# This script assumes that you are using python2.5, have all the essential libraries installed # and have the pyinstaller package. # The file organization should be as follows: # ->pyinstaller (dir) ->-> # ->db.py # ->this script # To run this script for the first time, run the following script after uncommenting the the following block of code # After you have run this once, you can recomment out the block and run it from there (if need be) #echo downloading from svn #svn co http://svn.pyinstaller.org/trunk pyinstaller #echo installing #python pyinstaller\source\linux\Make.py #cd pyinstaller\source\linux\ #make #cd .. #cd .. #cd .. # Do Not Comment Past Here echo configuring c:\python25\python.exe pyinstaller\Configure.py echo building spec file............. c:\python25\python.exe pyinstaller\Makespec.py -F h5Plot.py echo compiling to binary............. c:\python25\python.exe pyinstaller\Build.py h5Plot.spec echo done