# # NuGridpy - Tools for accessing and visualising NuGrid data. # # Copyright 2007 - 2014 by the NuGrid Team. # All rights reserved. See LICENSE. # ''' nugridse is a collection of plots of data in se-type h5 files. Usage ===== start by loading the module, >>> import nugridse as mp you can get help, >>> help mp next, initiate a se class instance, >>> pt=mp.se('path/to/dir/with/se-files') which would read all h5 files from the current directory; again, do help(mp.se) or mp.se? To get info for more options, as for example how to specify a match pattern to select only certain files in the directory; this may be useful if there are very many files and you want only every 10th. For example, >>> pt =mp.se('.','M1.65Z0.020.00') Note: Initializing an instance with 120 files with 1000 packets each may take 3-4 minutes, which is too long for many people, therefore the initialization module will generate and write an index file. If such an index file is present initialization will take less then a second. The initialization module will automatically detect various situations in which the index file needs to be rewritten, for example if there is a new file. look at the data that is available in your instance, >>> pt.sedir >>> pt.sefiles The actual data is in pt.se and the following commands give you access to header and cycle attributes as well as the cycle profile data: >>> pt.se.cattrs >>> pt.se.hattrs >>> pt.se.dcols Available cycles can be viewed with, >>> pt.se.cycles You can get any of the quantities via the 'get' method, which is relatively smart to give you things in various ways. >>> pt.get('rho') would give you all rho vectors for all cycles, which is maybe more than you want, so try >>> pt.get(300,'rho') to get the rho vector for cycle 300. Instead of one cycle you may also supply a cycle list for the first argument. Use help(pt) (or whatever you instance is) for a full description of what else your instance has to offer, which includes methods to work with data. Note: A particularly nice feature is that you can work with instances of different types of data in a very flexible way, for example in lists: >>> cases=[pt1,pt2,pt3] >>> for this_case in cases: ... do something with this_case There are various plotting methods, including plotting abundance charts (abu_chart), isotopic abundance distributions and the generic 'plot' method that lets you plot every quantity against any other quantity that can possibly be plotted. Some of the methods (including the three just mentioned) are available via the super class data_plot, and are equally available in other python modules, as for example mesa.py or ppn.py. Several methods accept lists of cycles which implies to create a series of frames to be written to disk in order to make movies. >>> pt.plot('mass','rho',fname=3000) whereas, >>> pt.plot('mass','rho',fname=[3000,4000]) will produce two png files, one for each cycle, do help(m.plot) for a full list of options. mppnp output allows to do plots with abundances: >>> pt.iso_abund(23500) >>> pt.abu_chart(23500) Also for iso_abund and abu_chart: if instead of a single cycle the user inputs a list of cycles, the method will then, instead of plotting them, will then save a .png for each cycle. Also if you just want a singular plot saved, the user can input their cycle, in a list like [0]. And that will save their plot. ''' from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from builtins import zip from builtins import filter from builtins import next from builtins import input from builtins import str from builtins import range from past.utils import old_div import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import matplotlib.pylab as pyl from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator from matplotlib.collections import Collection from matplotlib.artist import allow_rasterization from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch from scipy import interpolate import os import re import sys import time import glob from .utils import * from .data_plot import * from . import h5T def set_nugrid_path(path): ''' This function sets the path to the NuGrid VOSpace directory as a global variable, so that it need only be set once during an inter- active session. ''' global nugrid_path nugrid_path=path def set_nice_params(): fsize=18 params = {'axes.labelsize': fsize, # 'font.family': 'serif', 'font.family': 'Times New Roman', 'figure.facecolor': 'white', 'text.fontsize': fsize, 'legend.fontsize': fsize, 'xtick.labelsize': fsize*0.8, 'ytick.labelsize': fsize*0.8, 'text.usetex': False} pl.rcParams.update(params) class se(DataPlot, Utils): """ This class provides easy access to h5 files from the NuGrid project, along with some standard plots. Parameters ---------- sedir : string, optional The directory on which the h5 files can be found. The default is '.'