# # NuGridpy - Tools for accessing and visualising NuGrid data. # # Copyright 2007 - 2014 by the NuGrid Team. # All rights reserved. See LICENSE. # """ data_plot.py SuperClass module for the YProfile and Table Classes. It contains numerous plot function for the YProfile and Table Classes. If one in the future wants their class to inherit this superclasses methods this is what is required: A. Place ``from data_table import *`` at the top of the module. B. If the class is defined like 'class MyClass:', change that to 'class MyClass(DataTable):' C. To properly use DataTable's methods properly one will need these methods: a get(atri) that returns a numpy array of Data, or a list of numpy arrays of data. The arguments of this function would need to be atri which is the name of the data one is looking for. """ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from builtins import zip from builtins import str from builtins import input from builtins import range from past.builtins import basestring from builtins import object from past.utils import old_div from numpy import * from math import * import matplotlib.pylab as pyl import matplotlib.pyplot as pl #from matplotlib.mpl import colors,cm # depreciated in mpl ver 1.3 # use line below instead from matplotlib import colors,cm import matplotlib from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, Arrow from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredOffsetbox, TextArea from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from matplotlib.ticker import * from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import os import threading import time import sys from . import astronomy as ast def _padding_model_number(number, max_num): ''' This method returns a zero-front padded string It makes out of str(45) -> '0045' if 999 < max_num < 10000. This is meant to work for reasonable integers (maybe less than 10^6). Parameters ---------- number : integer number that the string should represent. max_num : integer max number of cycle list, implies how many 0s have be padded ''' cnum = str(number) clen = len(cnum) cmax = int(log10(max_num)) + 1 return (cmax - clen)*'0' + cnum class DataPlot(object): _classTest_data = { 'ppm.yprofile': 'YProfile', 'ascii_table.ascii_table': 'AsciiTable', 'nugridse.se': 'se', 'mesa.mesa_profile': 'mesa_profile', 'mesa.star_log': 'mesa.star_log', 'mesa.history_data': 'mesa.star_log', 'ppn.xtime': 'xtime', 'ppn.abu_vector': 'PPN', 'starobs.plot': 'starobs', 'grain.gdb': 'grain', } def _classTest(self): ''' Determines what the type of class instance the subclass is, so we can dynamically determine the behaviour of methods. The data this method uses (_classTest_data) NEEDS to be modified if any names of files or classes are changed. TODO - The entire use of this class needs to be refactored to use derived classes instead. ''' c = '.'.join(str(self.__class__)[:-2].rsplit('.', 2)[-2:]) return self._classTest_data.get(c, '') def _which(self, program): ''' Mimics which in the unix shell. ''' def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.exists(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None def _logarithm(self, tmpX, tmpY, logX, logY, base): logXER=False logYER=False for i in range(len(tmpX)): if tmpX[i]<=0. and logX: #print 'We can not log a number less than or equal to zero' #print 'Attempting to remove incompatible values from X' logXER=True if tmpY[i]<=0. and logY: #print 'We can not log a number less than or equal to zero' #print 'Attempting to remove incompatible values from Y' logYER=True tmX=[] tmY=[] if logXER: for i in range(len(tmpX)): if tmpX[i]>0.: tmX.append( tmpX[i]) tmY.append(tmpY[i]) tmpX=tmX tmpY=tmY elif logYER: for i in range(len(tmpY)): if tmpY[i]>0.: tmX.append( tmpX[i]) tmY.append(tmpY[i]) tmpX=tmX tmpY=tmY tmX=tmpX tmY=tmpY if logX: tmX=tmpX try: for i in range(len(tmpX)): tmX[i]=log(tmpX[i],base) except ValueError: #print 'We can not log a number less than or equal to zero' #print 'Attempting to remove incompatible values from X' logXER=True if logY: tmY=tmpY try: for i in range(len(tmpY)): tmY[i]=log(tmpY[i],base) except ValueError: #print 'We can not log a number less than or equal to zero' #print 'Attempting to remove incompatible values from Y' logYER=True if logX: tmpX=tmX if logY: tmpY=tmY return tmpX,tmpY def _sparse(self, x, y, sparse): """ Method that removes every non sparse th element. For example: if this argument was 5, This method would plot the 0th, 5th, 10th ... elements. Parameters ---------- x : list list of x values, of length j. y : list list of y values, of length j. sparse : integer Argument that skips every so many data points. """ tmpX=[] tmpY=[] for i in range(len(x)): if sparse == 1: return x,y if (i%sparse)==0: tmpX.append(x[i]) tmpY.append(y[i]) return tmpX, tmpY def plotMulti(self, atrix, atriy, cyclist, title, path='/', legend=None, labelx=None, labely=None, logx=False, logy=False, base=10, sparse=1, pdf=False, limits=None): ''' Method for plotting multiple plots and saving it to multiple pngs or PDFs. Parameters ---------- atrix : string The name of the attribute you want on the x axis. atriy : string The name of the attribute you want on the Y axis. cyclist : list List of cycles that you would like plotted. title : string The title of the graph and the name of the file. path : string, optional The file path. The default is '/' Legend : list or intager, optional A list of legends for each of your cycles, or one legend for all of the cycles. The default is None. labelx : string, optional The label on the X axis. The default is None. labely : string, optional The label on the Y axis. The default is None. logx : boolean, optional A boolean of whether the user wants the x axis logarithmically. The default is False. logy : boolean, optional A boolean of whether the user wants the Y axis logarithmically. The default is False. base : integer, optional The base of the logarithm. The default is 10. sparse : integer, optional Argument that skips every so many data points. For example if this argument was 5, This method would plot the 0th, 5th, 10th ... elements. The default is 1. pdf : boolean, optional A boolean of if the image should be saved to a pdf file. xMin, xMax, yMin, YMax: plot coordinates. The default is False. limits : list, optional The length four list of the x and y limits. The order of the list is xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax. The default is None. ''' if str(legend.__class__)!="":# Determines the legend is a list legendList=False else: legendList=True if legendList and len(cyclist) !=len(legend): #if it is a list, make sure there is an entry for each cycle print('Please input a proper legend, with correct length, aborting plot') return None for i in range(len(cyclist)): if legendList: self.plot(atrix,atriy,cyclist[i],'ndump',legend[i],labelx,labely,base=base,sparse=sparse, \ logx=logx,logy=logy,show=False,limits=limits) else: self.plot(atrix,atriy,cyclist[i],'ndump',legend,labelx,labely,base=base,sparse=sparse, \ logx=logx,logy=logy,show=False,limits=limits) pl.title(title) if not pdf: currentDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) pl.savefig(title+str(cyclist[i])+'.png', dpi=400) os.chdir(currentDir) else: currentDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) pl.savefig(title+str(cyclist[i])+'.pdf', dpi=400) os.chdir(currentDir) pl.clf() return None def plot(self, atrix, atriy, fname=None, numtype='ndump', legend=None, labelx=None, labely=None, indexx=None, indexy=None, title=None, shape='.', logx=False, logy=False, path='/', base=10, sparse=1, show=True, pdf=False,limits=None, markevery=None, linewidth=1): """ Simple function that plots atriy as a function of atrix This method will automatically find and plot the requested data. Parameters ---------- atrix : string The name of the attribute you want on the x axis. atriy : string The name of the attribute you want on the Y axis. fname : optional Be the filename, Ndump or time, or cycle, If fname is a list, this method will then save a png for each cycle in the list. Warning, this must be a list of cycles and not a list of filenames. The default is None. numtype : string, optional designates how this function acts and how it interprets fname. if numtype is 'file', this function will get the desird attribute from that file. if numtype is 'NDump' function will look at the cycle with that nDump. if numtype is 't' or 'time' function will find the _cycle with the closest time stamp. The default is 'ndump'. legend : list or intager, optional A list of legends for each of your cycles, or one legend for all of the cycles. The default is None. labelx : string, optional The label on the X axis. The default is None. labely : string, optional The label on the Y axis. The default is None. indexx : optional Depreciated: If the get method returns a list of lists, indexx would be the list at the index indexx in the list. The default is None. indexy : optional Depreciated: If the get method returns a list of lists, indexy would be the list at the index indexx in the list. The default is None. title : string, optional The Title of the Graph. The default is None. shape : string, optional What shape and colour the user would like their plot in. Please see http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.plot for all possible choices. The default is '.'. logx : boolean, optional A boolean of weather the user wants the x axi logarithmically. The default is False. logy : boolean, optional A boolean of weather the user wants the Y axis logarithmically. The default is False. path : string, optional Usef for PlotMulti, give the path where to save the Figures base : integer, optional The base of the logarithm. The Default is 10. sparse : integer, optional Argument that skips every so many data points. For example if this argument was 5, This method would plot the 0th, 5th, 10th ... elements. The default is 1. show : boolean, optional A boolean of if the plot should be displayed useful with the multiPlot method. The default is True. pdf : boolean, optional PDF for PlotMulti? Default: False limits : list, optional The length four list of the x and y limits. The order of the list is xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax. The defautl is . markevery : integer or tupler, optional Set the markevery property to subsample the plot when using markers. markevery can be None, very point will be plotted. It can be an integer N, Every N-th marker will be plotted starting with marker 0. It can be a tuple, markevery=(start, N) will start at point start and plot every N-th marker. The default is None. linewidth : integer, optional Set linewidth. The default is 1. Notes ----- WARNING: Unstable if get returns a list with only one element (x=[0]). parameters: indexx and indexy have been deprecated. """ t1=time.time() #Setting the axis labels if labelx== None : labelx=atrix if labely== None : labely=atriy if title!=None: title=title else: title=labely+' vs '+labelx if str(fname.