''' Superclass to extract yield data from tables and from mppnp simulations Christian Ritter 11/2013 Two classes: One for reading and extracting of NuGrid table data, the other one for SN1a data. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import os color=['r','k','b','g'] marker_type=['o','p','s','D'] line_style=['--','-','-.',':'] #global notebookmode notebookmode=False #class read_yields(): # # def __init__(self,nugridtable='element_yield_table.txt',sn1a_table='sn1a_ivo12_stable_z.txt'): # # self.sn1a_table=sn1a_table # self.nugridtable=nugridtable ,... class read_nugrid_parameter(): def __init__(self,nugridtable): ''' dir : specifing the filename of the table file ''' table=nugridtable import os if '/' in table: self.label=table.split('/')[-1] else: self.label=table self.path=table file1=open(nugridtable) lines=file1.readlines() file1.close() header1=[] table_header=[] yield_data=[] header_done=False ignore=False col_attrs_data=[] ######read through all lines for line in lines: if 'H' in line[0]: if not 'Table' in line: if header_done==False: header1.append(line.strip()) else: table_header[-1].append(line.strip()) else: ignore=False #print line,'ignore',ignore if ignore==True: header_done=True continue table_header.append([]) table_header[-1].append(line.strip()) yield_data.append([]) #lum_bands.append([]) #m_final.append([]) col_attrs_data.append([]) col_attrs_data[-1].append(line.strip()) header_done=True continue if ignore==True: continue if header_done==True: #col_attrs_data.append([]) col_attrs_data[-1].append(float(line.split(':')[1])) continue if ignore==True: continue if '&Age' in line: title_line=line.split('&')[1:] column_titles=[] for t in title_line: yield_data[-1].append([]) column_titles.append(t.strip()) #print column_titles continue #iso ,name and yields iso_name=line.split('&')[1].strip() #print line #print line.split('&') yield_data[-1][0].append(float(line.split('&')[1].strip())) #if len(isotopes)>0: # if not iso_name in isotopes: #else: yield_data[-1][1].append(float(line.split('&')[2].strip())) # for additional data for t in range(2,len(yield_data[-1])): yield_data[-1][t].append(float(line.split('&')[t+1].strip())) #choose only isotoopes and right order ######reading finished #In [43]: tablesN.col_attrs #Out[43]: ['Isotopes', 'Yields', 'X0', 'Z', 'A'] self.yield_data=yield_data #table header points to element in yield_data self.table_idx={} i=0 self.col_attrs=[] self.table_mz=[] self.metallicities=[] #self.col_attrs=table_header #go through all MZ pairs for table1 in table_header: #go through col_attrs for k in range(len(table1)): table1[k]=table1[k][2:] if 'Table' in table1[k]: self.table_idx[table1[k].split(':')[1].strip()]=i tablename=table1[k].split(':')[1].strip() self.table_mz.append(tablename) metal=tablename.split(',')[1].split('=')[1][:-1] if float(metal) not in self.metallicities: self.metallicities.append(float(metal)) if table1 ==table_header[0]: if 'Table' in table1[k]: table1[k] = 'Table (M,Z):' self.col_attrs.append(table1[k].split(':')[0].strip()) i+=1 #define header self.header_attrs={} #print 'header1: ',header1 for h in header1: self.header_attrs[h.split(':')[0][1:].strip()]=h.split(':')[1].strip() self.data_cols=column_titles #previous data_attrs #self.kin_e=kin_e #self.lum_bands=lum_bands #self.m_final=m_final self.col_attrs_data=col_attrs_data def get(self,M=0,Z=-1,quantity=''): ''' Allows to extract table data in 2 Modes: 1) For extracting of table data for star of mass M and metallicity Z. Returns either table attributes, given by yield.col_attrs or table columns, given by yield.data_cols. 2) For extraction of a table attribute from all available tables. Can be directly used in the following way: get(tableattribute) M: Stellar mass in Msun Z: Stellar metallicity (e.g. solar: 