! this file is for setting control parameters for running mppnp ! (copied from the mesa/star inlist file created by Bill Paxton, thanks Bill!) ! please go to the bottom of this file to learn how the namelists work ! for detailed documentaion see ../DOC/mppnp-chapter.pdf and of course the code &ppn_frame iabuini = 10 ! initialisation iolevel = 1 ! how much output do you want, >4 is for debugging ini_file_name = "iniab1.0E-02GN93.ppn" ! considered if iabuini=10, ! path relative to ../USEEPP t9threshold = 0.008 ythreshold = 1.d-99 modstart = 1 ! start model for post-processing modstop = 80000 igrid = 2 ! set grid option dxm = 1.d-2 ! grid size for static grid xmrmin = 0. ! min mass coordinate for pp xmrmax = 20.0 ! max mass coordinate code_source = 'MES' ! which stellar code was used ? datdir = 'cadc/data-team/Set1_extension/set1.1/see_wind/M20.0Z1.0e-02/M20.0Z1.0e-02' prefix = 'M20.0Z1.0e-02' !M3.00Z0.010' trestart = 1.5 ! write restart file every trestart hours tstop = 5000. ! stop the program after tstop hours nprno = 20 ! cycle interval for standard output nprnr = 500 ! cycle interval for restart outpu ioutc = 1000 ! number of output cycles per h5 restart file zisgf = 'prot ', 'he 4', 'c 12', 'c 13' ! up to 20 AMR refine species / ! *** end of namelist ! the parameter values are given as fortran95 "namelists" ! here's a brief summary of how things work with namelists. ! each line in a namelist is of the form name = value ! comment ! each name must be declared as a control in the program, ! but you don't need to include all of the controls in the list. ! and the order of the list doesn't matter. ! blank lines and comment lines can be freely included in the list. ! blanks at the start of a line containing a name-value pair are okay too. ! all of the controls are given reasonable default values at initialization. ! so you only need to set the ones that you actually want to change ! if you don't want to change a control, but you do want to keep in the list, ! either comment out the line, or leave the value field blank. ! fortran supports structured values in namelists (arrays and derived types), ! but for simplicity, we only use basic types (integers, doubles, logicals, strings). ! values are given using the usual fortran syntax. ! for example, character string values are enclosed in quotes ! ****** REMINDER ****** ! A '/' character terminates the namelist. ! So, do not use '/' outside of comments or strings. ! In particular, don't write something like 1d0/3d0 as a value.