__class__)=="": self.plotMulti(atrix,atriy,fname,title,path,legend,labelx,labely,logx, logy, 10,1,pdf,limits) return tmpX=[] tmpY=[] singleX=False singleY=False #Getting data plotType=self._classTest() if plotType=='YProfile': if fname==None: fname=self.cycles[-1] listY=self.get(atriy,fname, numtype,resolution='a') listX=self.get(atrix,fname, numtype,resolution='a') elif plotType=='se': if fname==None: listY=self.get( atriy,sparse=sparse) listX=self.get(atrix,sparse=sparse) else: listY=self.get(fname, atriy,sparse=sparse) listX=self.get(fname, atrix,sparse=sparse) t2= time.time() print(t2 -t1) elif plotType=='PPN' : if fname==None and atrix not in self.cattrs and atriy not in self.cattrs: fname=len(self.files)-1 if numtype=='ndump': numtype='cycNum' listY=self.get(atriy,fname,numtype) listX=self.get(atrix,fname,numtype) elif plotType=='xtime' or plotType=='mesa_profile' or plotType=='AsciiTable' or plotType=='mesa.star_log' or plotType=='starobs': listY=self.get(atriy) listX=self.get(atrix) else: listY=self.get(atriy) listX=self.get(atrix) tmpX=[] tmpY=[] if isinstance(listX[0], basestring) or isinstance(listY[0], basestring): for i in range(len(listX)): if '*****' == listX[i] or '*****' == listY[i]: print('There seems to be a string of * in the lists') print('Cutting out elements in both the lists that have an index equal to or greater than the index of the location of the string of *') break tmpX.append(float(listX[i])) tmpY.append(float(listY[i])) listX=tmpX listY=tmpY #Determining if listX is a list or a list of lists try: j=listX[0][0] except: singleX = True if len(listX) == 1: # If it is a list of lists with one element. tmpX=listX[0] elif singleX == True:# If it is a plain list of values. tmpX=listX elif indexx==None and len(listX)>1: # If it is a list of lists of values. # take the largest tmpX=listX[0] for i in range(len(listX)): if len(tmpX)1:# If it is a list of lists of values. # take the largest #print 'fourth' tmpY=listY[0] for i in range(len(listY)): if len(tmpY)= 1. Select 'o' for C/O <= 1. If 'a' takes the whole star. The defalut is 'c'. See cust_toggle (below) for an alternative! cust_toggle : list, optional This option is like co_toggle (and overwrites it when chosen) but lets you choose your own comparison. For example you want to find zones that have a 10 fold overabundance of Ti-46 and Ti-47 over O-16 and Zr-96, you can choose here [['Ti-46','Ti-47'],['O-16','Zr-96'],100.] Assuming the first list is is x, the second list y, and the comparator number is f, the statement only plots shells in which the condition x/y>f is fulfilled. x and y are number sums of the chosen isotopes, f has to be given as a float. This is only for explosive shells. Please note, if this toggle is NOT None, then co_toggle is overwritten! shift : integer, optional For explosive models, how much do you want to shift the models back from the last cycle? By default (0) the last cycle is taken. weighting : string, optional For explosive models. If None then, plot every profile separately. If 'zone' then, average each zone. If 'all' then average all selected zones. The default is None. zoneselect: string, optional For explosive models. Select if you want to plot 'all' zones or outer most zone. Arguments are 'all' and 'top', respectively. Default is None, then the user is asked to provide this information during the routine as input. iniabufile : string, optional Initial abundance file. Use absolute path for your file or filename to choose a given file in USEEPP. Attention: You need a standard tree checked out from SVN plt_sparse : integer, optional Every how many datapoints is the plot done? Not used for some routines! plt_symb : string, optional Symbol for the plot. In case of grains, this is handled automatically. plt_col : string / float, optional Color for plotted curve. In case of grains, this is handled automatically. plt_lt : string, optional line type for plot. plt_lw : float, optional Line width for plot. alpha_dum : trasparency to apply to grains data, in case of many data are plotted. This may be allpied also for theoretical curves. plt_massrange : boolean, optional For explosive models. Plot mass of shell with first and last datapoint of each zone. If list given, label those zones. The default is False. plt_show : boolean, optional Do you want to show the plot or not? figsave : string, optional Give path and filename here, if you want to save the figure. ''' from . import utils as u ### WORK ON PATH ### # define svn path form path where script runs, depending on standard input or not if len(iniabufile.split('/')) == 1 : # means not an absolute path! scriptpathtmp = __file__ if len(scriptpathtmp.split('/')) == 1: # in folder where nugridse is scriptpathtmp = os.path.abspath('.') + '/nugridse.py' # to get the current dir svnpathtmp = '/' for i in range(len(scriptpathtmp.split('/'))-3): # -3 to go to folders up! if scriptpathtmp.split('/')[i] != '': svnpathtmp += scriptpathtmp.split('/')[i] + '/' iniabufile = svnpathtmp + 'frames/mppnp/USEEPP/' + iniabufile # make absolute path for iniabufile ### get solar system ratios for the isotopes that are specified in the input file ### inut = u.iniabu(iniabufile) try: xrat_solsys = inut.isoratio_init(xiso) except KeyError: # if isotope not available, e.g., if plotting Ti-44 / Ti-48 ratio xrat_solsys = 0. try: yrat_solsys = inut.isoratio_init(yiso) except KeyError: yrat_solsys = 0. # number ratio for solar system ratio xrat_solsys *= (old_div(float(xiso[1].split('-')[1]), float(xiso[0].split('-')[1]))) yrat_solsys *= (old_div(float(yiso[1].split('-')[1]), float(yiso[0].split('-')[1]))) # initialize xdataerr and ydataerr as None xdataerr = None ydataerr = None ### DO PLOTS FROM NUGRIDSE CLASS ### if self._classTest() == 'se': if spec==None: spec = str(eval(input('Please specify \'surf\' for surface models (AGB stars) or \'exp\' for explosive' 'models and zone finding, etc., and press enter: '))) ### SURFACE MODELS - PLOT AGB STAR STUFF ### if spec == 'surf': print('Plotting AGB star stuff') # read in thermal pulse position and co ratio tp_pos, co_return = self._tp_finder(dcycle) tp_pos_tmp = [] co_return_tmp = [] tp_pos_tmp.append(1) co_return_tmp.append(co_return[0]) for i in range(len(tp_pos)): tp_pos_tmp.append(tp_pos[i]) co_return_tmp.append(co_return[i]) tp_pos = tp_pos_tmp co_return = co_return_tmp # read in data iso_alldata = self.get(tp_pos,[xiso[0],xiso[1],yiso[0],yiso[1]]) xrat = np.zeros(len(iso_alldata)) yrat = np.zeros(len(iso_alldata)) for i in range(len(iso_alldata)): xrat[i] = old_div(iso_alldata[i][0], iso_alldata[i][1]) yrat[i] = old_div(iso_alldata[i][2], iso_alldata[i][3]) # make number ratios for i in range(len(xrat)): xrat[i] *= old_div(float(xiso[1].split('-')[1]), float(xiso[0].split('-')[1])) yrat[i] *= old_div(float(yiso[1].split('-')[1]), float(yiso[0].split('-')[1])) # if delta values are requested, need to calculate those now if deltax: xrat = (old_div(xrat,xrat_solsys) -1.) * 1000. if deltay: yrat = (old_div(yrat,yrat_solsys) -1.) * 1000. # now we might have o and c rich zones. prepare stuff for plotting xdata_o = [] ydata_o = [] xdata_c = [] ydata_c = [] for i in range(len(co_return)): if co_return[i] <= 1.: xdata_o.append(xrat[i]) ydata_o.append(yrat[i]) else: xdata_c.append(xrat[i]) ydata_c.append(yrat[i]) if xdata_o != [] and xdata_c != []: xdata_o.append(xdata_c[0]) ydata_o.append(ydata_c[0]) # now make the styles style_o = [plt_symb + '--', plt_col, '1.', '4', '2',None] style_c = [plt_symb + plt_lt, plt_col, plt_col, '7.', '1', legend] # now make data for plotting xdata = [] ydata = [] style = [] if xdata_o != []: xdata.append(xdata_o) ydata.append(ydata_o) style.append(style_o) if xdata_c != []: xdata.append(xdata_c) ydata.append(ydata_c) style.append(style_c) ### EXPLOSIVE MODELS ### elif spec == 'exp': print('explosive models') # compatibility co_toggle = co_toggle.lower() isotope_list = [xiso[0],xiso[1],yiso[0],yiso[1]] # cycle cyc_no = self.se.cycles[len(self.se.cycles)-1-shift] mco_data = self.get(cyc_no,['mass','C-12','C-13','O-16','O-17','O-18',xiso[0],xiso[1],yiso[0],yiso[1]]) mass = mco_data[0] # if no custom toggle for enrichment if cust_toggle == None: c_elem = mco_data[1]+mco_data[2] o_elem = mco_data[3]+mco_data[4]+mco_data[5] co_ratio = c_elem / o_elem * (old_div(16., 12.)) co_comp_val = 1. else: co_data1 = self.get(cyc_no,cust_toggle[0]) co_data2 = self.get(cyc_no,cust_toggle[1]) for i in range(len(co_data1)): if i == 0: c_elem = co_data1[i] else: c_elem += co_data1[i] for i in range(len(co_data2)): if i == 0: o_elem = co_data2[i] else: o_elem += co_data2[i] # now we need to make the mass number of everything in here to make number ratios massn1 = 0. for i in range(len(co_data1)): massn1 += sum(co_data1[i]) * float(cust_toggle[0][i].split('-')[1]) massn1 /= sum(c_elem) massn2 = 0. for i in range(len(co_data2)): massn2 += sum(co_data2[i]) * float(cust_toggle[1][i].split('-')[1]) massn2 /= sum(o_elem) co_ratio = c_elem / o_elem * (old_div(massn2, massn1)) # this has nothing to do with a C/O ratio anymore! but keep name # comparator value co_comp_val = float(cust_toggle[2]) # get the data now isotope_profile = [] for i in range(6,10): # in mco_data isotope_profile.append(mco_data[i]) # add radioactive isotopes (if given) if addiso != None: if type(addiso[0] == list): # then list of lists for i in range(len(addiso)): for j in range(4): if isotope_list[j] == addiso[i][0]: multiplicator_addiso = 1. try: multiplicator_addiso = float(addiso[i][1]) starter = 2 except ValueError: starter = 1 for k in range(starter,len(addiso[i])): isotope_profile[j] += array(self.get(cyc_no,addiso[i][k])) * multiplicator_addiso else: for j in range(4): if isotope_list[j] == addiso[0]: multiplicator_addiso = 1. try: multiplicator_addiso = float(addiso[1]) starter = 2 except ValueError: starter = 1 for k in range(starter,len(addiso)): isotope_profile[j] += array(self.get(cyc_no,addiso[k])) * multiplicator_addiso # search for carbon / oxygen rich layers crich = [] # alternating start stop values. if odd number, then surface is c-rich, but add stop number dumb = True if cust_toggle != None: for i in range(len(co_ratio)): if dumb: if co_ratio[i] >= co_comp_val: crich.append(i) dumb = False continue else: if co_ratio[i] < co_comp_val: crich.append(i) dumb = True elif co_toggle != 'a': for i in range(len(co_ratio)): if co_toggle == 'c': # carbon rich if dumb: if co_ratio[i] >= 1: crich.append(i) dumb = False continue else: if co_ratio[i] < 1: crich.append(i) dumb = True elif co_toggle == 'o': # oxygen rich if dumb: if co_ratio[i] <= 1: crich.append(i) dumb = False continue else: if co_ratio[i] > 1: crich.append(i) dumb = True else: print('Select your enrichment!') return None else: # take whole star print('Using all profiles to mix') crich.append(0) crich.append(len(co_toggle)) if len(crich)%2 == 1: crich.append(len(co_ratio)-1) if len(crich) == 0: print('Star did not get rich in C or O, depending on what you specified') return None # make isotope_profile into array and transpose isotope_profile = array(isotope_profile).transpose() # Ask user which zones to use if co_toggle != 'a': if cust_toggle != None: print('\n\nI have found the following zones:\n') elif co_toggle == 'c': print('\n\nI have found the following carbon rich zones:\n') elif co_toggle == 'o': print('\n\nI have found the following oxygen rich zones:\n') mass_tmp = zeros((len(crich))) for i in range(len(crich)): mass_tmp[i] = mass[crich[i]] j = 1 for i in range(old_div(len(crich),2)): print('Mass range (' + str(j) + '):\t' + str(mass_tmp[2*i]) + ' - ' + str(mass_tmp[2*i+1])) j += 1 print('\n') if zoneselect == 'all': usr_zones = 0 elif zoneselect == 'top': usr_zones = [j-1] else: usr_zones = eval(input('Please select which mass range you want to use. Select 0 for all zones. Otherwise give one zone or a list of zones separated by comma (e.g.: 1, 2, 4): ')) crich_dumb = crich if usr_zones == 0: print('I continue w/ all zones then') elif type(usr_zones) == int: # only one zone selected tmp = int(usr_zones)-1 crich = crich_dumb[2*tmp:2*tmp+2] else: crich = [] for i in range(len(usr_zones)): tmp = int(usr_zones[i])-1 crich.append(crich_dumb[2*tmp]) crich.append(crich_dumb[2*tmp + 1]) # weight profiles according to weighting factor using the selected crich # define isos_to_use variable for later if weighting == None: isos_to_use = [] for i in range(old_div(len(crich),2)): isos_dumb = [] n = crich[2*i] while n <= crich[2*i+1]: isos_dumb.append(isotope_profile[n]) n += 1 isos_to_use.append(array(isos_dumb)) elif weighting.lower() == 'zone' or weighting.lower() == 'zones': # make array w/ mass weigted isotope ratio (4) for all mass zones isotope_profile_cweight = zeros((old_div(len(crich),2),4)) mass_tot = [] for i in range(len(isotope_profile_cweight)): # 2*i is start, 2*i+1 is stop value if crich[2*i] == 0: print('C- / O-rich in first shell (core).') else: dumb = crich[2*i + 1] j = crich[2*i] mass_tmp = 0 while j <= dumb: mass_shell = mass[j] - mass[j-1] mass_tmp += mass_shell for k in range(4): isotope_profile_cweight[i][k] += isotope_profile[j][k]*mass_shell j += 1 mass_tot.append(mass_tmp) for i in range(len(isotope_profile_cweight)): for j in range(4): isotope_profile_cweight[i][j] /= mass_tot[i] isos_to_use = [array(isotope_profile_cweight)] elif weighting.lower() == 'all': # average all zones by mass isos_tmp = zeros((1, len(isotope_profile[0]))) for i in range(len(isotope_profile)-1): # neglect surface effects for j in range(len(isos_tmp[0])): mass_shell = mass[i+1] - mass[i] isos_tmp[0][j] += isotope_profile[i][j]*mass_shell # weight all isos_tmp /= sum(mass) isos_to_use = [isos_tmp] # change to isotope