0.02) quantity: table attribute or data column/data_cols ''' all_tattrs=False if Z ==-1: if M ==0 and len(quantity)>0: quantity1=quantity all_tattrs=True elif (M in self.col_attrs) and quantity == '': quantity1=M all_tattrs=True else: print 'Error: Wrong input' return 0 quantity=quantity1 if (all_tattrs==False) and (not M ==0): inp='(M='+str(float(M))+',Z='+str(float(Z))+')' idx=self.table_idx[inp] if quantity in self.col_attrs: if all_tattrs==False: data=self.col_attrs_data[idx][self.col_attrs.index(quantity)] return data else: data=[] for k in range(len(self.table_idx)): data.append(self.col_attrs_data[k][self.col_attrs.index(quantity)]) return data if quantity=='masses': data_tables=self.table_mz masses=[] for table in data_tables: if str(float(Z)) in table: masses.append(float(table.split(',')[0].split('=')[1])) return masses else: data=self.yield_data[idx] idx_col=self.data_cols.index(quantity) set1=data[idx_col] return set1 class read_nugrid_yields(): def __init__(self,nugridtable,isotopes=[],excludemass=[]): ''' dir : specifing the filename of the table file ''' table=nugridtable import os if '/' in table: self.label=table.split('/')[-1] else: self.label=table self.path=table if notebookmode==True: os.system('sudo python cp.py '+nugridtable) file1=open('tmp/'+nugridtable) lines=file1.readlines() file1.close() os.system('sudo python delete.py '+nugridtable) else: file1=open(nugridtable) lines=file1.readlines() file1.close() header1=[] table_header=[] age=[] yield_data=[] #kin_e=[] #lum_bands=[] #m_final=[] header_done=False ignore=False col_attrs_data=[] ######read through all lines for line in lines: if 'H' in line[0]: if not 'Table' in line: if header_done==False: header1.append(line.strip()) else: table_header[-1].append(line.strip()) else: ignore=False for kk in range(len(excludemass)): if float(excludemass[kk]) == float(line.split(',')[0].split('=')[1]): ignore=True #print 'ignore',float(line.split(',')[0].split('=')[1]) break #print line,'ignore',ignore if ignore==True: header_done=True continue table_header.append([]) table_header[-1].append(line.strip()) yield_data.append([]) #lum_bands.append([]) #m_final.append([]) col_attrs_data.append([]) col_attrs_data[-1].append(line.strip()) header_done=True continue if ignore==True: continue if header_done==True: #col_attrs_data.append([]) col_attrs_data[-1].append(float(line.split(':')[1])) #age is special col_attrs, used in chem_evol.py if 'Lifetime' in line: age.append(float(line.split(':')[1])) ''' if 'kinetic energy' in line: kin_e.append(float(line.split(':')[1])) if 'band' in line: lum_bands[-1].append(float(line.split(':')[1])) if 'Mfinal' in line: m_final[-1].append(float(line.split(':')[1])) ''' continue if ignore==True: continue if '&Isotopes &Yields' in line or '&Elements &Yields' in line: title_line=line.split('&')[1:] column_titles=[] for t in title_line: yield_data[-1].append([]) column_titles.append(t.strip()) #print column_titles continue #iso ,name and yields iso_name=line.split('&')[1].strip() #print line #print line.split('&') yield_data[-1][0].append(line.split('&')[1].strip()) #if len(isotopes)>0: # if not iso_name in isotopes: #else: yield_data[-1][1].append(float(line.split('&')[2].strip())) # for additional data for t in range(2,len(yield_data[-1])): if column_titles[t] == 'A' or column_titles[t] =='Z': yield_data[-1][t].append(int(line.split('&')[t+1].strip())) else: yield_data[-1][t].append(float(line.split('&')[t+1].strip())) #choose only isotoopes and right order ######reading finished #In [43]: tablesN.col_attrs #Out[43]: ['Isotopes', 'Yields', 'X0', 'Z', 'A'] if len(isotopes)>0: #print 'correct for isotopes' data_new=[] for k in range(len(yield_data)): #print 'k' data_new.append([]) #print 'len',len(yield_data[k]) #print ([[]]*len(yield_data[k]))[0] for h in