. pattern : string, optional A string pattern that the file names have to contain in order to be read. The default is ".h5". rewrite : boolean, optional Would the user like to rewrite the preprocessor file. The default is False. mass : integer or float, optional The user may select a mass and metallicity instead of providing the sedir explicitly, if they are using the VOSpace data. If mass is provided then Z should also be provided. The default is None (i.e. user gives sedir explicitly) Z : float, optional See 'mass' above. The default is None (i.e. user gives sedir explicitly) type : string, optional If the user gives mass and metallicity instead of giving sedir explicitly, then the type of data should also be given here. For example, type='ppd_wind', 'see_wind', see_exp' or 'ppd_exp' The default is 'ppd_wind'. output : string, optional If the user gives mass and metallicity instead of giving sedir explicitly, then the type of data should also be given here. For example, out='restart', 'out' or 'surf' The default is 'out'. verbose : boolean, optional If True, print more output Examples -------- >>> f=nu.plot_tools('.','260') reads all h5 files with the string 260 in the name in the present directory. """ sedir = '' sefiles = [] se = [] # main data dictionary pattern='' def __init__(self, sedir='.', pattern='.h5', rewrite=False, mass=None, Z=None, type='ppd_wind', output='out', verbose=False): # seeker to find the data requested on VOspace: if mass is not None and Z is not None: try: print('nugrid_path = '+nugrid_path) except: raise IOError("nugrid_path has not been set. This is the path to the NuGrid VOSpace, e.g. /tmp/NuGrid. Set this using nugridse.set_nugrid_path('path')") # which set? [find nearest] setsZs=[0.02,0.01,6.e-3,1.e-3,1.e-4] setsnames=['set1.2','set1.1','set1.3a','set1.4a','set1.5a'] idx=np.abs(np.array(setsZs)-Z).argmin() setname=setsnames[idx] realZ=setsZs[idx] print('closest set is '+setname+' (Z = '+str(realZ)+')') # try first data, then data-team: sedir = nugrid_path+'/data/set1/'+setname+'/'+type+'/' if not os.path.exists(sedir): sedir = nugrid_path+'/data-team/Set1_extension/'+setname+'/'+type+'/' if not os.path.exists(sedir): print('sedir = ', sedir) raise IOError("The data does not seem to be here. Please check that the NuGrid VOSpace is mounted and nugrid_path has been set correctly using nugridse.set_nugrid_path('path')'.") # which mass? [find nearest] mlist=[el for el in os.listdir(sedir) if el[0]=='M'] if len(mlist) == 0: raise IOError("Sorry. There is no data available for this set at present: "+sedir) setmasses=[el[1:el.index('Z')] for el in mlist] for i in range(len(setmasses)): if setmasses[i][-1]=='.': setmasses[i]=setmasses[i][:-1] setmasses[i] = float(setmasses[i]) idx2=np.abs(np.array(setmasses)-mass).argmin() modname=mlist[idx2] realmass=setmasses[idx2] print('closest mass is '+str(realmass)) sedir+=modname if 'ppd' in type: sedir+='/H5_'+output else: dlist=os.listdir(sedir) selist=next((el for el in dlist if '.se.h5' in el), None) if selist==None: subdir=next((el for el in dlist if 'M' and 'Z' in el),None) if subdir!=None: sedir+='/'+subdir else: raise IOError("Could not find any data.") if verbose: print('sedir = ', sedir) slist = os.listdir(sedir) self.pattern=pattern expr = re.compile(pattern) sefiles=list(filter(expr.search,slist)) self.se = [] # main data dictionary self.sedir=sedir self.deltat=None self.sefiles=sefiles self._stable_names() # provides in addition to stable_el from # nuutils also just the stable element names self.se=h5T.Files(sedir,sefiles,rewrite=rewrite) def __del__(self): print('Closing plot_tools') def get(self, cycle_list, dataitem=None, isotope=None, sparse=1): """ Simple function that simply calls h5T.py get method. There are three ways to call this function. Parameters ---------- cycle_list : string, list If cycle_list is a