numbers from mass! for i in range(len(isos_to_use)): for j in range(len(isos_to_use[i])): for k in range(len(isos_to_use[i][j])): # here we just divide 'iso_massf' output with the mass number # this means that in the end, the isotope ratios in number space are correc # but have to use ratios from here on for meaningful stuff isos_to_use[i][j][k] /= float(isotope_list[k].split('-')[1]) # do the ratios and stuff ratiox = [] ratioy = [] for i in range(len(isos_to_use)): ratiox_dumb = [] ratioy_dumb = [] for j in range(len(isos_to_use[i])): ratiox_dumb.append(old_div(isos_to_use[i][j][0], isos_to_use[i][j][1])) ratioy_dumb.append(old_div(isos_to_use[i][j][2], isos_to_use[i][j][3])) ratiox.append(array(ratiox_dumb)) ratioy.append(array(ratioy_dumb)) # make arrays for ratiox and ratioy ratiox = array(ratiox) ratioy = array(ratioy) # make number ratio out of everything for i in range(len(ratiox)): for j in range(len(ratiox[i])): ratiox[i][j] *= (old_div(float(xiso[1].split('-')[1]), float(xiso[0].split('-')[1]))) ratioy[i][j] *= (old_div(float(yiso[1].split('-')[1]), float(yiso[0].split('-')[1]))) if deltax: ratiox_tmp = [] for i in range(len(ratiox)): ratiox_tmp_tmp = [] for j in range(len(ratiox[i])): ratiox_tmp_tmp.append((old_div(ratiox[i][j], xrat_solsys) - 1.) * 1000.) ratiox_tmp.append(ratiox_tmp_tmp) ratiox = array(ratiox_tmp) if deltay: ratioy_tmp = [] for i in range(len(ratioy)): ratioy_tmp_tmp = [] for j in range(len(ratioy[i])): ratioy_tmp_tmp.append((old_div(ratioy[i][j], yrat_solsys) - 1.) * 1000.) ratioy_tmp.append(ratioy_tmp_tmp) ratioy = array(ratioy_tmp) # create massrange array if necessary plt_massrange_lst = [] if plt_massrange==True: # use == True because otherwise the list enters here too... why? for i in range(len(ratiox)): plt_massrange_lst.append([ratiox[i][0], ratioy[i][0], mass[crich[2*i]]]) plt_massrange_lst.append([ratiox[i][len(ratiox[i])-1], ratioy[i][len(ratioy[i])-1], mass[crich[2*i+1]]]) # start: x-ratio, y-ratio, mass label elif plt_massrange != False: for plt_mr_val in plt_massrange: mrng_i = 0 while plt_mr_val > mass[mrng_i] and mrng_i < len(mass): mrng_i += 1 if mrng_i > 0: mrng_i -= 1 mratx = old_div(isotope_profile[mrng_i][0],isotope_profile[mrng_i][1]) mraty = old_div(isotope_profile[mrng_i][2],isotope_profile[mrng_i][3]) if deltax: mratx = (old_div(mratx, ratiox_solsys) - 1.) * 1000. if deltay: mraty = (old_div(mraty, ratioy_solsys) - 1.) * 1000. plt_massrange_lst.append([mratx,mraty,mass[mrng_i]]) # make style and prepare for plotting here xdata = ratiox ydata = ratioy style_tmp0= [plt_symb + plt_lt, plt_col, plt_col, '13.', '1', legend] style_tmp = [plt_symb + plt_lt, plt_col, plt_col, '13.', '1', None] style = [] for i in range(len(xdata)): if i == 0: style.append(style_tmp0) else: style.append(style_tmp) else: print('You did not specify a useful spec argument -> abort.') return None ### PLOTS FROM GRAIN CLASS ### if self._classTest() == 'grain': print('Presolar grains are cool!') xdata,xdataerr,ydata,ydataerr,style = self.plot_ratio_return(xiso,yiso,deltax,deltay) legend=True plt_sparse=1 # to avoid monkey input plt_lw = '' ### PLOT ### # data is prepared now, make the plots. data must be in format # [[data1],[data2],[data3],...] # three arrays like this, for xdata, ydata, and style. # style format: symbol, edge color, face color, symbol size, edge width, label # this is then compatible with grain.py style definitions # Size of font etc. params = {'axes.labelsize': 20, 'text.fontsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 14, 'xtick.labelsize': 14, 'ytick.labelsize': 14} pl.rcParams.update(params) pl.figure(fign) for i in range(len(xdata)): if errbar: if xdataerr != None or ydataerr != None: pl.errorbar(xdata[i],ydata[i],xerr=xdataerr[i],yerr=ydataerr[i],marker=style[i][0], color=style[i][1],linestyle='',lw=2,markevery=plt_sparse,alpha=alpha_dum) pl.plot(xdata[i],ydata[i],style[i][0],c=style[i][1],mfc=style[i][2],ms=float(style[i][3]), mew=float(style[i][4]),label=style[i][5],markevery=plt_sparse,linewidth=plt_lw,alpha=alpha_dum) # plot text labels if necessary if plt_massrange != False: for mrng_ind in range(len(plt_massrange_lst)): pl.text(plt_massrange_lst[mrng_ind][0], plt_massrange_lst[mrng_ind][1], str(round(plt_massrange_lst[mrng_ind][2], 2)), ha='right', va='bottom', color=plt_col,fontsize=15.) # log? if logx and logy == False: pl.semilogx() elif logx == False and logy: pl.semilogy() elif logx and logy: pl.loglog() # legend if legend != None and legloc != None: pl.legend(loc=legloc) # title and labels if title != None: pl.title(title) if deltax: pl.xlabel('$\delta$($^{' + xiso[0].split('-')[1] + '}$' +xiso[0].split('-')[0] + '/$^{' + xiso[1].split('-')[1] + '}$' +xiso[1].split('-')[0] + ')' ) else: pl.xlabel('$^{' + xiso[0].split('-')[1] + '}$' +xiso[0].split('-')[0] + '/$^{' + xiso[1].split('-')[1] + '}$' +xiso[1].split('-')[0]) if deltay: pl.ylabel('$\delta$($^{' + yiso[0].split('-')[1] + '}$' +yiso[0].split('-')[0] + '/$^{' + yiso[1].split('-')[1] + '}$' +yiso[1].split('-')[0] + ')' ) else: pl.ylabel('$^{' + yiso[0].split('-')[1] + '}$' +yiso[0].split('-')[0] + '/$^{' + yiso[1].split('-')[1] + '}$' +yiso[1].split('-')[0]) # plot horizontal and vertical lines print(xrat_solsys, yrat_solsys) if deltay: pl.axhline(0,color='k') else: pl.axhline(yrat_solsys,color='k') if deltax: pl.axvline(0,color='k') else: pl.axvline(xrat_solsys,color='k') # borders of plot pl.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) pl.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) # save and show if figsave != False: pl.savefig(figsave) if plt_show: pl.show() def plot_isopattern(self,isos,normiso,spec=None,tpulse='all',dcycle=500,fign=1,deltay=False,logy=False, iniabufile='iniab2.0E-02GN93.ppn',legend=None,plt_symb='o',plt_col='k',plt_lt='-', plt_lw=1.,plt_show=True): ''' This routine plots isotopic pattern plots for different input along with grain data. Parameters ---------- isos : list / string Enter the list of isotopes that you want to consider here. The list should be given in the standard format, e.g., ['Fe-54','Fe-56','Fe-57','Fe-58'] or give the element as a string if you want to consider all stable isotopes, e.g., 'Fe' normiso : string Give the isotope all the ratios should be normalized to here, e.g., 'Fe-56' spec : string, optional What specifications do you want to do when coming from nugridse models. Choose 'surf' for surface models or 'exp' for explosions (out files) tpulse : string, optional In case you have an AGB star, here you decide which thermal pulse to plot. You can choose 'all' (default) to plot all TPs, 'c' or 'o' for all Carbon (C/O > 1) or all Oxygen (C/O < 1) rich, respectively, or 'last' for the last thermal pulse only dcycle : integer, optional Difference between cycles to take for thermal pulse searching, if searching is deactivated, dcycle describes how often cycles are sampled. The default is 500. fign : integer, optional Number of the figure deltay : boolean, optional Do you want to do delta values on y axis or regular ratios? logy : boolean, optional Y axis logarithmic? iniabufile : string, optional Initial abundance file. Use absolute path for your file or filename to choose a given file in USEEPP. Attention: You need a standard tree checked out from SVN legend : string, optional Legend for your model / grains. For grains the legend is automatically taken from the grain class plt_symb : string, optional Symbol for the plot. In case of grains, this is handled automatically. plt_col : string / float, optional Color for plotted curve. In case of grains, this is handled automatically. plt_lt : string, optional line type for plot. plt_lw : float, optional Line width for plot. plt_show : boolean, optional Show plot? ''' from . import utils as u ### WORK ON PATH ### # define svn path form path where script runs, depending on standard input or not if len(iniabufile.split('/')) == 1 : # means not an absolute path! scriptpathtmp = __file__ if len(scriptpathtmp.split('/')) == 1: # in folder where nugridse is scriptpathtmp = os.path.abspath('.') + '/nugridse.py' # to get the current dir svnpathtmp = '/' for i in range(len(scriptpathtmp.split('/'))-3): # -3 to go to folders up! if scriptpathtmp.split('/')[i] != '': svnpathtmp += scriptpathtmp.split('/')[i] + '/' iniabufile = svnpathtmp + 'frames/mppnp/USEEPP/' + iniabufile # make absolute path for iniabufile ### make a list of isotopes in case an element is specified and not a list of isotopes ### if type(isos) == str: tmp = u.iniabu.stable_el tmp2 = -1 for i in range(len(tmp)): if isos == tmp[i][0]: tmp2 = tmp[i] break if tmp2==-1: print('No valid element selected. Abort.') return None isos_tmp = [] for i in range(1,len(tmp2)): isos_tmp.append([isos + '-' + str(int(tmp2[i])),normiso]) isos = isos_tmp # isos is now a list in the sense of [['Fe-54','Fe-56'],['Fe-56','Fe-56'],...] elif type(isos) == list: isos_tmp = [] for i in range(len(isos)): isos_tmp.append([isos[i], normiso]) isos = isos_tmp else: print('Specify a valid isotope, see docstring.') return None # make a list with all isotopes just as a list (not the fraction as isos) isoslist = [] for i in range(len(isos)): isoslist.append(isos[i][0]) # find out where normisotope sits for i in range(len(isos)): if isos[i][0] == isos[i][1]: posnorm = i break ### get solar system ratios for the isotopes that are specified in the input file ### inut = u.iniabu(iniabufile) ss_rat = [] for i in range(len(isos)): ss_rat.append(inut.isoratio_init(isos[i])) # make number ratios for i in range(len(isos)): ss_rat[i] *= (old_div(float(isos[i][1].split('-')[1]), float(isos[i][0].split('-')[1]))) ### DO PLOTS FROM NUGRIDSE CLASS ### if self._classTest() == 'se': if spec==None: spec = str(eval(input('Please specify \'surf\' for surface models (AGB stars) or \'exp\' for explosive' 'models and zone finding, etc., and press enter: '))) ### SURFACE MODELS - PLOT AGB STAR STUFF ### if spec == 'surf': print('Plotting AGB star stuff') # read in thermal pulse position and co ratio tp_pos, co_return = self._tp_finder(dcycle) tp_pos_tmp = [] co_return_tmp = [] tp_pos_tmp.append(1) co_return_tmp.append(co_return[0]) for i in range(len(tp_pos)): tp_pos_tmp.append(tp_pos[i]) co_return_tmp.append(co_return[i]) tp_pos = tp_pos_tmp co_return = co_return_tmp # read in data iso_alldata = self.get(tp_pos,isoslist) norm_isotope = np.zeros(len(iso_alldata)) for i in range(len(iso_alldata)): norm_isotope[i] = iso_alldata[i][posnorm] # now make ratios iso_ratios out of iso_alldata iso_ratios = np.zeros((len(iso_alldata),len(iso_alldata[0]))) for i in range(len(iso_ratios)): for j in range(len(iso_ratios[i])): iso_ratios[i][j] = old_div(iso_alldata[i][j], norm_isotope[i]) # make number ratios for i in range(len(iso_ratios)): for j in range(len(iso_ratios[i])): iso_ratios[i][j] *= old_div(float(isos[j][1].split('-')[1]), float(isos[j][0].split('-')[1])) # if delta values are requested, need to calculate those now if deltay: for i in range(len(iso_ratios)): for j in range(len(iso_ratios[i])): iso_ratios[i][j] = (old_div(iso_ratios[i][j], ss_rat[j]) - 1.) * 1000. ### now prepare data to plot ### # make style list style = [] if tpulse == 'last': ydata = [iso_ratios[len(iso_ratios)-1]] style = [[plt_symb + plt_lt, plt_col, plt_col, '7.', '1', legend]] elif tpulse == 'o': ydata = [] style = [] for i in range(len(co_return)): if co_return[i] < 1: ydata.append(iso_ratios[i]) style.append([plt_symb + plt_lt, plt_col, plt_col, '7.', '1', legend]) if ydata == []: print('No O rich thermal pulses found.') return None else: # this means carbon rich, either only or all, but make marker size first msizelst = [] # marker size list for all subsequent ones crich_list = [] for i in range(len(co_return)): if co_return[i] >= 1: crich_list.append(co_return[i]) crich_max = np.max(crich_list) crich_min = np.min(crich_list) slope_tmp = old_div(9., (crich_max-crich_min)) b_tmp = 3. - slope_tmp * crich_min for i in range(len(crich_list)): msizelst.append(crich_list[i] * slope_tmp + b_tmp) # make ydata and style ydata = [] style = [] j=0 for i in range(len(co_return)): if co_return[i] < 1.: j += 1 if tpulse == 'all': ydata.append(iso_ratios[i]) style.append([plt_symb + '--', plt_col, plt_col, 1., 1., None]) else: ydata.append(iso_ratios[i]) style.append([plt_symb + plt_lt, plt_col, plt_col, msizelst[i-j], 1., legend]) ### EXPLOSIVE MODELS ### elif spec=='exp': print('Explosive models not yet implemented... sorry') return None else: print('You did not specify a useful spec argument -> abort.') return None ###### PLOT ###### ### make ratios for data to plot, first find where the normiso sits ### # make x axis vector xdata = [] for i in range(len(isos)): xdata.append(int(isos[i][0].split('-')[1])) # Size of font etc. params = {'axes.labelsize': 20, 'text.fontsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 14, 'xtick.labelsize': 14, 'ytick.labelsize': 14} pl.rcParams.update(params) # plot pl.figure(fign) for i in range(len(ydata)): pl.plot(xdata,ydata[i],style[i][0],c=style[i][1],mfc=style[i][2],ms=float(style[i][3]), label=style[i][5],linewidth=plt_lw,mew=float(style[i][4])) # limits and x axis scale and handling pl.xlim([xdata[0]-0.5,xdata[len(xdata)-1]+0.5]) # labels and axis scaling pl.xlabel('Mass number') if deltay: pl.ylabel('$\delta (^i$' + normiso.split('-')[0] + ' / solar)') else: pl.ylabel('$^{i}$'+ normiso.split('-')[0] + ' / solar') # borders of plot pl.