range(len(yield_data[k])): data_new[-1].append([]) #print 'testaa',data_new[-1] data_all=yield_data[k] for iso_name in isotopes: if iso_name in data_all[0]: #print 'test',data_all[1][data_all[0].index(iso_name)] for hh in range(1,len(data_all)): data_new[-1][hh].append(data_all[hh][data_all[0].index(iso_name)]) #data_new[-1][1].append(data_all[2][data_all[0].index(iso_name)]) #data_new[-1][1].append(data_all[2][data_all[0].index(iso_name)]) else: for hh in range(1,len(data_all)): data_new[-1][hh].append(0) #data_new[-1][1].append(0) #print 'GRID exclude',iso_name data_new[-1][0].append(iso_name) #print 'new list' #print data_new[0][0] #print data_new[0][1] yield_data=data_new self.yield_data=yield_data #table header points to element in yield_data self.table_idx={} i=0 self.col_attrs=[] self.table_mz=[] self.metallicities=[] #self.col_attrs=table_header #go through all MZ pairs for table1 in table_header: #go through col_attrs for k in range(len(table1)): table1[k]=table1[k][2:] if 'Table' in table1[k]: self.table_idx[table1[k].split(':')[1].strip()]=i tablename=table1[k].split(':')[1].strip() self.table_mz.append(tablename) metal=tablename.split(',')[1].split('=')[1][:-1] if float(metal) not in self.metallicities: self.metallicities.append(float(metal)) if table1 ==table_header[0]: if 'Table' in table1[k]: table1[k] = 'Table (M,Z):' self.col_attrs.append(table1[k].split(':')[0].strip()) #col_attrs_data #table1.split(':')[1].strip() i+=1 #define header self.header_attrs={} #print 'header1: ',header1 for h in header1: self.header_attrs[h.split(':')[0][1:].strip()]=h.split(':')[1].strip() self.data_cols=column_titles #previous data_attrs self.age=age #self.kin_e=kin_e #self.lum_bands=lum_bands #self.m_final=m_final self.col_attrs_data=col_attrs_data def set(self,M=0,Z=-1,specie='',value=0): ''' Replace the values in column 3 which are usually the yields with value. Use in combination with the write routine to write out modification into new file. M: initial mass to be modified Z: initial Z to specie: quantity (e.g. yield) of specie will be modified ''' inp='(M='+str(float(M))+',Z='+str(float(Z))+')' idx=self.table_idx[inp] data=self.yield_data[idx] idx_col=self.data_cols.index('Yields') set1=self.yield_data[idx][idx_col] specie_all= data[0] for k in range(len(set1)): if specie == specie_all[k]: #return set1[k] self.yield_data[idx][idx_col][k] = value def write_table(self,filename='isotope_yield_table_mod.txt'): ''' Allows to write out table in NuGrid yield table format. Note that method has to be generalized for all tables and lines about NuGrid removed. fname: Table name needs ascii_table.py from NuGrid python tools ''' #part of the NuGrid python tools import ascii_table as ascii1 import getpass user=getpass.getuser() import time date=time.strftime("%d %b %Y", time.localtime()) tables=self.table_mz #write header attrs f=open(filename,'w') self.header_attrs out='' l='H NuGrid yields Set1: '+self.header_attrs['NuGrid yields Set1']+'\n' out = out +l l='H Data prepared by: '+user+'\n' out=out +l l='H Data prepared date: '+date+'\n' out=out +l l='H Isotopes: '+ self.header_attrs['Isotopes'] +'\n' out = out +l l='H Number of metallicities: '+self.header_attrs['Number of metallicities']+'\n' out = out +l l='H Units: ' + self.header_attrs['Units'] + '\n' out = out + l f.write(out) f.close() for k in range(len(tables)): print 'Write table ',tables[k] mass=float(self.table_mz[k].split(',')[0].split('=')[1]) metallicity=float(self.table_mz[k].split(',')[1].split('=')[1][:-1]) data=self.yield_data[k] #search data_cols idx_y=self.data_cols.index('Yields') yields=data[idx_y] idx_x0=self.data_cols.index('X0') mass_frac_ini=data[idx_x0] idx_specie=self.data_cols.index(self.data_cols[0]) species=data[idx_specie] #over col attrs, first is MZ pair which