string, then get interpates the argument cycle_list as a dataitem and fetches the dataitem for all cycles. If cycle_list is a list, then get fetches the dataitem for the cycles in the list. dataitem : string, optional fetches the dataitem from the list of cycles. If dataitem is None, then cycle_list must be a string and will be used as dataitem. If dataitem is an isotope in the form 'H-2', it then returns the result of, >>> self.get(cycle_list,'iso_massf',dataitem) The default is None. isotope : string, optional The name of the isotope to fetch, it must be in the form 'H-2'. If isotope is None, then cycle_list or dataitem must be a string. The default is None. sparse : integer, optional Implements a sparsity factor on the fetched data. The default is 1. Notes ----- Calling the get method directly in the form, >>> self.get(cycle_list,'iso_massf',dataitem) is depricated, and only included for compatibility. """ return self.se.get(cycle_list,dataitem,isotope,sparse) def get_decayed(self, cycle_list, dataitem=None, isotope=None, sparse=1): """ This function gives back the fully decayed isotope. By default, it wants to beta-decays every isotope, however, it then checks if this is okay or not. If not it actually goes into a database (see routine below) to do the proper decay. This database might not be complete, so pay attention to the chart of the nuclides. Standard input is as in regular get function. Parameters ---------- cycle_list : string, list If cycle_list is a string, then get interpates the argument cycle_list as a dataitem and fetches the dataitem for all cycles. If cycle_list is a list, then get fetches the dataitem for the cycles in the list. dataitem : string, optional fetches the dataitem from the list of cycles. If dataitem is None, then cycle_list must be a string and will be used as dataitem. If dataitem is an isotope in the form 'H-2', it then returns the result of, >>> self.get(cycle_list,'iso_massf',dataitem) The default is None. isotope : string, optional The name of the isotope to fetch, it must be in the form 'H-2'. If isotope is None, then cycle_list or dataitem must be a string. The default is None. sparse : integer, optional Implements a sparsity factor on the fetched data. The default is 1. Notes ----- Additional features are: IN PROGRESS: CONTACT RETO: trappitsch@uchicago.edu Calling the get method directly in the form, >>> self.get_decayed(cycle_list,'iso_massf',dataitem) is depricated, and only included for compatibility. """ return None def get_elemental_abunds(self,cycle,index=None): """ returns the elemental abundances for one cycle, either for the whole star or a specific zone depending upon the value of 'index'. Parameters ---------- cycle : string or integer Model to get the abundances for. index : integer or list, optional zone number for which to get elemental abundances. If None the entire abundance profile is returned. If a 1x2 list, the abundances are returned between indices of index[0] and index[1]. The default is None. """ isoabunds=self.se.get(cycle,'iso_massf') A=array(self.se.A) Z=array(self.se.Z) names=self.se.isos Zuq=list(set(Z)) # list of unique Zs Zuq.sort() if index==None: index=[0,len(isoabunds)] if type(index)==list: elemabunds=[] for zone in range(index[0],index[1]): percent=int((zone-index[0])*100./(index[1]-index[0])) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\rgetting elemental abundances " + "...%d%%" % percent) elemabunds.append([sum(isoabunds[zone][where(Z==iZ)]) for iZ in Zuq]) else: elemabunds=[sum(isoabunds[index][where(Z==iZ)]) for iZ in Zuq] return elemabunds def plot_prof_1(self, mod, species, xlim1, xlim2, ylim1, ylim2, symbol=None): """ plot one species for cycle between xlim1 and xlim2 Parameters ---------- mod : string or integer Model to plot, same as cycle number. species : list Which species to plot. xlim1, xlim2 : float Mass coordinate range. ylim1, ylim2 : float Mass fraction coordinate range. symbol : string, optional Which symbol you want to use. If None symbol is set to '-'. The default is None. """ DataPlot.plot_prof_1(self,species,mod,xlim1,xlim2,ylim1,ylim2,symbol) """ tot_mass=self.se.get(mod,'total_mass') age=self.se.get(mod,'age') mass=self.se.get(mod,'mass') Xspecies=self.se.get(mod,'iso_massf',species) pyl.plot(mass,np.log10(Xspecies),'-',label=species) pyl.xlim(xlim1,xlim2) pyl.ylim(ylim1,ylim2) pyl.legend() pl.xlabel('$Mass$ $coordinate$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('$X_{i}$', fontsize=20) pl.title('Mass='+str(tot_mass)+', Time='+str(age)+' years, cycle='+str(mod)) """ def plot_prof_2(self, mod, species, xlim1, xlim2): """ Plot one species for cycle between xlim1 and xlim2 Parameters ---------- mod : string or integer Model to plot, same as cycle number. species : list Which species to plot. xlim1, xlim2 : float Mass coordinate range. """ mass=self.se.get(mod,'mass') Xspecies=self.se.get(mod,'yps',species) pyl.plot(mass,Xspecies,'-',label=str(mod)+', '+species) pyl.xlim(xlim1,xlim2) pyl.legend() def write_deltatable(self, filename='default', decayed=True, dcycle=500, iniabufile='../../frames/mppnp/USEEPP/iniab2.0E-02GN93.ppn'): """ This subroutine is to write out tables with delta values for cosmochemists to use in comparison with their data. No options are necessarily needed to load this routine, however, it might be useful to specify a filename. This file furthermore searches for thermal pulses, hence, it's only useful for non-explosive TP-AGB stars! Parameters ---------- filename : string, optional Choose the filename you want. The default is "default". decayed : boolean, optional Value if decayed massfractions of isotope should be taken or not. The default is False. dcycle : integer, optional Difference between cycles to search for thermal pulses. The default is 500. iniabufile : string, optional File with initial abundances. As a standard value, the GN93 file is used (in USEEPP folder). Important, input file has to be USEEPP conforming, see NuGrid book! The default is '../../frames/mppnp/USEEPP/iniab2.0E-02GN93.ppn'. Notes ----- Regardless of what value is used as filename it will be replaced with 'delta_outfile.txt'. """ print('This is a preliminary version - contact Reto for more information!') # make filename filename = 'delta_outfile.txt' # which iso_massmf? if decayed: isomassmf = 'iso_massf_decay' else: isomassmf = 'iso_massf' # read in thermal pulse position and co_ratio (from private routine) tp_pos, co_return = self._tp_finder(dcycle) # define isotopes to read out and calculate delta values noele = 1 # there is at least one element available elelist = list() isolisttmp = list() isolist = list() isoabulist = list() isoabulisttmp = list() # load file w/ initial abundances inut = iniabu(iniabufile) # list of elements: itmp = inut.names[0][0:2].replace(' ','') elelist.append([itmp, inut.z[0]]) isolisttmp.append(inut.a[0]) isoabulisttmp.append(inut.abu[0]) for i in range(1,len(inut.names)): if inut.names[i][0:2].replace(' ','') != itmp: # add to elelist itmp = inut.names[i][0:2].replace(' ','') elelist.append([itmp, inut.z[i]]) # append to isolist isolist.append(isolisttmp) isolisttmp = list() isolisttmp.append(inut.a[i]) # append to isoabulist isoabulist.append(isoabulisttmp) isoabulisttmp = list() isoabulisttmp.append(inut.abu[i]) # increase number of elements noele += 1 else: # add to isolisttmp isolisttmp.append(inut.a[i]) isoabulisttmp.append(inut.abu[i]) isolist.append(isolisttmp) isoabulist.append(isoabulisttmp) ### CHOP TEMPORARILY ### elelist = elelist[5:len(elelist)-2] isolist = isolist[5:len(elelist)-2] isoabulist = isoabulist[5:len(elelist)-2] # make an index vector for at which position for each line the most abundand isotope is isoabuindex = zeros(len(isoabulist),dtype=int) # as integer! for i in range(len(isoabulist)): tmp = 0 for j in range(len(isoabulist[i])): if isoabulist[i][j] > tmp: isoabuindex[i] = j tmp = isoabulist[i][j] # and now - finally - make a list with all delta values that need to be calculated # 0: isotope name, 1: nominator isotope, 2: denominator isotope # also make solar system ratios list deltalist = list() solsysratio = list() for i in range(len(isolist)): if len(isolist[i]) > 1: for j in range(len(isolist[i])): if j != isoabuindex[i]: deltalist.append([elelist[i][0], isolist[i][j], isolist[i][isoabuindex[i]]]) solsysratio.append(old_div(isoabulist[i][j], isoabulist[i][isoabuindex[i]])) solsysratio = array(solsysratio) # Make an array to write all data into. first column, cycle number, second column, co ratio, then all delta values write_out = zeros((len(tp_pos), len(deltalist) + 2)) # now add first three columns to write_out for i in range(len(write_out)): write_out[i][0] = tp_pos[i] write_out[i][1] = co_return[i] # header