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) pl.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) # log if logy: pl.semilogy() if plt_show: pl.show() def _clear(self, title=True, xlabel=True, ylabel=True): ''' Method for removing the title and/or xlabel and/or Ylabel. Parameters ---------- Title : boolean, optional Boolean of if title will be cleared. The default is True. xlabel : boolean, optional Boolean of if xlabel will be cleared. The default is True. ylabel : boolean, optional Boolean of if ylabel will be cleared. The default is True. ''' if title: pyl.title('') if xlabel: pyl.xlabel('') if ylabel: pyl.ylabel('') # From mesa.py def _xlimrev(self): ''' reverse xrange''' xmax,xmin=pyl.xlim() pyl.xlim(xmin,xmax) def abu_chartMulti(self, cyclist, mass_range=None, ilabel=True, imlabel=True, imlabel_fontsize=12, imagic=False, boxstable=True, lbound=20, plotaxis=[0,0,0,0], color_map='jet', pdf=False, title=None): ''' Method that plots abundence chart and saves those figures to a .png file (by default). Plots a figure for each cycle in the argument cycle. Parameters ---------- cyclist : list The list of cycles we are plotting. mass_range : list, optional A 1x2 array containing the lower and upper mass range. If this is an instance of abu_vector this will only plot isotopes that have an atomic mass within this range. This will throw an error if this range does not make sence ie [45,2] if None, it will plot over the entire range. The default is None. ilabel : boolean, optional Elemental labels off/on. The default is True. imlabel : boolean, optional Label for isotopic masses off/on. The efault is True. imlabel_fontsize : intager, optional Fontsize for isotopic mass labels. The default is 12. imagic : boolean, optional Turn lines for magic numbers off/on. The default is False. boxstable : boolean, optional Plot the black boxes around the stable elements. The default is True. lbound : tuple, optional Boundaries for colour spectrum ploted. The defaults is 20. plotaxis : list, optional Set axis limit: If [0,0,0,0] the complete range in (N,Z) will be plotted. The default is [0,0,0,0]. color_map : string, optional Color map according to choices in matplotlib (e.g. www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Show_colormaps). The default is 'jet'. pdf : boolean, optional What format will this be saved in pdf/png. The default is True. title : string, optional The title of the plots and the saved images. The default is None. ''' if self._which('dvipng')==None: print("This method may need the third party program dvipng to operate") print('It is located at http://sourceforge.net/projects/dvipng/') max_num = max(cyclist) for i in range(len(cyclist)): self.abu_chart( cyclist[i], mass_range ,ilabel,imlabel,imlabel_fontsize,imagic,\ boxstable,lbound,plotaxis,False,color_map) if title !=None: pl.title(title) else: name='AbuChart' number_str=_padding_model_number(cyclist[i],max_num) if not pdf: pl.savefig(name+number_str+'.png', dpi=100) else: pl.savefig(name+number_str+'.pdf', dpi=200) pl.close() return None #from mppnp.se def abu_chart(self, cycle, mass_range=None ,ilabel=True, imlabel=True, imlabel_fontsize=12, imagic=False, boxstable=True, lbound=(-12, 0), plotaxis=[0, 0, 0, 0], show=True, color_map='jet', ifig=None,data_provided=False,thedata=None, savefig=False,drawfig=None,drawax=None,mov=False): ''' Plots an abundance chart Parameters ---------- cycle : string, integer or list The cycle we are looking in. If it is a list of cycles, this method will then do a plot for each of these cycles and save them all to a file. mass_range : list, optional A 1x2 array containing the lower and upper mass range. If this is an instance of abu_vector this will only plot isotopes that have an atomic mass within this range. This will throw an error if this range does not make sence ie [45,2] if None, it will plot over the entire range. The default is None. ilabel : boolean, optional Elemental labels off/on. The default is True. imlabel : boolean, optional Label for isotopic masses off/on. The default is True. imlabel_fontsize : integer, optional Fontsize for isotopic mass labels. The default is 12. imagic : boolean, optional Turn lines for magic numbers off/on. The default is False. boxstable : boolean, optional Plot the black boxes around the stable elements. The defaults is True. lbound : tuple, optional Boundaries for colour spectrum ploted. The default is (-12,0). plotaxis : list, optional Set axis limit. If [0, 0, 0, 0] the complete range in (N,Z) will be plotted. It equates to [xMin, xMax, Ymin, Ymax]. The default is [0, 0, 0, 0]. show : boolean, optional Boolean of if the plot should be displayed. Useful with saving multiple plots using abu_chartMulti. The default is True. color_map : string, optional Color map according to choices in matplotlib (e.g. www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Show_colormaps). The default is 'jet'. ifig : integer, optional Figure number, if ifig is None it wiil be set to the cycle number. The defaults is None. savefig : boolean, optional Whether or not to save the figure. The default is False drawfig, drawax, mov : optional, not necessary for user to set these variables The figure and axes containers to be drawn on, and whether or not a movie is being made (only True when se.movie is called, which sets mov to True automatically ''' if ifig == None and not mov: ifig=cycle if str(cycle.__class__)=="": self.abu_chartMulti(cycle, mass_range,ilabel,imlabel,imlabel_fontsize,imagic,boxstable,\ lbound,plotaxis,color_map) return plotType=self._classTest() if mass_range!=None and mass_range[0]>mass_range[1]: raise IOError("Please input a proper mass range") if plotType=='se': if not data_provided: cycle=self.se.findCycle(cycle) # nin=zeros(len(self.se.A)) # zin=zeros(len(self.se.Z)) yin=self.get(cycle, 'iso_massf') isom=self.se.isomeric_states masses = self.se.get(cycle,'mass') else: cycle=cycle # why so serious? yin=thedata[0] isom=self.se.isomeric_states masses = thedata[1] # for i in xrange(len(nin)): # zin[i]=self.se.Z[i] # nin[i]=self.se.A[i]-zin[i] # SJONES implicit loop instead: zin=array([el for el in self.se.Z]) nin=array([el for el in self.se.A])-zin #Test if the mass cell order is inverted #and hence mass[-1] the center. if masses[0]>masses[-1]: #invert print('Inverted order of mass cells will be taken into account.') yin=yin[::-1] masses=masses[::-1] if mass_range != None: # trim out only the zones needed: tmpyps=[] masses.sort() # SJ: not sure why this sort if necessary # for i in xrange(len(masses)): # if (masses[i] >mass_range[0] and masses[i] mass_range[1]: idxu-=1 yin=yin[idxl:idxu+1] #tmp=zeros(len(yin[0])) #for i in xrange(len(yin)): # for j in xrange(len(yin[i])): # tmp[j]+=yin[i][j] tmp2=sum(yin,axis=0) # SJONES sum along axis instead of nested loop tmp=old_div(tmp2,len(yin)) yin=tmp elif plotType=='PPN': ain=self.get('A',cycle) zin=self.get('Z',cycle) nin=ain-zin yin=self.get('ABUNDANCE_MF',cycle) isom=self.get('ISOM',cycle) if mass_range != None: tmpA=[] tmpZ=[] tmpIsom=[] tmpyps=[] for i in range(len(nin)): if (ain[i] >mass_range[0] and ain[i]": self.abu_chartMulti(cycle, mass_range,ilabel,imlabel,imlabel_fontsize,imagic,boxstable,\ lbound,plotaxis) return plotType=self._classTest() #if mass_range!=None and mass_range[0]>mass_range[1]: #print 'Please input a proper mass range' #print 'Returning None' #return None if plotType=='se': cycle=self.se.findCycle(cycle) nin=zeros(len(self.se.A)) zin=zeros(len(self.se.Z)) for i in range(len(nin)): nin[i]=self.se.A[i] zin[i]=self.se.Z[i] for i in range(len(nin)): nin[i]=nin[i]-zin[i] yin=self.get(cycle, 'iso_massf') isom=self.se.isomeric_states masses = self.se.get(cycle,'mass') if mass_range != None: masses = self.se.get(cycle,'mass') masses.sort() if mass_range != None: tmpyps=[] masses = self.se.get(cycle,'mass') masses = self.se.get(cycle,'mass') masses.sort() for i in range(len(masses)): if (masses[i] >mass_range[0] and masses[i]mass_range[0] and ain[i] 1: print("you have only option 0 or 1, not larger than 1") single_line = [] for i in range(len(lines)): single_line.append(lines[i].split()) coord_y_1.append(float(single_line[i][1])) coord_x_1.append(float(single_line[i][2])-coord_y_1[i]) coord_y_2.append(float(single_line[i][5])) coord_x_2.append(float(single_line[i][6])-coord_y_2[i]) coord_y_3.append(float(single_line[i][7])) coord_x_3.append(float(single_line[i][8])-coord_y_3[i]) try: flux_read.append(float(single_line[i][line_to_read])) except ValueError: # this is done to avoid format issues like 3.13725-181... flux_read.append(1.0E-99) flux_log10.append(log10(flux_read[i]+1.0e-99)) print(file_name,' read!') # I need to select smaller sample, with only fluxes inside plotaxis. if plotaxis!=[0,0,0,0]: coord_y_1_small=[] coord_x_1_small=[] coord_y_2_small=[] coord_x_2_small=[] coord_y_3_small=[] coord_x_3_small=[] flux_log10_small = [] for i in range(len(flux_log10)): I_am_in = 0 if coord_y_1[i] > plotaxis[2] and coord_y_1[i] < plotaxis[3] and coord_x_1[i] > plotaxis[0] and coord_x_1[i] < plotaxis[1]: I_am_in = 1 coord_y_1_small.append(coord_y_1[i]) coord_x_1_small.append(coord_x_1[i]) coord_y_2_small.append(coord_y_2[i]) coord_x_2_small.append(coord_x_2[i]) coord_y_3_small.append(coord_y_3[i]) coord_x_3_small.append(coord_x_3[i]) flux_log10_small.append(flux_log10[i]) if coord_y_3[i] > plotaxis[2] and coord_y_3[i] < plotaxis[3] and coord_x_3[i] > plotaxis[0] and coord_x_3[i] < plotaxis[1] and I_am_in == 0: I_am_in = 1 coord_y_1_small.append(coord_y_1[i]) coord_x_1_small.append(coord_x_1[i]) coord_y_2_small.append(coord_y_2[i]) coord_x_2_small.append(coord_x_2[i]) coord_y_3_small.append(coord_y_3[i]) coord_x_3_small.append(coord_x_3[i]) flux_log10_small.append(flux_log10[i]) # elemental labels off/on [0/1] ilabel = 1 # label for isotopic masses off/on [0/1] imlabel = 1 # turn lines for magic numbers off/on [0/1] imagic = 0 # flow is plotted over "prange" dex. If flow < maxflow-prange it is not plotted if prange == None: print('plot range given by default') prange = 8. ############################################# #print flux_log10_small # we should scale prange on plot_axis range, not on max_flux! max_flux = max(flux_log10) ind_max_flux = flux_log10.index(max_flux) if plotaxis!