! this file is for setting control parameters for running mppnp ! (copied from the mesa/star inlist file created by Bill Paxton, thanks Bill!) ! please go to the bottom of this file to learn how the namelists work ! for detailed documentaion see ../DOC/mppnp-chapter.pdf and of course the code &ppn_mixburn !simple network ! zismb='PROT ','HE 4','C 12','C 13','N 13','N 14','O 15','N 15' !zismb='PROT ','C 12','N 13' !zismb='PROT ','HE 4','C 12','C 13','N 13','N 14','O 15','N 15' mixburnregion = 2 !for all conv. envelope !full network relevant for HBB incl cameron-fowler mechanism ! 47 isotopes zismb='NEUT ','PROT ','H 2','HE 3','HE 4','BE 7','LI 6','LI 7','BE 8','B 8', 'C 12','C 13','N 13','N 14','O 15', 'N 15','O 16','O 17','O 18','F 17','F 18','F 19','NE 20', 'NA 21','NE 21','NA 22','NE 22','NA 23','MG 24','AL 25','MG 25','AL 26','MG 26', 'SI 27','AL 27','SI 28', 'SI 29','SI 30','P 31','S 32','S 33' ,'S 34','S 35','S 36','CL 35','CL 36','CL 37' / ! *** end of namelist ! the parameter values are given as fortran95 "namelists" ! here's a brief summary of how things work with namelists. ! each line in a namelist is of the form name = value ! comment ! each name must be declared as a control in the program, ! but you don't need to include all of the controls in the list. ! and the order of the list doesn't matter. ! blank lines and comment lines can be freely included in the list. ! blanks at the start of a line containing a name-value pair are okay too. ! all of the controls are given reasonable default values at initialization. ! so you only need to set the ones that you actually want to change ! if you don't want to change a control, but you do want to keep in the list, ! either comment out the line, or leave the value field blank. ! fortran supports structured values in namelists (arrays and derived types), ! but for simplicity, we only use basic types (integers, doubles, logicals, strings). ! values are given using the usual fortran syntax. ! for example, character string values are enclosed in quotes ! ****** REMINDER ****** ! A '/' character terminates the namelist. ! So, do not use '/' outside of comments or strings. ! In particular, don't write something like 1d0/3d0 as a value.