_regions ! the is the number of regions to report ! there will be 2* columns for this in the log file, 2 for each region. ! the first column for a region gives int(sign(val)*log10(max(1,abs(val)))) ! where val = ergs/gm/sec nuclear energy minus all neutrino losses. ! the second column for a region gives the m/mstar location of the top of the region ! entries for extra columns after the last region in the star will have an invalid value of -9999 ! mstar is the total mass of the star, so these locations range from 0 to 1 ! all regions are include starting from the center, so the bottom of one region ! is the top of the previous one. since we start at the center, the bottom of the 1st region is 0. ! the columns in the log file will have names like 'burn_type_1' and 'burn_qtop_1' ! if the star has too many regions to report them all, ! the smallest regions will be merged with neighbors for reporting purposes only. ! information about abundance transitions h1_boundary_mass ! h1 boundary is first location going inward from surface ! with h1 abundance <= h1_boundary_limit h1_boundary_radius h1_boundary_lgT h1_boundary_lgRho h1_boundary_L !h1_boundary_v !h1_bdy_to_phot_sound_time ! (seconds) ! time for sound wave to reach photosphere from h1 boundary he4_boundary_mass ! he4 boundary is first location going inward from h1 boundary ! with he4 abundance <= he4_boundary_limit he4_boundary_radius he4_boundary_lgT he4_boundary_lgRho he4_boundary_L !he4_boundary_v !he4_bdy_to_phot_sound_time ! (seconds) ! time for sound wave to reach photosphere from he4 boundary !c12_boundary_mass ! c12 boundary is first location going inward from he4 boundary ! with c12 abundance <= c12_boundary_limit !c12_boundary_radius !c12_boundary_lgT !c12_boundary_lgRho c12_boundary_L !c12_boundary_v !c12_bdy_to_phot_sound_time ! (seconds) ! time for sound wave to reach photosphere from c12 boundary envelope_mass ! = star_mass - h1_boundary_mass envelope_fraction_left ! = envelope_mass / (initial_mass - h1_boundary_mass) ! info about locations where optical depth is 10 or 100 !tau10_mass ! mass in solar units where optical depth = 10 !tau10_radius ! radius in solar units where optical depth = 10 !tau10_lgP ! estimate for log10(P) at tau = 10 !tau10_lgT ! estimate for log10(T) at tau = 10 !tau10_lgRho ! estimate for log10(density) at tau = 10 !tau10_L ! estimate for L/Lsun at tau = 10 !tau100_mass ! location in solar units where optical depth = 100 !tau100_radius ! location in solar units where optical depth = 100 !tau100_lgP ! estimates for values at tau = 100 !tau100_lgT !tau100_lgRho !tau100_L ! timescales !dynamic_timescale ! dynamic timescale (seconds) -- estimated by 2*pi*sqrt(r^3/(G*m)) !kh_timescale ! kelvin-helmholtz timescale (years) !nuc_timescale ! nuclear timescale (years) -- proportional to mass divided by luminosity ! integrated power from hydrogen and helium burning !power_h_burn ! total thermal power from PP and CNO, excluding neutrinos (in Lsun units) !power_he_burn ! total thermal power from triple-alpha, excluding neutrinos (in Lsun units) log_LH ! log10 power_h_burn log_LHe ! log10 power_he_burn ! conditions near surface log_L ! log10 luminosity in Lsun units log_Lneu ! log10 neutrino luminosity in Lsun units log_Teff ! log10 effective temperature log_R ! log10 radius in Rsun units log_g ! log10 gravity log_L_div_Ledd ! log10(L/Leddington) ! conditions near center log_center_T ! temperature log_center_Rho ! density log_center_P ! pressure !center_degeneracy ! the electron chemical potential in units of k*T !center_gamma ! plasma interaction parameter center_ye ! kipp info mixing_regions 40 burning_regions 80 ! mass fractions near center center h1 center he4 center c12 center n14 center o16 center ne20 ! etc. -- do as many of these 'center' commands as desired ! mass fractions near surface !surface h1 !surface he4 surface c12 surface o16 ! etc. ! mass fractions for entire star !average h1 !average he4 ! etc. ! mass totals for entire star (in Msun units) total_mass h1 total_mass he4 ! etc. ! log10 mass totals for entire star (in Msun units) !log_total_mass h1 !log_total_mass he4 ! etc. ! log10 mass fractions for entire star !log_average h1 !log_average he4 ! etc. ! log10 central mass fractions !log_center h1 !log_center he4 ! etc. ! log10 total ergs/sec for reaction categories (Lsun units) pp cno tri_alfa !burn_c !burn_n !burn_o ! log10 total ergs/sec for specific reactions (names from rates_def; Lsun units) !rpp ! info about the max burning locations for hydrogen, helium, and metals ! info about location where have max rate of hydrogen burning (PP and CNO) !eps_h_max ! erg/g/s !eps_h_max_lgT ! log10 temperature at location of max burn !eps_h_max_lgRho ! log10 density at location of max burn !eps_h_max_m ! mass coordinate at location of max burn (Msun units) !eps_h_max_lgP ! log10 pressure at location of max burn !eps_h_max_lgR ! log10 radius at location of max burn !eps_h_max_opacity ! opacity at location of max burn ! info about location where have max rate of helium burning ! triple-alpha plus alpha capture on C12, N14, O16, and Ne20. !eps_he_max ! erg/g/s !eps_he_max_lgT ! log10 temperature at location of max burn !eps_he_max_lgRho ! log10 density at location of max burn !eps_he_max_m ! mass coordinate at location of max burn (Msun units) !eps_he_max_lgP ! log10 pressure at location of max burn !eps_he_max_lgR ! log10 radius at location of max burn !eps_he_max_opacity ! opacity at location of max burn ! info about location where have max rate of burning of metals ! alpha capture on heavy elements plus C+C, C+O, O+O, etc. !eps_z_max ! erg/g/s !eps_z_max_lgT ! log10 temperature at location of max burn !eps_z_max_lgRho ! log10 density at location of max burn !eps_z_max_m ! mass coordinate at location of max burn (Msun units) !eps_z_max_lgP ! log10 pressure at location of max burn !eps_z_max_lgR ! log10 radius at location of max burn !eps_z_max_opacity ! opacity at location of max burn ! info at a specified mass coordinate (given by trace_mass_location) !trace_mass_location !trace_mass_radius !trace_mass_lgT !trace_mass_lgRho !trace_mass_L !trace_mass_v ! misc v_div_csound_surf ! velocity divided by sound speed at outermost grid point !surface_accel_div_grav ! (v - v_old)/dt divided by GM/R^2 at outermost grid point num_retries ! total during the run num_backups ! total during the run !max_conv_vel_div_csound !h1_czb_mass ! location (in Msun units) of base of 1st convection zone above h1_boundary_mass !surf_c12_minus_o16 ! this is useful for seeing effects of dredge up on AGB !surf_num_c12_div_num_o16 ! ratio of number fractions. > 1 for "carbon star".