will be skipped, see special_header attr_lines=[] for h in range(1,len(self.col_attrs)): attr=self.col_attrs[h] idx=self.col_attrs.index(attr) # over MZ pairs attr_data=self.col_attrs_data[k][idx] line=attr+': '+'{:.3E}'.format(attr_data) attr_lines.append(line) special_header='Table: (M='+str(mass)+',Z='+str(metallicity)+')' dcols=[self.data_cols[0],'Yields','X0'] data=[species,list(yields),mass_frac_ini] headers=[special_header]+attr_lines ascii1.writeGCE_table(filename=filename,headers=headers,data=data,dcols=dcols) ''' #add ages #time=self.age[k] time=[] idx=self.col_attrs.index('Lifetime') for k in range(len(self.table_mz)): time.append(col_attrs_data[k][idx]) f1=open(filename,'r') lines=f1.readlines() f1.close() i=-1 line1='' while (True): i+=1 if i>len(lines)-1: break line=lines[i] line1+=lines[i] if tables[k] in lines[i]: line1+=('H Lifetime: '+'{:.3E}'.format(time)+'\n') f1=open(filename,'w') f1.write(line1) f1.close() ''' def get(self,M=0,Z=-1,quantity='',specie=''): ''' Allows to extract table data in 2 Modes: 1) For extracting of table data for star of mass M and metallicity Z. Returns either table attributes, given by yield.col_attrs or table columns, given by yield.data_cols. 2) For extraction of a table attribute from all available tables. Can be directly used in the following way: get(tableattribute) M: Stellar mass in Msun Z: Stellar metallicity (e.g. solar: 0.02) quantity: table attribute or data column/data_cols specie: optional, return certain specie (e.g. 'H-1') ''' #scale down to Z=0.00001 #print 'get yields ',Z if float(Z) == 0.00001: #scale abundance if quantity=='Yields': return self.get_scaled_Z(M=M,Z=Z,quantity=quantity,specie=specie) #Take all other parameter from Z=0.0001 case else: Z=0.0001 all_tattrs=False if Z ==-1: if M ==0 and len(quantity)>0: quantity1=quantity all_tattrs=True elif (M in self.col_attrs) and quantity == '': quantity1=M all_tattrs=True else: print 'Error: Wrong input' return 0 quantity=quantity1 if (all_tattrs==False) and (not M ==0): inp='(M='+str(float(M))+',Z='+str(float(Z))+')' idx=self.table_idx[inp] #print 'len tableidx:',len(self.table_idx) #print 'len age',len(self.age) ''' if quantity=='Lifetime': if all_tattrs==True: data=self.age else: data=self.age[idx] return data if quantity =='Total kinetic energy': if all_tattrs==True: data=self.kin_e else: data=self.kin_e[idx] return data if quantity == 'Lyman-Werner band': if all_tattrs==True: data=[list(i) for i in zip(*self.lum_bands)][0] else: data=self.lum_bands[idx][0] return data if quantity== 'Hydrogen-ionizing band': if all_tattrs==True: data=[list(i) for i in zip(*self.lum_bands)][1] else: data=self.lum_bands[idx][1] return data if quantity == 'High-energy band': if all_tattrs==True: data=[list(i) for i in zip(*self.lum_bands)][2] else: data=self.lum_bands[idx][2] return data if quantity == 'Mfinal': if all_tattrs==True: data=self.m_final else: data=self.m_final[idx][0] return data if quantity== 'Table (M,Z)': if all_tattrs==True: data=self.table_mz else: data=self.table_mz[idx] return data ''' if quantity in self.col_attrs: if all_tattrs==False: data=self.col_attrs_data[idx][self.col_attrs.index(quantity)] return data else: data=[] for k in range(len(self.table_idx)): data.append(self.col_attrs_data[k][self.col_attrs.index(quantity)]) return data if quantity=='masses': data_tables=self.table_mz masses=[] for table in data_tables: if str(float(Z)) in table: masses.append(float(table.split(',')[0].split('=')[1])) return masses else: data=self.yield_data[idx] if specie=='': idx_col=self.data_cols.index(quantity) set1=data[idx_col] return set1 else: idx_col=self.data_cols.index('Yields') set1=data[idx_col] specie_all= data[0] for k in range(len(set1)): if specie == specie_all[k]: #bug was here return set1[k] def