=[0,0,0,0]: max_flux_small = max(flux_log10_small) if plotaxis==[0,0,0,0]: nzmax = int(max(max(coord_y_1),max(coord_y_2),max(coord_y_3)))+1 nnmax = int(max(max(coord_x_1),max(coord_x_2),max(coord_x_3)))+1 coord_x_1_small = coord_x_1 coord_x_2_small = coord_x_2 coord_x_3_small = coord_x_3 coord_y_1_small = coord_y_1 coord_y_2_small = coord_y_2 coord_y_3_small = coord_y_3 flux_log10_small= flux_log10 max_flux_small = max_flux else: nzmax = int(max(max(coord_y_1_small),max(coord_y_2_small),max(coord_y_3_small)))+1 nnmax = int(max(max(coord_x_1_small),max(coord_x_2_small),max(coord_x_3_small)))+1 for i in range(nzmax): for j in range(nnmax): if nzycheck[j,i,0]==1: xy = j-0.5,i-0.5 rect = Rectangle(xy,1,1,) patches.append(rect) nzycheck = zeros([nnmax_plot,nzmax,3]) coord_x_out = zeros(len(coord_x_2_small)) coord_y_out = zeros(len(coord_y_2_small)) for i in range(len(flux_log10_small)): nzycheck[coord_x_1_small[i],coord_y_1_small[i],0] = 1 nzycheck[coord_x_1_small[i],coord_y_1_small[i],1] = flux_log10_small[i] if coord_x_2_small[i] >= coord_x_3_small[i]: coord_x_out[i] = coord_x_2_small[i] coord_y_out[i] = coord_y_2_small[i] nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],0] = 1 nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],1] = flux_log10_small[i] elif coord_x_2_small[i] < coord_x_3_small[i]: coord_x_out[i] = coord_x_3_small[i] coord_y_out[i] = coord_y_3_small[i] nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],0] = 1 nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],1] = flux_log10_small[i] if flux_log10_small[i]>max_flux_small-prange: nzycheck[coord_x_1_small[i],coord_y_1_small[i],2] = 1 nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],2] = 1 #### create plot if profile == 'charged': ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) elif profile == 'neutron': ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) # Tick marks xminorlocator = MultipleLocator(1) xmajorlocator = MultipleLocator(5) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(xmajorlocator) ax2.xaxis.set_minor_locator(xminorlocator) yminorlocator = MultipleLocator(1) ymajorlocator = MultipleLocator(5) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(ymajorlocator) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator(yminorlocator) ## define axis and plot style (colormap, size, fontsize etc.) if plotaxis==[0,0,0,0]: xdim=10 ydim=6 else: dx = plotaxis[1]-plotaxis[0] dy = plotaxis[3]-plotaxis[2] ydim = 6 xdim = ydim*dx/dy format = 'pdf' # set x- and y-axis scale aspect ratio to 1 #ax2.set_aspect('equal') # Add black frames for stable isotopes # Add black frames for stable isotopes if boxstable: for i in range(len(self.stable_el)): if i == 0: continue tmp = self.stable_el[i] try: zz= self.elements_names.index(tmp[0]) #charge except: continue for j in range(len(tmp)): if j == 0: continue nn = int(tmp[j]) #atomic mass nn=nn-zz xy = nn-0.5,zz-0.5 rect = Rectangle(xy,1,1,ec='k',fc='None',fill='False',lw=4.) rect.set_zorder(2) ax2.add_patch(rect) apatches = [] acolor = [] m = old_div(0.8,prange) vmax=ceil(max(flux_log10_small)) vmin=max(flux_log10_small)-prange b=-vmin*m+0.1 normr = colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) ymax=0. xmax=0. for i in range(len(flux_log10_small)): x = coord_x_1_small[i] y = coord_y_1_small[i] dx = coord_x_out[i]-coord_x_1_small[i] dy = coord_y_out[i]-coord_y_1_small[i] if flux_log10_small[i]>=vmin: arrowwidth = flux_log10_small[i]*m+b arrow = Arrow(x,y,dx,dy, width=arrowwidth) if xmax0). If any abundence in the reference cycle is zero, it will replace it with 1e-99. The default is -1. decayed : boolean, optional If True plot decayed distributions, else plot live distribution. The default is False. bracket : boolean, optional If True, plot bracket notation [X/ZZ], which requires knowledge of the solar abundance distribution from an iniab file and the user to input which ZZ The default is False solar_file : string, optional Path to the file containing the solar abundance distribution. The default is './iniab2.0E-02GN93.ppn' ref_ZZ : integer, optional Proton number of denominator in bracket notation plot. The default is 1. fancy : boolean, optional whether or not to try and use Times New Roman for the font. The default is False shape : string linestyle string ''' if fancy: fsize=18 try: params = {'axes.labelsize': fsize, 'text.fontsize': fsize, 'legend.fontsize': fsize, 'xtick.labelsize': fsize, 'ytick.labelsize': fsize, 'text.usetex': False, 'font.family': 'Times New Roman', 'figure.facecolor': 'white', 'ytick.minor.pad': 8, 'ytick.major.pad': 8, 'xtick.minor.pad': 8, 'xtick.major.pad': 8, 'figure.subplot.bottom' : 0.15, 'lines.markersize': 6} pl.rcParams.update(params) elemfont = {'family' : 'sans-serif'} except: pass plotType=self._classTest() if plotType=='se': if decayed: raise IOError("Decayed not supported yet! Sorry!") def get_av_elem(cycle): mass=self.se.get(cycle,'mass') print(mass) if mass_range is not None: idx1=abs(mass-mass_range[0]).argmin() idx2=abs(mass-mass_range[1]).argmin() if idx1>idx2: mass=mass[idx2:idx1] ea=self.get_elemental_abunds(cycle,index=[idx2,idx1]) else: mass=mass[idx1:idx2] ea=self.get_elemental_abunds(cycle,index=[idx1,idx2]) else: ea=self.get_elemental_abunds(cycle) # mass-average the abundances: dm=diff(np.insert(mass,0,0.)) totmass=sum(dm) mea=[array(ea[i])*dm[i] for i in range(len(mass))] eamsum=zeros(len(ea[0])) for i in range(len(eamsum)): eamsum[i]=sum([zone[i] for zone in mea]) ea=old_div(eamsum,totmass) return np.maximum(ea,1.e-99) Z=array(self.se.Z) Zuq=array(list(set(Z))) # unique list of Z Zuq.sort() names=self.se.isos[1:] # abolish the neutron ea=get_av_elem(cycle) if ref>0: ea=old_div(ea,get_av_elem(ref)) elif ref==0 or bracket: # initialise solar data # If this import statment goes at the top of the file # then it will cause a circular import loop witch will # cause all modules that try to import data_plot to crash. from . import utils as u u.solar(solar_file,1) selem=u.solar_elem_abund selem=np.maximum(selem,1.e-99) Zsol=array(u.z_sol) Zuqsol=array(list(set(Zsol))) Zuqsol.sort() # get rid of MPPNP data not available for the Sun: rm=[] for ZZ in Zuq: if ZZ not in Zuqsol: rm.append(ZZ) names=delete(names,[where(Zuq==rmz)[0] for rmz in rm]) ea=delete(ea,[where(Zuq==rmz)[0] for rmz in rm]) Zuq=delete(Zuq,[where(Zuq==rmz)[0] for rmz in rm]) # get rid of solar data not available from MPPNP: rm=[] for ZZ in Zuqsol: if ZZ not in Zuq: rm.append(ZZ) selem=delete(selem,[where(Zuqsol==rmz)[0] for rmz in rm]) if bracket: xrefsol=selem[where(Zuqsol==ref_ZZ)[0]] xrefsol=np.maximum(xrefsol,1.e-99) xref=ea[where(Zuq==ref_ZZ)[0]] xref=np.maximum(xref,1.e-99) selem=old_div(selem,xrefsol) ea=old_div(ea,xref) ea=old_div(ea,selem) else: raise IOError("elem_abund currently unsupported for this data type:") print(plotType) pl.plot(Zuq,np.log10(ea),'ro') pl.plot(Zuq,np.log10(ea),'r-') for i in range(len(Zuq)): loc=(-1)**(i%2)*.5 if fancy: pl.text(Zuq[i],np.log10(ea[i])+loc,names[i],fontsize=8,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',clip_on=True,fontdict=elemfont) else: pl.text(Zuq[i],np.log10(ea[i])+loc,names[i],fontsize=8,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',clip_on=True) if ref>0: pl.ylabel('$\log\,X('+str(cycle)+')/X('+str(ref)+')$') elif ref==0: pl.ylabel('$\log\,X/X_\odot$') elif bracket: dname=names[where(Zuq==ref_ZZ)[0]][0] pl.ylabel('$[X/{\\rm '+dname+'}]$') else: pl.ylabel('$\log\,X$') if ylim!=[0,0]: pl.ylim((ylim[0],ylim[1])) if Z_range is not None: pl.xlim((Z_range[0],Z_range[1])) pl.xlabel('$Z$') pl.show() def iso_abund(self, cycle, stable=False, amass_range=None, mass_range=None, ylim=[0,0], ref=-1, show=True, log_logic=True, decayed=False, color_plot=True, grid=False, point_set=1, include_title=False, data_provided=False,thedata=None, verbose=True, mov=False,drawfig=None,drawax=None,show_names=True, label=None,colour=None,elemaburtn=False,mypoint=None): ''' plot the abundance of all the chemical species Parameters ---------- cycle : string, integer or list The cycle of interest. If it is a list of cycles, this method will do a plot for each cycle and save them to a file. stable : boolean, optional A boolean of whether to filter out the unstables. The defaults is False. amass_range : list, optional A 1x2 array containing the lower and upper atomic mass range. If None plot entire available atomic mass range. The default is None. mass_range : list, optional A 1x2 array containing the lower and upper mass range. If this is an instance of abu_vector this will only plot isotopes that have an atominc mass within this range. This will throw an error if this range does not make sense ie [45,2]. If None, it will plot over the entire range. The defaults is None. ylim : list, optional A 1x2 array containing the lower and upper Y limits. If it is [0,0], then ylim will be determined automatically. The default is [0,0]. ref : integer or list, optional reference cycle. If it is not -1, this method will plot the abundences of cycle devided by the cycle of the same instance given in the ref variable. If ref is a list it will be interpreted to have two elements: ref=['dir/of/ref/run',cycle] which uses a refernece cycle from another run. If any abundence in the reference cycle is zero, it will replace it with 1e-99. The default is -1. show : boolean, optional Boolean of if the plot should be displayed. The default is True. log_logic : boolean, optional Plot abundances in log scale or linear. The default is True. decayed : boolean, optional If True plot decayed distributions, else plot life distribution. The default is False. color_plot : boolean, optional Color dots and lines [True/False]. The default is True. grid : boolean, optional print grid. The default is False. point_set : integer, optional Set to 0, 1 or 2 to select one of three point sets, useful for multiple abundances or ratios in one plot. The defalult is 1. include_title : boolean, optional Include a title with the plot. The default is False. drawfig, drawax, mov : optional, not necessary for user to set these variables The figure and axes containers to be drawn on, and whether or not a movie is being made (only True when se.movie is called, which sets mov to True automatically elemaburtn : boolean, private If true, iso_abund() returns after writing self.***_iso_to_plot for use with other plotting routines. mypoint : string, optional fix the marker style of all the points in this plot to one type, given as a string. If None, multiple point styles are used as per point_set. The default is None ''' plotType=self._classTest() if str(cycle.__class__)=="": self.iso_abundMulti(cycle, stable,amass_range,mass_range,ylim,ref, decayed,include_title,color_plot=color_plot,grid=False,point_set=point_set) return if mass_range!=None and mass_range[0]>mass_range[1]: print('Please input a proper mass range') print('Returning None') return None if amass_range!=None and amass_range[0]>amass_range[1]: print('Please input a proper Atomic mass range') print('Returning None') return None if plotType=='se': if decayed: print('Decay option not yet implemented for mppnp - but it is easy do! Consider investing the time!') return None # get things as arrays if not data_provided: cycle=self.se.findCycle(cycle) a_iso_to_plot = array(self.se.A) abunds = self.get(cycle,'iso_massf') isotope_to_plot = array(self.se.isotopes) z_iso_to_plot = array(self.se.Z) isomers_to_plot = array(self.se.isomeric_states) if ref >-1: ref=self.se.findCycle(ref) abundsRef=self.se.get(ref,'iso_massf') masses = self.se.get(cycle,'mass') else: cycle=cycle # why so serious? a_iso_to_plot = array(self.se.A) abunds = thedata[0] isotope_to_plot = array(self.se.isotopes) z_iso_to_plot = array(self.se.Z) isomers_to_plot = array(self.se.isomeric_states) if ref >-1: raise IOError("No. It's not ready yet.") #ref=self.se.findCycle(ref) #abundsRef=self.se.get(ref,'iso_massf') masses = thedata[1] if mass_range == None: if verbose: print('Using default mass range') mass_range = [min(masses),max(masses)] masses.sort() mass_range.sort() if amass_range == None: amass_range=[int(min(a_iso_to_plot)),int(max(a_iso_to_plot))] # remove neutrons - this could move in the non- se/PPN specific part below if 0 in z_iso_to_plot: ind_neut = where(z_iso_to_plot==0)[0][0] a_iso_to_plot = delete(a_iso_to_plot,ind_neut) z_iso_to_plot = delete(z_iso_to_plot,ind_neut) isomers_to_plot = delete(isomers_to_plot,ind_neut) isotope_to_plot = delete(isotope_to_plot,ind_neut) abunds = delete(abunds,ind_neut,1) if ref >-1: abundsRef = delete(abundsRef,ind_neut,1) # extract amass_range acon=(a_iso_to_plot>=amass_range[0]) & (a_iso_to_plot<=amass_range[1]) isomers_to_plot = isomers_to_plot[acon] isotope_to_plot = isotope_to_plot[acon] z_iso_to_plot = z_iso_to_plot[acon] abunds = abunds.T[acon].T if ref >-1: abundsRef = abundsRef.T[acon].T a_iso_to_plot = a_iso_to_plot[acon] el_iso_to_plot = array([x.split('-')[0] for x in isotope_to_plot.tolist()]) # apply mass range if mass_range == None: if verbose: print('Using default mass range') mass_range = [min(masses),max(masses)] mass_range.sort() aabs = [] if ref >-1: cyc = [cycle,ref] abus = [abunds,abundsRef] else: cyc = [cycle] abus = [abunds] for cc,aa in zip(cyc,abus): if not data_provided: masses = self.se.get(cc,'mass') else: masses=masses # why so serious? masses.sort() dmass = masses[1:] - masses[:-1] # I should check the grid definition dmass = append(dmass,0.) mcon = (masses>=mass_range[0]) & (masses<=mass_range[1]) dmass = dmass[mcon] aa = aa[mcon] # average over mass range: aa = (aa.T*dmass).T.sum(0) aa = old_div(aa, (mass_range[1] - mass_range[0])) # abunds has now length of isotope_to_plot aabs.append(aa) if ref >-1: abunds = old_div(aabs[0],(aabs[1]+1.e-99)) else: abunds = aabs[0] self.a_iso_to_plot=a_iso_to_plot self.isotope_to_plot=isotope_to_plot self.z_iso_to_plot=z_iso_to_plot self.el_iso_to_plot=el_iso_to_plot self.abunds=abunds self.isomers_to_plot=isomers_to_plot if elemaburtn: return # self.isotopes = self.se.isotopes elif plotType=='PPN': print("This method adds the following variables to the instance:") print("a_iso_to_plot mass number of plotted range of species") print("isotope_to_plot corresponding list of isotopes") print("z_iso_to_plot corresponding charge numbers") print("el_iso_to_plot corresponding element names") print("abunds corresponding abundances") print("isom isomers and their abundance") self.get(cycle,decayed=decayed) if ref is not -1: if type(ref) is list: # reference cycle from other run import ppn pp=ppn.abu_vector(ref[0]) abunds_pp=pp.get(ref[1],decayed=decayed) self.abunds=old_div(self.abunds,pp.abunds) else: abunds=self.abunds self.get(ref,decayed=decayed) self.abunds=old_div(abunds,(self.abunds+1.e-99)) if amass_range == None: amass_range=[min(self.a_iso_to_plot),max(self.a_iso_to_plot)] aa=ma.masked_outside(self.a_iso_to_plot,amass_range[0],amass_range[1]) isotope_to_plot=ma.array(self.isotope_to_plot,mask=aa.mask).compressed() z_iso_to_plot=ma.array(self.z_iso_to_plot,mask=aa.mask).compressed() el_iso_to_plot=ma.array(self.el_iso_to_plot,mask=aa.mask).compressed() abunds=ma.array(self.abunds,mask=aa.mask).compressed() a_iso_to_plot=aa.compressed() isomers_to_plot=[] for i in range(len(self.isom)): if int(self.isom[i][0].split('-')[1])>100: isomers_to_plot.append(self.isom[i]) self.a_iso_to_plot=a_iso_to_plot self.isotope_to_plot=isotope_to_plot self.z_iso_to_plot=z_iso_to_plot self.el_iso_to_plot=el_iso_to_plot self.abunds=abunds self.isomers_to_plot=isomers_to_plot else: print('This method, iso_abund, is not supported by this class') print('Returning None') return None if verbose: print('Using the following conditions:') if plotType=='se': print('\tmass_range:', mass_range[0], mass_range[1]) print('\tAtomic mass_range:', amass_range[0], amass_range[1]) print('\tcycle: ',cycle) print('\tplot only stable:',stable) print('\tplot decayed: ',decayed) if stable: # remove unstables: # For the element that belongs to the isotope at index 5 in isotope_to_plot # (C-12) the following gives the mass numbers of stable elements: # self.stable_el[self.stable_names.index(el_iso_to_plot[5])][1:] ind_delete=[] for i in range(len(isotope_to_plot)): if a_iso_to_plot[i] not in self.stable_el[self.stable_names.index(el_iso_to_plot[i])][1:]: ind_delete.append(i) a_iso_to_plot = delete(a_iso_to_plot, ind_delete) z_iso_to_plot = delete(z_iso_to_plot, ind_delete) isomers_to_plot = delete(isomers_to_plot,ind_delete) isotope_to_plot = delete(isotope_to_plot,ind_delete) el_iso_to_plot = delete(el_iso_to_plot, ind_delete) abunds = delete(abunds, ind_delete) # el_list=[] # list of elements in el_iso_to_plot # # for el in self.elements_names: # if el in el_iso_to_plot: # el_list.append(el) # SJONES implicit loop: el_list = [el for el in self.elements_names if el in el_iso_to_plot] abund_plot = [] # extract for each element an abundance and associated mass_num = [] # mass number array, sorted by mass number for el in el_list: numbers = a_iso_to_plot[(el_iso_to_plot==el)] abund_plot.append(abunds[(el_iso_to_plot==el)][argsort(numbers)]) mass_num.append(sort(numbers)) # now plot: plot_type = ['-','--','-.',':','-'] pl_index = 0 if mypoint is None: points = [['o','^','p','h','*'],['x','+','D','>','s'],['H','v','<','*','3']] else: points = [ [mypoint]*5 , [mypoint]*5 , [mypoint]*5] if color_plot: colors = ['g','r','c','m','k'] elif colour is not None: colors = [colour]*5 else: colors = ['k','k','k','k','k'] ylim1 = 1.e99 ylim2 = -1.e99 # initialise movie-related things: if mov: artists=[] ax=drawax fig=drawfig elif drawax is not None: ax=drawax else: ax=pl.axes() if drawfig is not None: fig=drawfig for j in range(len(abund_plot)): #Loop through the elements of interest # for l in xrange(len(abund_plot[j])): # if abund_plot[j][l] == 0: # abund_plot[j][l] = 1e-99 abund_plot[j] = np.maximum(abund_plot[j],1.e-99) # SJONES instead of looping # a_dum=zeros(len(abund_plot[j])) # this I (FH) have to do because for some if log_logic == False: # reason log10(abu_abund[j]) does not work a_dum = abund_plot[j] # although abu_abund[j] is a numpy array?!? else: # for ii in range(len(abund_plot[j])): # a_dum[ii]=log10(abund_plot[j][ii]) a_dum=np.log10(abund_plot[j]) # SJONES this seems to work fine for me if type(colors[0]) is str: this_label=str(colors[pl_index]+points[point_set][pl_index]+\ plot_type[pl_index]) else: this_label=None if mov: artist1,=ax.plot(mass_num[j],a_dum,this_label,markersize=6, markeredgecolor='None') else: if this_label is not None: if label is not None and j==0: pl.plot(mass_num[j],a_dum,this_label,markersize=6, label=label,markeredgecolor='None') pl.legend(loc='best').draw_frame(False) else: pl.plot(mass_num[j],a_dum,this_label,markersize=6, markeredgecolor='None') else: if label is not None and j==0: pl.plot(mass_num[j],a_dum, color=colors[pl_index], marker=points[point_set][pl_index], linestyle=plot_type[pl_index], markersize=6,label=label, markeredgecolor='None') pl.legend(loc='best').draw_frame(False) else: pl.plot(mass_num[j],a_dum, color=colors[pl_index], marker=points[point_set][pl_index], linestyle=plot_type[pl_index], markersize=6,markeredgecolor='None') abu_max = max(a_dum) max_index=where(a_dum==abu_max)[0][0] coordinates=[mass_num[j][max_index],abu_max] if mov: artist2=ax.text(coordinates[0]+0.1,1.05*coordinates[1],el_list[j],clip_on=True) else: if show_names: # pl.text(coordinates[0]+0.1,1.05*coordinates[1],el_list[j],clip_on=True) pl.text(coordinates[0],np.log10(2.2*10.**coordinates[1]), el_list[j],clip_on=True, horizontalalignment='center') pl_index+=1 if pl_index > 4: pl_index = 0 ylim1=min(ylim1,min(a_dum)) ylim2=max(ylim2,max(a_dum)) if mov: artists.extend([artist1,artist2]) # now trimming the ylims if log_logic: dylim=0.05*(ylim2-ylim1) ylim1 = ylim1 -dylim ylim2 = ylim2 +dylim if ref is not -1: ylim2 = min(ylim2,4) ylim1 = max(ylim1,-4) else: ylim2 = min(ylim2,0.2) ylim1 = max(ylim1,-13) else: ylim1 = ylim1 *0.8 ylim2 = ylim2 *1.1 if include_title: if plotType=='se': if ref == -1: title = str('Range %4.2f' %mass_range[0]) + str('-%4.2f' %mass_range[1]) +\ str(' for cycle %d' %int(cycle)) else: title = str('Range %4.2f' %mass_range[0]) + \ str('-%4.2f' %mass_range[1]) + str(' for cycle %d' %int(cycle))+\ str(' relative to cycle %d' %int(ref)) else: if ref == -1: title = str('Cycle %d' %int(cycle)) else: title = str('Cycle %d' %int(cycle))+\ str(' relative to cycle %d' %int(ref)) print("including title: ...") if mov: artist1,=ax.title(title) artists.append(artist1) else: pl.title(title) if ylim[0] == 0 and ylim[1] == 0: pl.ylim(ylim1,ylim2) else: pl.ylim(ylim[0],ylim[1]) pl.xlim([amass_range[0]-.5,amass_range[1]+.5]) pl.xlabel('mass number (A)',fontsize=14) if ref is not -1: if log_logic: pl.ylabel(r'log abundance ratio',fontsize=14) else: pl.ylabel(r'abundance ratio',fontsize=14) else: if log_logic: pl.ylabel(r'log mass fraction ',fontsize=14) else: pl.ylabel(r'mass fraction',fontsize=14) if amass_range != None: minimum_mass = amass_range[0] maximum_mass = amass_range[1] elif mass_range != None: minimum_mass = mass_range[0] maximum_mass = mass_range[1] else: minimum_mass = 0 maximum_mass = 200 if log_logic == False: if mov: artist1,=ax.plot([amass_range[0]-.5,amass_range[1]+.5],[1,1],'k-') artists.append(artist1) else: pl.plot([amass_range[0]-.5,amass_range[1]+.5],[1,1],'k-') else: if mov: artist1,=ax.plot([amass_range[0]-.5,amass_range[1]+.5],[0,0],'k-') artists.append(artist1) else: pl.plot([amass_range[0]-.5,amass_range[1]+.5],[0,0],'k-') labelsx=[] if (maximum_mass-minimum_mass) > 100: delta_labelsx = 10 else: delta_labelsx = 5 iii = amass_range[0]%delta_labelsx if iii == 0: labelsx.append(str(amass_range[0])) else: labelsx.append(' ') iii = iii+1 kkk = 0 for label1 in range(amass_range[1]-amass_range[0]): if iii == 5: kkk = kkk+1 labelsx.append(str((iii*kkk)+amass_range[0]-(amass_range[0]%5))) iii = 0 iii = iii+1 else: labelsx.append(' ') iii = iii+1 if delta_labelsx == 5: xticks = arange(amass_range[0],amass_range[1],1) pl.xticks(xticks,labelsx) else: pl.xticks() # SJONES moved the pl.grid and pl.show to the very end if grid: pl.grid() if show: pl.show() ##!!FOR!!###### print 'LEN LABELS= ', len(labelsx) ##DEBUGGING#### ####!!!######## for bbb in range (len(labelsx)): ############### print labelsx[bbb] if mov: return artists def elemental_abund(self,cycle,zrange=[1,15],ylim=[-12,0],title_items=None, ref=0,solar_filename='',show_names=True,label='', colour='',**kwargs): ''' Plot the decayed elemental abundance distribution (PPN). Plot the elemental abundance distribution (nugridse). (FH, 06/2014; SJ 07/2014) Parameters ---------- cycle : string, integer or list The cycle of interest. If it is a list of cycles, this method will do a plot for each cycle and save them to a file. zrange : list, optional A 1x2 array containing the lower and upper atomic number limit ylim : list, optional A 1x2 array containing the lower and upper Y limits. If it is [0,0], then ylim will be determined automatically. The default is [0,0]. title_items : list, optional A list of cycle attributes that will be added to the title. For possible cycle attributes see self.cattrs. ref : integer, optional ref = 0: plot abundaces as mass fraction ref = 1: plot abundances relative to solar for this option, an additional keyword argument 'solar_filename' must be passed with the path to the solar abundance dist. file. ref = 2: in progress label : string, optional The label for the abundance distribution The default is '' (i.e. do not show a label) show_names : boolean, optional Whether or not to show the element names on the figure. colour : string, optional In case you want to dictate line colours. Takes cymkrgb single-character colours or any other colour string accepted by matplotlib. The default is '' (automatic colour selection) kwargs : additional keyword arguments These arguments are equivalent to those of iso_abund, e.g. mass_range. Routines from iso_abund are called, to perform averages and get elemental abundances in the correct form. Output ------ z_el : array proton number of elements being returned el_to_plot : array elemental abundances (as you asked for them, could be ref to something else) ''' plotType=self._classTest() if plotType=='PPN': self.get(cycle,decayed=True) z_el=unique(self.z_iso_to_plot) zmin_ind=min(where(z_el>=zrange[0])[0]) zmax_ind=max(where(z_el<=zrange[1])[0]) # extract some elemental quantities: a_el=[]; el_name=[]; el_abu=[]; el_abu_hash={} for z in z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind]: el=self.el_iso_to_plot[where(self.z_iso_to_plot==z)[0].tolist()[0]] X_el=self.abunds[where(self.el_iso_to_plot==el)[0].tolist()].sum() a_el.append(self.a_iso_to_plot[where(self.z_iso_to_plot==z)[0].tolist()[0]]) el_abu.append(X_el) el_name.append(el) el_abu_hash[el]=X_el # plot an elemental abundance distribution with labels: pl.plot(z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind],np.log10(el_abu),**kwargs) j=0 # add labels for z in z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind]: pl.text(z+0.15,log10(el_abu[j])+0.05,el_name[j]) j += 1 if title_items is not None: pl.title(self._do_title_string(title_items,cycle)) pl.ylim(ylim[0],ylim[1]) pl.xlabel('Z') pl.ylabel('log mass fraction') # savefig('elemental'+str(i)+'.png') elif plotType=='se': # get self.