! inlist_project ! contains the parameters controlling this job ! for the sake of future readers of this (yourself included), ! ONLY include the controls you are actually using. ! DO NOT include all of the other controls that ! simply have their default values. &star_job create_pre_main_sequence_model = .true. change_net = .true. ! switch nuclear reaction network new_net_name = 'o18_and_ne22.net' / !end of star_job &controls ! starting specifications initial_mass = 3 ! in Msun units initial_Z = 0 initial_Y = 0.25 ! mass gain or loss RGB_wind_scheme = 'Reimers' Reimers_wind_eta = 0.4 ! when to stop !xa_central_lower_limit_species(1) = 'h1' !xa_central_lower_limit(1) = 1d-5 ! stop when the center abundance by mass of h1 drops below this limit. / &pgstar ! top level controls !pause = .true. ! if true, the code waits for user to enter a RETURN on the command line ! main window MAIN_win_flag = .true. show_TRho_Profile_with_main = .true. show_HR_TRho_with_main = .true. ! if false, use aspect ratio > 1 MAIN_win_width = 8 MAIN_win_aspect_ratio = 1.2 ! aspect_ratio = height/width xaxis_by = 'by_mass' ! select xaxis for main window show_main_win_text_info = .true. ! xaxis limits -- to override system default selections !main_xmin = -12 !0.4 !main_xmax = 0.5 logxq_cutoff = -12.1 ! min value when using logxm for xaxis !main_logL_max = 7 !main_logL_min = 0 ! control for plot showing abundances log_mass_frac_ymax = 0.7 ! making this > 0 helps readability log_mass_frac_ymin = -7.5 num_abundance_line_labels = 5 log_abund_vary = 0.1 ! don't show species if it would vary by < this in plot ! file output !MAIN_file_flag = .true. MAIN_file_dir = 'png' MAIN_file_prefix = 'main' MAIN_file_cnt = 2 ! output when mod(model_number,main_file_cnt)==0 ! TRho Profile window -- current model in T-Rho plane TRho_Profile_win_flag = .false. TRho_Profile_win_width = 7.5 TRho_Profile_win_aspect_ratio = 0.618 ! aspect_ratio = height/width show_TRho_Profile_text_info = .false. show_TRho_Profile_legend = .true. show_HR_TRho_with_TRho_Profile = .false. show_TRho_Profile_burn_labels = .true. TRho_Profile_show_logQ_limit = .true. !show_TRho_Profile_cross_hair = .true. show_TRho_Profile_mass_locs = .false. show_TRho_Profile_kap_regions = .false. show_TRho_Profile_eos_regions = .true. show_TRho_Profile_degeneracy_line = .true. show_TRho_Profile_Pgas_Prad_line = .true. show_TRho_Profile_burn_lines = .true. !show_TRho_Profile_annotation1 = .true. !show_TRho_Profile_annotation2 = .true. !show_TRho_Profile_annotation3 = .true. ! axis limits TRho_Profile_xmin = -10 TRho_Profile_xmax = 10 TRho_Profile_ymin = 3.0 TRho_Profile_ymax = 10 ! file output !TRho_Profile_file_flag = .true. TRho_Profile_file_dir = 'png' TRho_Profile_file_prefix = 'trho_profile' TRho_Profile_file_cnt = 2 ! output when mod(model_number,TRho_Profile_file_cnt)==0 ! Profile window Profile_win_flag = .false. Profile_win_width = 7.5 Profile_win_aspect_ratio = 0.618 ! aspect_ratio = height/width show_Profile_legend = .false. Profile_legend_coord = 0.65 Profile_legend_fjust = 0.0 Profile_legend_disp1 = -7.5 Profile_legend_del_disp = -1.5 Profile_show_mass_locs = .false. Profile_show_decorated_line = .false. show_HR_TRho_with_Profile = .false. show_Profile_text_info = .false. Profile_text_info_xfac = 0.78 ! controls x location Profile_text_info_dxfac = 0.02 ! controls x spacing to value from text Profile_text_info_yfac = 0.95 ! controls y location of 1st line Profile_text_info_dyfac = -0.04 ! controls line spacing show_Profile_cross_hair = .false. show_Profile_annotation1 = .false. show_Profile_annotation2 = .false. show_Profile_annotation3 = .false. ! axis choices ! to get a list of axis identifiers, edit your star_job controls ! to set show_profile_column_numbers = .true. ! you can use any identifier for x or y Profile_xaxis_name = 'logxm' Profile_xaxis_reversed = .true. Profile_xmin = -12 ! only used if > -100 !Profile_xmax = 1.2 !