get_scaled_Z(self,table, table_yields,iniabu,iniabu_scale,M=0,Z=0,quantity='Yields',specie=''): ''' Scaled down yields of isotopes 'He','C', 'O', 'Mg', 'Ca', 'Ti', 'Fe', 'Co','Zn','H','N' down to Z=1e-5 and Z=1e-6 (for Brian). The rest is set to zero. ''' #print '####################################' #print 'Enter routine get_scaled_Z' elem_prim=['He','C', 'O', 'Mg', 'Ca', 'Ti', 'Fe', 'Co','Zn','H'] elem_sec=['N'] ##Scale down import utils as u import re #table=ry.read_nugrid_yields('yield_tables/prodfac_iso_table.txt') #table_yields=ry.read_nugrid_yields('yield_tables/isotope_yield_table.txt') #iniabu=u.iniabu('yield_tables/iniabu/iniab1.0E-05GN93_alpha.ppn') #iniabu_scale=u.iniabu('yield_tables/iniabu/iniab1.0E-04GN93_alpha.ppn') iniiso=[] iniabu_massfrac=[] for k in range(len(iniabu.habu)): iso=iniabu.habu.keys()[k] iniiso.append(re.split('(\d+)',iso)[0].strip().capitalize()+'-'+re.split('(\d+)',iso)[1]) iniabu_massfrac.append(iniabu.habu.values()[k]) #iniabu_scale=u.iniabu('yield_tables/iniabu/iniab1.0E-04GN93_alpha.ppn') iniiso_scale=[] iniabu_scale_massfrac=[] for k in range(len(iniabu_scale.habu)): iso=iniabu_scale.habu.keys()[k] iniiso_scale.append(re.split('(\d+)',iso)[0].strip().capitalize()+'-'+re.split('(\d+)',iso)[1]) iniabu_scale_massfrac.append(iniabu_scale.habu.values()[k]) grid_yields=[] grid_masses=[] isotope_names=[] origin_yields=[] for k in range(len(table.table_mz)): if 'Z=0.0001' in table.table_mz[k]: #print table.table_mz[k] mini=float(table.table_mz[k].split('=')[1].split(',')[0]) grid_masses.append(mini) #this is production factor (see file name) prodfac=table.get(M=mini,Z=0.0001,quantity='Yields') isotopes=table.get(M=mini,Z=0.0001,quantity='Isotopes') #this is yields yields=table_yields.get(M=mini,Z=0.0001,quantity='Yields') mtot_eject=sum(yields) origin_yields.append([]) #print 'tot eject',mtot_eject mout=[] sumnonh=0 isotope_names.append([]) for h in range(len(isotopes)): if not (isotopes[h].split('-')[0] in (elem_prim+elem_sec) ): #Isotopes/elements not considered/scaled are set to 0 #mout.append(0) #isotope_names[-1].append(isotopes[h]) continue isotope_names[-1].append(isotopes[h]) idx=iniiso.index(isotopes[h]) inix=iniabu_massfrac[idx] idx=iniiso_scale.index(isotopes[h]) inix_scale=iniabu_scale_massfrac[idx] prodf=prodfac[isotopes.index(isotopes[h])] origin_yields[-1].append(yields[isotopes.index(isotopes[h])]) if isotopes[h].split('-')[0] in elem_prim: #primary mout1=(prodf-1.)*(inix_scale*mtot_eject) + (inix*mtot_eject) #check if amount destroyed was more than it was initial there if mout1<0: #print 'Problem with ',isotopes[h] #print 'Was more destroyed than evailable' #Then only what was there can be destroyed mout1=0 #if isotopes[h] == 'C-13': # print 'inix',inix # print 'inixscale',inix_scale # print 'prodf',prodf # print (prodf)*(inix_scale*mtot_eject) # print (inix*mtot_eject) else: #secondary mout1=(prodf-1.)*(inix*mtot_eject) + (inix*mtot_eject) if (not isotopes[h]) == 'H-1' and (mout1>0): sumnonh+= (mout1 - (inix*mtot_eject)) mout.append(mout1) #for mass conservation, assume total mass lost is same as in case of Z=0.0001 idx_h=isotope_names[-1].index('H-1') mout[idx_h]-=sumnonh for k in range(len(mout)): mout[k] = float('{:.3E}'.format(mout[k])) grid_yields.append(mout) ####data idx=grid_masses.index(M) all_tattrs=False if specie=='': return grid_yields[idx] else: set1=data[idx] names=isotope_names[idx] for k in range(len(names)): if specie in names[k]: return set1[k] class read_yield_sn1a_tables(): def __init__(self,sn1a_table,isotopes=[]): ''' Read SN1a tables. Fills up missing isotope yields with zeros. If different Zs are available do ... ''' import re if notebookmode==True: os.system('sudo python cp.py '+sn1a_table) f1=open('tmp/'+sn1a_table) lines=f1.readlines() f1.close() os.system('sudo python delete.py '+sn1a_table) else: f1=open(sn1a_table) lines=f1.readlines() f1.close() iso=[] self.header=[] self.col_attrs=[] yields=[] metallicities=[] isotopes_avail=[] for line in lines: #for header if 'H' in line[0]: self.header.append(line) continue if ('Isotopes' in line) or ('Elements' in line): l=line.replace('\n','').split('&')[1:] self.col_attrs=l metallicities=l[1:] #print metallicities # metallicity dependent yields #if len(l)>2: #else: for k in l[1:]: yields.append([]) continue linesp=line.strip().split('&')[1:] iso.append(linesp[0].strip()) #print iso for k in range(1,len(linesp)): yields[k-1].append(float(linesp[k])) #if isotope list emtpy take all isotopes if len(isotopes)==0: isotopes=iso yields1=[] #fill up the missing isotope yields with zero for z in range(len(yields)): yields1.append([]) for iso1 in isotopes: #iso1=iso1.split('-')[1]+iso1.split('-')[0] #ison= iso1+((10-len(iso1))*' ') if iso1 in iso: yields1[-1].append(yields[z][iso.index(iso1)]) else: yields1[-1].append(0.) self.yields=yields1 self.metallicities=[] for m in metallicities: self.metallicities.append(float(m.split('=')[1])) #self.metallicities=metallicities #print yields1 self.isotopes=iso def get(self,Z=0,quantity='Yields',specie=''): ''' Allows to extract SN1a table data. If metallicity dependent yield tables were used, data is taken for the closest metallicity available to reach given Z quantity: if 'Yields' return yields if 'Isotopes' return all isotopes available ''' if quantity=='Yields': idx = (np.abs(np.array(self.metallicities)-Z)).argmin() yields=self.yields[idx] return np.array(yields) elif quantity=='Isotopes': return self.isotopes class read_yield_rawd_tables(): def __init__(self,rawd_table,isotopes): ''' Read RAWD tables. Fills up missing isotope yields with zeros. If different Zs are available do ... ''' import re if notebookmode==True: os.system('sudo python cp.py '+rawd_table) f1=open('tmp/'+rawd_table) lines=f1.readlines() f1.close() os.system('sudo python delete.py '+rawd_table) else: f1=open(rawd_table) lines=f1.readlines() f1.close() iso=[] self.header=[] self.col_attrs=[] yields=[] metallicities=[] for line in lines: #for header if 'H' in line[0]: self.header.append(line) continue if ('Isotopes' in line) or ('Elements' in line): l=line.replace('\n','').split('&')[1:] self.col_attrs=l metallicities=l[1:] #print metallicities # metallicity dependent yields #if len(l)>2: #else: for k in l[1:]: yields.append([]) continue linesp=line.strip().split('&')[1:] iso.append(linesp[0].strip()) #print iso for k in range(1,len(linesp)): yields[k-1].append(float(linesp[k])) yields1=[] #fill up the missing isotope yields with zero for z in range(len(yields)): yields1.append([]) for iso1 in isotopes: #iso1=iso1.split('-')[1]+iso1.split('-')[0] #ison= iso1+((10-len(iso1))*' ') if iso1 in iso: yields1[-1].append(yields[z][iso.index(iso1)]) else: yields1[-1].append(0.) self.yields=yields1 self.metallicities=[] for m in metallicities: self.metallicities.append(float(m.split('=')[1])) #self.metallicities=metallicities #print yields1 def get(self,Z=0,quantity='Yields',specie=''): ''' Allows to extract rawd table data. If metallicity dependent yield tables were used, data is taken for the closest metallicity available to reach given Z quantity: yields only possible atm ''' idx = (np.abs(np.array(self.metallicities)-Z)).argmin() yields=self.yields[idx] return np.array(yields) ''' Adapted from NuGrid Utility class ''' #import numpy as np #import scipy as sc #import ascii_table as att #from scipy import optimize #import matplotlib.pyplot as pl #import os class iniabu(): ''' This class in the utils package reads an abundance distribution file of the type iniab.dat. It then provides you with methods to change some abundances, modify, normalise and eventually write out the final