***_iso_to_plot by calling iso_abund function, which writes them self.iso_abund(cycle,elemaburtn=True,**kwargs) z_el=unique(self.se.Z) zmin_ind=min(where(z_el>=zrange[0])[0]) zmax_ind=max(where(z_el<=zrange[1])[0]) # extract some elemental quantities: a_el=[]; el_name=[]; el_abu=[]; el_abu_hash={} for z in z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind]: el=self.el_iso_to_plot[where(self.se.Z==z)[0].tolist()[0]] X_el=self.abunds[where(self.el_iso_to_plot==el)[0].tolist()].sum() a_el.append(self.a_iso_to_plot[where(self.z_iso_to_plot==z)[0].tolist()[0]]) el_abu.append(X_el) el_name.append(el) el_abu_hash[el]=X_el # plot an elemental abundance distribution with labels: if ref==0: el_abu_plot=el_abu ylab='log mass fraction' elif ref==1: from . import utils if solar_filename=='': raise IOError('You chose to plot relative to the solar abundance dist. However, you did not supply the solar abundance file!') else: nuutils.solar(solar_filename,1) menow = where(unique(nuutils.z_sol)==44.)[0][0] print(1, menow, nuutils.solar_elem_abund[menow]) el_abu_sun=np.array(nuutils.solar_elem_abund) print(2, el_abu_sun) print(3, el_abu_sun[42]) el_abu_plot=np.zeros(len(el_abu)) for zs in z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind]: zelidx=where(z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind]==zs)[0] zsolidx=zs-1 if el_abu_sun[zsolidx] > 0. : el_abu_plot[zelidx]=old_div(el_abu[zelidx],el_abu_sun[zsolidx]) else: el_abu_plot[zelidx]=-1 ylab='log X/X$_\odot$' else: raise IOError('Your choice of ref is not available yet. Please use another.') if label != '': if colour!='': print("Plotting without color and label:") pl.plot(z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind],np.log10(el_abu_plot), 'o-',label=label,color=colour,markeredgecolor='None') else: pl.plot(z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind],np.log10(el_abu_plot) ,'o-',label=label,markeredgecolor='None') else: if colour!='': pl.plot(z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind],np.log10(el_abu_plot), 'o-',color=colour,markeredgecolor='None') else: pl.plot(z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind],np.log10(el_abu_plot), 'o-',markeredgecolor='None') if show_names: j=0 # add labels for z in z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind]: # pl.text(z+0.15,log10(el_abu_plot[j])+0.05,el_name[j]) if el_abu_plot[j] > 0.: pl.text(z,log10(el_abu_plot[j])+0.5,el_name[j], horizontalalignment='center') j += 1 if title_items is not None: pl.title(self._do_title_string(title_items,cycle)) pl.ylim(ylim[0],ylim[1]) pl.xlabel('Z') pl.ylabel(ylab) if label != '': pl.legend(loc='best').draw_frame(False) return z_el[zmin_ind:zmax_ind],el_abu_plot else: print('This method is not supported for '+plotType) return def _do_title_string(self,title_items,cycle): ''' Create title string Private method that creates a title string for a cycle plot out of a list of title_items that are cycle attributes and can be obtained with self.get Parameters ---------- title_items : list A list of cycle attributes. cycle : scalar The cycle for which the title string should be created. Returns ------- title_string: string Title string that can be used to decorate plot. ''' title_string=[] form_str='%4.1F' for item in title_items: num=self.get(item,fname=cycle) if num > 999: num=log10(num) prefix='log ' else: prefix='' title_string.append(prefix+item+'='+form_str%num) tt='' for thing in title_string: tt = tt+thing+", " return tt.rstrip(', ') def plotprofMulti(self, ini, end, delta, what_specie, xlim1, xlim2, ylim1, ylim2, symbol=None): ''' create a movie with mass fractions vs mass coordinate between xlim1 and xlim2, ylim1 and ylim2. Only works with instances of se. Parameters ---------- ini : integer Initial model i.e. cycle. end : integer Final model i.e. cycle. delta : integer Sparsity factor of the frames. what_specie : list Array with species in the plot. xlim1, xlim2 : integer or float Mass coordinate range. ylim1, ylim2 : integer or float Mass fraction coordinate range. symbol : list, optional Array indicating which symbol you want to use. Must be of the same len of what_specie array. The default is None. ''' plotType=self._classTest() if plotType=='se': for i in range(ini,end+1,delta): step = int(i) #print step if symbol==None: symbol_dummy = '-' for j in range(len(what_specie)): self.plot_prof_1(step,what_specie[j],xlim1,xlim2,ylim1,ylim2,symbol_dummy) else: for j in range(len(what_specie)): symbol_dummy = symbol[j] self.plot_prof_1(step,what_specie[j],xlim1,xlim2,ylim1,ylim2,symbol_dummy) # filename = str('%03d' % step)+'_test.png' pl.savefig(filename, dpi=400) print('wrote file ', filename) # pl.clf() else: print('This method is not supported for '+str(self.__class__)) return def movie(self, cycles, plotstyle='',movname='',fps=12,**kwargs): from matplotlib import animation ''' Make an interactive movie in the matplotlib window for a number of different plot types: Plot types ---------- 'iso_abund' : abundance distribution a la se.iso_abund() 'abu_chart' : abundance chart a la se.abu_chart() 'plot' : plot any number of y_items against an x_item Parameters ---------- cycles : list Which cycles do you want to plot as movie frames? plotstyle : string What type of plot should the movie show? Currently supported is 'iso_abund', 'abu_chart' and 'plot' movname : string, optional Name of movie (+ extension, e.g. .mp4 or .avi) if the movie is to be saved The default is '' args : list Arguments to should be passed to the plotting function. These are the arguments of the respective methods that make the frames. See the docstrings of those functions for details 'plot' Parameters ----------------- 'xlims' : tuple, optional 'ylims' : tuple, optional 'xlabel' : string, optional 'ylabel' : string, optional 'legend' : boolean, optional The default is False 'loc' : string or integer, optional Set the legend location if legend is True. The default is 'best' 'interval' : frame interval in ms FAQ: ---- If ffmpeg is not installed on OSX (and you don't want to wait for port to do it) check out these binaries: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18833731/how-to-set-ffmpeg-for-matplotlib-in-mac-os-x ''' modelself=self supported_styles=['iso_abund','abu_chart','plot'] class mov(object): def __init__(self,cyc,style,movname,fps,**kwargs): self.fig = None self.ax = None self.ani = None self.cyc = cyc self.movname=movname self.fps = fps self.style=style if self.style in supported_styles: animateFunc=draw_frame else: raise IOError("this type of movie is not available yet! Sorry!") if self.style=='plot': self.y_ditems=kwargs['y_items'] self.data=kwargs['data'] self._init_animation(animateFunc) def _init_animation(self, animateFunc): if self.style=='plot': fsize=14 params = {'axes.labelsize': fsize, 'text.fontsize': fsize, 'legend.fontsize': fsize*0.8, 'xtick.labelsize': fsize, 'ytick.labelsize': fsize, 'text.usetex': False, 'figure.facecolor': 'white', 'ytick.minor.pad': 8, 'ytick.major.pad': 8, 'xtick.minor.pad': 8, 'xtick.major.pad': 8, 'figure.subplot.bottom' : 0.15, 'lines.markersize': 8} matplotlib.rcParams.update(params) self.fig, self.ax = pl.subplots() tmp=[] for i in range(len(self.y_ditems)): tmp.append(self.data[0][0]) tmp.append(self.data[0][i+1]) self.lines = self.ax.plot(*tmp) if 'ylims' in kwargs: pl.ylim(kwargs['ylims']) if 'xlims' in kwargs: pl.xlim(kwargs['xlims']) if 'xlabel' in kwargs: pl.xlabel(kwargs['xlabel']) else: pl.xlabel(kwargs['x_item']) if 'ylabel' in kwargs: pl.ylabel(kwargs['ylabel']) else: if type(y_items) is str: lab=y_items elif type(y_items) is list and len(y_items) == 1: lab=y_items[0] else: lab='' for el in kwargs['y_items']: lab+=el+', ' lab=lab[:-2] pl.ylabel(lab) if 'legend' in kwargs and kwargs['legend']: if 'loc' in kwargs: pl.legend([line for line in self.lines], self.y_ditems, loc=kwargs['loc']).draw_frame(False) else: pl.legend([line for line in self.lines], self.y_ditems, loc='best').draw_frame(False) self._animation(animateFunc) def _animation(self, animateFunc): if plotstyle=='plot' and 'interval' in kwargs: self.ani = animation.FuncAnimation(self.fig, animateFunc, arange(0, len(self.cyc)), interval=kwargs['interval'], blit=False, fargs=[self]) elif plotstyle=='iso_abund': self.fig, self.ax = pl.subplots() ims=[] for i in arange(0,len(self.cyc)): im=draw_frame(i,self) ims.append(im) self.ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(self.fig,ims,interval=50, blit=False) self.fig.canvas.draw() elif plotstyle=='abu_chart': self.fig=pl.figure() axx = 0.10 axy = 0.10 axw = 0.85 axh = 0.8 self.ax=pl.axes([axx,axy,axw,axh]) ims=[] for i in arange(0,len(self.cyc)): im=draw_frame(i,self) # draw_frame here returns the patch for the abundance squares # im[0] as well as the artists im[1], so that the colorbar # can be plotted only once (on the first plot) ims.append(im[1]) if i==0: cb=pl.colorbar(im[0]) cb.set_label('log$_{10}$(X)',fontsize='x-large') self.ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(self.fig,ims,interval=50, blit=False) self.fig.canvas.draw() if self.movname is not '': print('\n generating animation: '+self.movname) self.ani.save(self.movname,fps=self.fps) print('animation '+self.movname+' saved with '+str(self.fps)+' frames per second') plotType=self._classTest() if plotType=='se': if plotstyle == 'iso_abund': data = self.se.get(cycles,['iso_massf','mass']) def draw_frame(i,self=None): artists=modelself.iso_abund(self.cyc[i],stable=True,show=False, data_provided=True,thedata=data[i], verbose=False,drawfig=self.fig,drawax=self.ax, mov=True,**kwargs) return artists if plotstyle == 'abu_chart': data = self.se.get(cycles,['iso_massf','mass']) def draw_frame(i,self=None): artists=modelself.abu_chart(self.cyc[i],show=False,data_provided=True, thedata=data[i],lbound=(-12, -6),drawfig=self.fig, drawax=self.ax,mov=True,**kwargs) return artists if plotstyle=='plot': if 'x_item' not in kwargs or 'y_items' not in kwargs: raise IOError("Please specify both x_item and y_items") x_item = kwargs['x_item'] y_items = kwargs['y_items'] tx, ty = type(x_item), type(y_items) if tx is list and ty is list: data=self.se.get(cycles,x_item+y_items) elif tx is str and ty is list: data=self.se.get(cycles,[x_item]+y_items) elif tx is str and ty is str: data=self.se.get(cycles,[x_item]+[y_items]) def draw_frame(i, self=None): # pl.title("cycle: " + self.cyc[i]) for j in range(len(self.lines)): if 'logy' in kwargs and kwargs['logy']: self.lines[j].set_data(self.data[i][0], np.log10(self.data[i][j+1])) else: self.lines[j].set_data(self.data[i][0], self.data[i][j+1]) return self.lines if plotstyle=='plot': return mov(cycles,plotstyle,movname,fps,data=data,**kwargs).ani else: return mov(cycles,plotstyle,movname,fps).ani # From mesa_profile def plot_prof_1(self, species, keystring, xlim1, xlim2, ylim1, ylim2, symbol=None, show=False): ''' Plot one species for cycle between xlim1 and xlim2 Only works with instances of se and mesa _profile. Parameters ---------- species : list Which species to plot. keystring : string or integer Label that appears in the plot or in the case of se, a cycle. xlim1, xlim2 : integer or float Mass coordinate range. ylim1, ylim2 : integer or float Mass fraction coordinate range. symbol : string, optional Which symbol you want to use. If None symbol is set to '-'. The default is None. show : boolean, optional Show the ploted graph. The default is False. ''' plotType=self._classTest() if plotType=='se': #tot_mass=self.se.get(keystring,'total_mass') tot_mass=self.se.get('mini') age=self.se.get(keystring,'age') mass=self.se.get(keystring,'mass') Xspecies=self.se.get(keystring,'iso_massf',species) mod=keystring elif plotType=='mesa_profile': tot_mass=self.header_attr['star_mass'] age=self.header_attr['star_age'] mass=self.get('mass') mod=self.header_attr['model_number'] Xspecies=self.get(species) else: print('This method is not supported for '+str(self.