-101 ! only used if > -100 Profile_yaxis_name = 'entropy' !'grada' Profile_yaxis_reversed = .false. Profile_ymin = -111 !5.4 ! only used if > -100 Profile_ymax = -111 !8.6 ! only used if > -100 Profile_dymin = 0.025 Profile_other_yaxis_name = 'logL' Profile_other_yaxis_reversed = .false. Profile_other_ymin = -101 ! only used if > -100 Profile_other_ymax = -101 ! only used if > -100 ! file output !Profile_file_flag = .true. Profile_file_dir = 'png' Profile_file_prefix = 'profile' Profile_file_cnt = 5 ! output when mod(model_number,Profile_file_cnt)==0 ! Convection window -- history of convection and more. CONV_win_flag = .false. CONV_win_width = 9 CONV_win_aspect_ratio = 0.62 ! aspect_ratio = height/width ! axis limits CONV_xmax = -1 ! step number. negative means use default. CONV_xmin = -1 ! step number. negative means use default. CONV_max_width = 0 ! only used if > 0. causes xmin to move with xmax. CONV_mmax = 1.00007 !-1 ! (Msun units) negative means use start initial mass CONV_mmin = 1 !0 ! (Msun units) CONV_lgLmax = -101 ! only used if > -100; (L in Lsun units) CONV_lgLmin = -2 ! only used if > -100; (L in Lsun units) CONV_show_burn = .true. CONV_show_mixing = .true. CONV_show_log_radius = .true. CONV_show_luminosities = .true. CONV_show_mass_boundaries = .true. show_CONV_annotation1 = .false. show_CONV_annotation2 = .false. show_CONV_annotation3 = .false. ! file output CONV_file_flag = .false. CONV_file_dir = 'pgstar_out' CONV_file_prefix = 'conv' CONV_file_cnt = 5 ! output when mod(model_number,CONV_file_cnt)==0 CONV_file_width = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window CONV_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window ! Surface History window Surf_Hist_win_flag = .false. Surf_Hist_win_width = 6.5 Surf_Hist_win_aspect_ratio = 1.2 ! aspect_ratio = height/width ! axis limits Surf_Hist_xmax = -1 ! step number. negative means use default. Surf_Hist_xmin = -1 ! step number. negative means use default. Surf_Hist_max_width = 0 ! only used if > 0. causes xmin to move with xmax. ! abundance limits Surf_Hist_mass_frac_min = 0 Surf_Hist_mass_frac_max = 1.1 ! > 0 helps legibility show_Surf_Hist_annotation1 = .false. show_Surf_Hist_annotation2 = .false. show_Surf_Hist_annotation3 = .false. ! file output Surf_Hist_file_flag = .false. Surf_Hist_file_dir = 'pgstar_out' Surf_Hist_file_prefix = 'conv' Surf_Hist_file_cnt = 5 ! output when mod(model_number,Surf_Hist_file_cnt)==0 Surf_Hist_file_width = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window Surf_Hist_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window ! Power window Power_win_flag = .false. Power_win_width = 8.5 Power_win_aspect_ratio = 0.618 ! aspect_ratio = height/width Power_xaxis_by = 'by_mass' ! select xaxis ! power xaxis limits -- to override system default selections Power_xmin = -101 ! only used if > -100 Power_xmax = -101 ! only used if > -100 ! power yaxis limits -- to override system default selections Power_ymin = -101 ! only used if > -100 Power_ymax = -101 ! only used if > -100 show_Power_cross_hair = .false. ! file output Power_file_flag = .false. Power_file_dir = 'pgstar_out' Power_file_prefix = 'power' Power_file_cnt = 5 ! output when mod(model_number,Power_file_cnt)==0 Power_file_width = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window Power_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window ! Abundance window Abundance_win_flag = .false. Abundance_win_width = 8.5 Abundance_win_aspect_ratio = 0.618 ! aspect_ratio = height/width Abundance_xaxis_by = 6 ! select xaxis ! 1 = by_mass ! 2 = by_grid ! 3 = by_radius ! 4 = by_logR ! 5 = by_logP ! 6 = by_logxm ! power xaxis limits -- to override system default selections Abundance_xmin = -101 ! only used if > -100 Abundance_xmax = -101 ! only used if > -100 ! power yaxis limits -- to override system default selections Abundance_log_mass_frac_min = 1 ! only used if < 0 Abundance_log_mass_frac_max = 1 ! only used if < 0 show_Abundance_cross_hair = .false. ! file output Abundance_file_flag = .false. Abundance_file_dir = 'pgstar_out' Abundance_file_prefix = 'abund' Abundance_file_cnt = 5 ! output when mod(model_number,Abundance_file_cnt)==0 Abundance_file_width = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window Abundance_file_aspect_ratio = -1 ! negative means use same value as for window / ! end of pgstar namelist