distribution in a format that can be used as an initial abundance file for ppn. This class also contains a method to write initial abundance files for a MESA run, for a given MESA netowrk. ''' # clean variables that we will use in this class filename = '' def __init__(self,filename): ''' Init method will read file of type iniab.dat, as they are for example found in the frames/mppnp/USEPP directory. An instance of this class will have the following data arrays z charge number a mass number abu abundance names name of species habu a hash array of abundances, referenced by species name hindex hash index returning index of species from name E.g. if x is an instance then x.names[4] gives you the name of species 4, and x.habu['c 12'] gives you the abundance of C12, and x.hindex['c 12'] returns 4. Note, that you have to use the species names as they are provided in the iniabu.dat file. Example - generate modified input file ppn calculations: import utils p=utils.iniabu('iniab1.0E-02.ppn_asplund05') sp={} sp['h 1']=0.2 sp['c 12']=0.5 sp['o 16']=0.2 p.set_and_normalize(sp) p.write('p_ini.dat','header for this example') p.write_mesa allows you to write this NuGrid initial abundance file into a MESA readable initial abundance file. ''' f0=open(filename) sol=f0.readlines() f0.close # Now read in the whole file and create a hashed array: names=[] z=[] yps=np.zeros(len(sol)) mass_number=np.zeros(len(sol)) for i in range(len(sol)): z.append(int(sol[i][1:3])) names.extend([sol[i].split(" ")[0][4:]]) yps[i]=float(sol[i].split(" ")[1]) try: mass_number[i]=int(names[i][2:5]) except ValueError: #print "WARNING:" #print "This initial abundance file uses an element name that does" #print "not contain the mass number in the 3rd to 5th position." #print "It is assumed that this is the proton and we will change" #print "the name to 'h 1' to be consistent with the notation used" #print "in iniab.dat files" names[i]='h 1' mass_number[i]=int(names[i][2:5]) # now zip them together: hash_abu={} hash_index={} for a,b in zip(names,yps): hash_abu[a] = b for i in range(len(names)): hash_index[names[i]] = i self.z=z self.abu=yps self.a=mass_number self.names=names self.habu=hash_abu self.hindex=hash_index def iso_abundance(self,isos): ''' This routine returns the abundance of a specific isotope. Isotope given as, e.g., 'Si-28' or as list ['Si-28','Si-29','Si-30'] ''' if type(isos) == list: dumb = [] for it in range(len(isos)): dumb.append(isos[it].split('-')) ssratio = [] isos = dumb for it in range(len(isos)): ssratio.append(self.habu[isos[it][0].ljust(2).lower() + str(int(isos[it][1])).rjust(3)]) else: isos = isos.split('-') ssratio = self.habu[isos[0].ljust(2).lower() + str(int(isos[1])).rjust(3)] return ssratio def read_iniabu(filename,isotopes): import read_yields as ry if notebookmode==True: os.system('sudo python cp.py '+'iniabu/'+filename) iniabu_class=ry.iniabu('tmp/'+filename) iniabu= np.array(iniabu_class.iso_abundance(isotopes)) os.system('sudo python delete.py '+filename) else: iniabu_class=ry.iniabu(filename) iniabu= np.array(iniabu_class.iso_abundance(isotopes)) return iniabu def read_strip_param(filename): ''' To read Elses simulatin files ''' import read_yields as ry f1=open(filename) lines=f1.readlines() f1.close() info=['timebins','SFR','Mcool','Meject','Minfall','Mreinc','Mcoldgas','Mhotgas','Mejectedgas','Mstripej','Mstriphot','Mstripcold','Mstripstar'] data=[] for k in range(len(lines)): #to skip header if k <14: continue #to read column header if k==14: cheader=lines[k].split() idx=[] for h in info: idx.append(cheader.index(h)) data.append([]) continue #units line if k==15: continue line=lines[k].split() for i in range(len(idx)): data[i].append(float(line[idx[i]])) data_dict={} for k in range(len(data)): data_dict[info[k]]=data[k] return data_dict