__class__)) return if symbol == None: symbol = '-' x,y=self._logarithm(Xspecies,mass,True,False,10) #print x pl.plot(y,x,symbol,label=str(species)) pl.xlim(xlim1,xlim2) pl.ylim(ylim1,ylim2) pl.legend() pl.xlabel('$Mass$ $coordinate$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('$X_{i}$', fontsize=20) #pl.title('Mass='+str(tot_mass)+', Time='+str(age)+' years, cycle='+str(mod)) pl.title('Mass='+str(tot_mass)+', cycle='+str(mod)) if show: pl.show() def density_profile(self,ixaxis='mass',ifig=None,colour=None,label=None,fname=None): ''' Plot density as a function of either mass coordiate or radius. Parameters ---------- ixaxis : string 'mass' or 'radius' The default value is 'mass' ifig : integer or string The figure label The default value is None colour : string What colour the line should be The default value is None label : string Label for the line The default value is None fname : integer What cycle to plot from (if SE output) The default value is None ''' pT=self._classTest() # Class-specific things: if pT is 'mesa_profile': x = self.get(ixaxis) if ixaxis is 'radius': x = x*ast.rsun_cm y = self.get('logRho') elif pT is 'se': if fname is None: raise IOError("Please provide the cycle number fname") x = self.se.get(fname,ixaxis) y = np.log10(self.se.get(fname,'rho')) else: raise IOError("Sorry. the density_profile method is not available \ for this class") # Plot-specific things: if ixaxis is 'radius': x = np.log10(x) xlab='$\log_{10}(r\,/\,{\\rm cm})$' else: xlab='${\\rm Mass}\,/\,M_\odot$' if ifig is not None: pl.figure(ifig) if label is not None: if colour is not None: pl.plot(x,y,color=colour,label=label) else: pl.plot(x,y,label=label) pl.legend(loc='best').draw_frame(False) else: if colour is not None: pl.plot(x,y,color=colour) else: pl.plot(x,y) pl.xlabel(xlab) pl.ylabel('$\log_{10}(\\rho\,/\,{\\rm g\,cm}^{-3})$') def abu_profile(self,ixaxis='mass',isos=None,ifig=None,fname=None,logy=False, colourblind=False): ''' Plot common abundances as a function of either mass coordiate or radius. Parameters ---------- ixaxis : string, optional 'mass', 'logradius' or 'radius' The default value is 'mass' isos : list, optional list of isos to plot, i.e. ['h1','he4','c12'] for MESA or ['H-1','He-4','C-12'] for SE output. If None, the code decides itself what to plot. The default is None. ifig : integer or string, optional The figure label The default value is None fname : integer, optional What cycle to plot from (if SE output) The default value is None logy : boolean, optional Should y-axis be logarithmic? The default value is False colourblind : boolean, optional do you want to use the colourblind colour palette from the NuGrid nuutils module? ''' pT=self._classTest() # Class-specific things: if pT is 'mesa_profile': x = self.get(ixaxis) if ixaxis is 'radius': x = x*ast.rsun_cm if isos is None: isos=['h1','he4','c12','c13','n14','o16','ne20','ne22','mg24','mg25', 'al26','si28','si30','s32','s34','cl35','ar36','ar38','cr52', 'cr56','fe56','ni56'] risos=[i for i in isos if i in self.cols] abunds = [self.get(riso) for riso in risos] names=risos elif pT is 'se': if fname is None: raise IOError("Please provide the cycle number fname") x = self.se.get(fname,ixaxis) if isos is None: isos=['H-1','He-4','C-12','C-13','N-14','O-16','Ne-20','Ne-22','Mg-24','Mg-25', 'Sl-26','Si-28','Si-30','S-32','S-34','Cl-35','Ar-36','Ar-38','Cr-52', 'Cr-56','Fe-56','Ni-56'] risos=[i for i in isos if i in self.se.isotopes] abunds = self.se.get(fname,'iso_massf',risos) names=risos else: raise IOError("Sorry. the density_profile method is not available \ for this class") # Plot-specific things: if ixaxis is 'logradius': x = np.log10(x) xlab='$\log_{10}(r\,/\,{\\rm cm})$' elif ixaxis is 'radius': x = old_div(x, 1.e8) xlab = 'r / Mm' else: xlab='${\\rm Mass}\,/\,M_\odot$' if ifig is not None: pl.figure(ifig) from . import utils as u cb = u.colourblind lscb = u.linestylecb # colourblind linestyle function for i in range(len(risos)): if logy: y = np.log10(abunds[i]) else: y = abunds[i] if colourblind: pl.plot(x,y,ls=lscb(i)[0],marker=lscb(i)[1], color=lscb(i)[2],markevery=u.linestyle(i)[1]*20, label=names[i],mec='None') else: pl.plot(x,y,u.linestyle(i)[0],markevery=u.linestyle(i)[1]*20, label=names[i],mec='None') pl.legend(loc='best').draw_frame(False) pl.xlabel(xlab) pl.ylabel('$\log(X)$') def ye_profile(self,ixaxis='mass',ifig=None,colour=None,label=None,fname=None): ''' Plot electron fraction Y_e as a function of either mass coordiate or radius. Parameters ---------- ixaxis : string 'mass' or 'radius' The default value is 'mass' ifig : integer or string The figure label The default value is None colour : string What colour the line should be The default value is None label : string Label for the line The default value is None fname : integer What cycle to plot from (if SE output) The default value is None ''' pT=self._classTest() # Class-specific things: if pT is 'mesa_profile': x = self.get(ixaxis) if ixaxis is 'radius': x = x*ast.rsun_cm y = self.get('ye') elif pt is 'se': if fname is None: raise IOError("Please provide the cycle number fname") raise IOError("Sorry, Ye profile is not yet available for\ the SE data class") # x = self.se.get(fname,ixaxis) # y = None # not implemented yet... else: raise IOError("Sorry. the density_profile method is not available \ for this class") # Plot-specific things: if ixaxis is 'radius': x = np.log10(x) xlab='$\log_{10}(r\,/\,{\\rm cm})$' else: xlab='${\\rm Mass}\,/\,M_\odot$' if ifig is not None: pl.figure(ifig) if label is not None: if colour is not None: pl.plot(x,y,color=colour,label=label) else: pl.plot(x,y,label=label) pl.legend(loc='best').draw_frame(False) else: if colour is not None: pl.plot(x,y,color=colour) else: pl.plot(x,y) pl.xlabel(xlab) pl.ylabel('$Y_{\\rm e}$') # From mesa.star_log def flux_chart(file_name, plotaxis, plot_type, which_flux=None, I_am_the_target=None, prange=None): ''' Plots a chart with fluxes Parameters ---------- file_name : string Name of the file of fluxes we are looking at. plotaxis : list [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], where on x axis there is neutron number and on y axis there is Z. plot_types : integer Set to 0 for standard flux plot. Set to 1 if fluxes focused on one specie. which_flux : integer, optional Set to 0 for nucleosynthesis flux plot. Set to 1 is for energy flux plot. Seting to None is the same a 0. The default is None. I_am_the_target : list, optional A 2xArray used only if plot_type=1, and is given by [neutron number, proton number]. The default is None. prange : integer, optional The range of fluxes to be considered. If prange is None, then 8 fluxes are consdered. The default is None. Notes ----- This script is terribly slow and needs to be improved. For now I put here in data_plot: [1]: import data_plot [2]: data_plot.flux_chart('file_name', [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], int, which_flux, I_am_the_target, prange) The pdf is created, but an error bumped up and the gui is empty. To avoid this, I had to set 'text.usetex': False. See below. Also, for the same reason no label in x axys is written using 'text.usetex': True. Note also that the GUI works really slow with this plot. So, we need to optimize from the graphic point of view. This need to be included in ppn.py I think, and set in multi option too, in case we want to read more flux files at the same time. Finally, you need to have stable.dat to read in to make it work ... ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from matplotlib.mpl import colors,cm # deppreciated in mpl ver 1.3 # use line below instead from matplotlib import colors,cm from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, Arrow from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredOffsetbox, TextArea import sys print_max_flux_in_plot = True f = open(file_name) lines = f.readline() lines = f.readlines() f.close() # starting point of arrow coord_x_1 = [] coord_y_1 = [] # ending point of arrow (option 1) coord_x_2 = [] coord_y_2 = [] # ending point of arrow (option 2) coord_x_3 = [] coord_y_3 = [] # fluxes flux_read = [] flux_log10 = [] if which_flux == None or which_flux == 0: print('chart for nucleosynthesis fluxes [dYi/dt]') line_to_read = 9 elif which_flux == 1: print('chart for energy fluxes') line_to_read = 10 elif which_flux == 2: print('chart for timescales') line_to_read = 11 elif which_flux > 2: print("you have only option 0, 1 or 2, not larger than 2") single_line = [] for i in range(len(lines)): single_line.append(lines[i].split()) coord_y_1.append(float(single_line[i][1])) coord_x_1.append(float(single_line[i][2])-coord_y_1[i]) coord_y_2.append(float(single_line[i][5])) coord_x_2.append(float(single_line[i][6])-coord_y_2[i]) coord_y_3.append(float(single_line[i][7])) coord_x_3.append(float(single_line[i][8])-coord_y_3[i]) try: flux_read.append(float(single_line[i][line_to_read])) except ValueError: # this is done to avoid format issues like 3.13725-181... flux_read.append(1.0E-99) flux_log10.append(np.log10(flux_read[i]+1.0e-99)) print('file read!') # I need to select smaller sample, with only fluxes inside plotaxis. coord_y_1_small=[] coord_x_1_small=[] coord_y_2_small=[] coord_x_2_small=[] coord_y_3_small=[] coord_x_3_small=[] flux_log10_small = [] for i in range(len(flux_log10)): I_am_in = 0 if coord_y_1[i] > plotaxis[2] and coord_y_1[i] < plotaxis[3] and coord_x_1[i] > plotaxis[0] and coord_x_1[i] < plotaxis[1]: I_am_in = 1 coord_y_1_small.append(coord_y_1[i]) coord_x_1_small.append(coord_x_1[i]) coord_y_2_small.append(coord_y_2[i]) coord_x_2_small.append(coord_x_2[i]) coord_y_3_small.append(coord_y_3[i]) coord_x_3_small.append(coord_x_3[i]) flux_log10_small.append(flux_log10[i]) if coord_y_3[i] > plotaxis[2] and coord_y_3[i] < plotaxis[3] and coord_x_3[i] > plotaxis[0] and coord_x_3[i] < plotaxis[1] and I_am_in == 0: I_am_in = 1 coord_y_1_small.append(coord_y_1[i]) coord_x_1_small.append(coord_x_1[i]) coord_y_2_small.append(coord_y_2[i]) coord_x_2_small.append(coord_x_2[i]) coord_y_3_small.append(coord_y_3[i]) coord_x_3_small.append(coord_x_3[i]) flux_log10_small.append(flux_log10[i]) if plot_type == 1: print('I_am_the_target=',I_am_the_target) #I_am_the_target = [56.-26.,26.] # here below need for plotting # plotaxis = [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] #plotaxis=[1,20,1,20] #plotaxis=[0,0,0,0] # elemental labels off/on [0/1] ilabel = 1 # label for isotopic masses off/on [0/1] imlabel = 1 # turn lines for magic numbers off/on [0/1] imagic = 0 # flow is plotted over "prange" dex. If flow < maxflow-prange it is not plotted if prange == None: print('plot range given by default') prange = 8. ############################################# # we should scale prange on plot_axis range, not on max_flux! max_flux = max(flux_log10) ind_max_flux = flux_log10.index(max_flux) max_flux_small = max(flux_log10_small) min_flux = min(flux_log10) ind_min_flux = flux_log10.index(min_flux) min_flux_small = min(flux_log10_small) #nzmax = int(max(max(coord_y_1),max(coord_y_2),max(coord_y_3)))+1 #nnmax = int(max(max(coord_x_1),max(coord_x_2),max(coord_x_3)))+1 nzmax = int(max(max(coord_y_1_small),max(coord_y_2_small),max(coord_y_3_small)))+1 nnmax = int(max(max(coord_x_1_small),max(coord_x_2_small),max(coord_x_3_small)))+1 nzycheck = np.zeros([nnmax,nzmax,3]) #coord_x_out = np.zeros(len(coord_x_2)) #coord_y_out = np.zeros(len(coord_y_2)) #for i in range(len(flux_log10)): # nzycheck[coord_x_1[i],coord_y_1[i],0] = 1 # nzycheck[coord_x_1[i],coord_y_1[i],1] = flux_log10[i] # if coord_x_2[i] >= coord_x_3[i]: # coord_x_out[i] = coord_x_2[i] # coord_y_out[i] = coord_y_2[i] # nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],0] = 1 # nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],1] = flux_log10[i] # elif coord_x_2[i] < coord_x_3[i]: # coord_x_out[i] = coord_x_3[i] # coord_y_out[i] = coord_y_3[i] # nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],0] = 1 # nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],1] = flux_log10[i] # if flux_log10[i]>max_flux-prange: # nzycheck[coord_x_1[i],coord_y_1[i],2] = 1 # nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],2] = 1 coord_x_out = np.zeros(len(coord_x_2_small)) coord_y_out = np.zeros(len(coord_y_2_small)) for i in range(len(flux_log10_small)): nzycheck[coord_x_1_small[i],coord_y_1_small[i],0] = 1 nzycheck[coord_x_1_small[i],coord_y_1_small[i],1] = flux_log10_small[i] if coord_x_2_small[i] >= coord_x_3_small[i]: coord_x_out[i] = coord_x_2_small[i] coord_y_out[i] = coord_y_2_small[i] nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],0] = 1 nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],1] = flux_log10_small[i] elif coord_x_2_small[i] < coord_x_3_small[i]: coord_x_out[i] = coord_x_3_small[i] coord_y_out[i] = coord_y_3_small[i] nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],0] = 1 nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],1] = flux_log10_small[i] if which_flux == None or which_flux < 2 and flux_log10_small[i]>max_flux_small-prange: nzycheck[coord_x_1_small[i],coord_y_1_small[i],2] = 1 nzycheck[coord_x_out[i],coord_y_out[i],2] = 1 elif which_flux == 2 and flux_log10_small[i]