for delta values deltaheader = list() ### BIG DELTA LOOP ### for deli in range(len(deltalist)): ## read in the two isotopes of interest, iso1 and iso2 (iso1 as nominator) iso1 = zeros(len(tp_pos)) iso2 = zeros(len(tp_pos)) # isotope names: if len(deltalist[deli][0]) == 1: iso1name = deltalist[deli][0].upper() + '-' + str(int(deltalist[deli][1])) iso2name = deltalist[deli][0].upper() + '-' + str(int(deltalist[deli][2])) else: iso1name = deltalist[deli][0][0].upper() + deltalist[deli][0][1] + '-' + str(int(deltalist[deli][1])) iso2name = deltalist[deli][0][0].upper() + deltalist[deli][0][1] + '-' + str(int(deltalist[deli][2])) # read in iso_data = self.get(tp_pos,isomassmf,[iso1name,iso2name]) iso1 = np.zeros(len(iso_data)) iso2 = np.zeros(len(iso_data)) for i in range(len(iso_data)): iso1[i] = iso_data[i][0] iso2[i] = iso_data[i][1] # readin loop # for i in range(len(tp_pos)): # iso1[i] = self.get(int(tp_pos[i]),isomassmf,iso1name) # iso2[i] = self.get(int(tp_pos[i]),isomassmf,iso2name) ## calculate deltavalue array deltavalues = (iso1/iso2 / solsysratio[deli] - 1.) * 1000. ## append values to write_out for i in range(len(deltavalues)): write_out[i][deli+2] = deltavalues[i] ## header deltaheader.append('del_' + deltalist[deli][0] + str(int(deltalist[deli][1])) + '_' + deltalist[deli][0] + str(int(deltalist[deli][2]))) ### WRITE OUT DATAFILE ### outf = open(filename,'w') # write header outf.writelines('cycle_no,'.ljust(18) + 'c_o_ratio,'.ljust(18)) for i in range(len(deltaheader)): if i != len(deltaheader)-1: outfstr = deltaheader[i] + ',' else: outfstr = deltaheader[i] outf.writelines(outfstr.ljust(18)) outf.writelines('\n') # write data for i in range(len(write_out)): for j in range(len(write_out[i])): if j != len(write_out[i])-1: outfstr = format(write_out[i][j],'.7E') + ',' else: outfstr = format(write_out[i][j],'.7E') outf.writelines(outfstr.ljust(18)) outf.writelines('\n') # close file outf.close() def _tp_finder(self, dcycle): # Private routine """ Routine to find thermal pulses in given star and returns an index vector that gives the cycle number in which the thermal pulse occure. The routine looks for the C/O ratio jumping up and up, so only useful in TP-AGB star. A vector is given back that indicates the position of the cycle that is at 95% of the thermal pulse (to make sure it's not in the next one and that most of the processing is done). The script also returns the co_ratio vector - the C/O ratio (number fraction) at the given thermal pulse. """ # read in c and o isotopes for all cycles, regarding deltacycle last_cycle = int(self.se.cycles[len(self.se.cycles)-1]) cyc_tp = list(range(1,last_cycle + dcycle, dcycle)) all_data = array(self.get(cyc_tp,['C-12','C-13','O-16','O-17','O-18'])) c_nf = np.zeros(len(all_data)) o_nf = np.zeros(len(all_data)) for i in range(len(all_data)): c_nf[i] = all_data[i][0] + all_data[i][1] o_nf[i] = all_data[i][2] + all_data[i][3] + all_data[i][4] # search for thermal pulses co_ratio = (old_div(c_nf, o_nf)) * 15.9994 / 12.0107 tp_guess = 200 # this should be an upper limit! tp_guess_max = 200 # to through an error # guess variables, i is the actual break criterion, n a max counter gi = 0 gn = 0 while gi != 1 and gn < 10000: tp_ind = list() i = 0 while i < len(co_ratio)-2: gcompar= old_div(1., (dcycle*tp_guess*100.)) slope1 = old_div((co_ratio[i+1]-co_ratio[i]),(dcycle)) slope2 = old_div((co_ratio[i+2]-co_ratio[i+1]),dcycle) if slope1 > gcompar and slope2 < gcompar and co_ratio[i+1] > co_ratio[i]: tp_ind.append(i+1) i += 3 # jump three cycles to avoid defining a single cycle twice! else: i += 1 if abs(len(tp_ind) - tp_guess) < old_div(tp_guess,2): # gotta be within factor two of guess gi = 1 else: gn += 1 tp_guess /= 2 # check w/ maximum of thermal pulses allowed if len(tp_ind) > tp_guess_max: print('Problem detected with number of pulses') # create thermal pulse vector tp_startf = zeros(len(tp_ind)) # found start for i in range(len(tp_startf)): tp_startf[i] = cyc_tp[tp_ind[i]] # read out isotopic composition at 95% of the thermal pulse and the initial of the star # set up thermal pulse positions tp_limits = zeros(len(tp_startf)+1) for i in range(len(tp_startf)): tp_limits[i] = tp_startf[i] tp_limits[len(tp_limits)-1] = int(self.se.cycles[len(self.se.cycles)-1]) # thermal pulse position (where to read the isotope ratio) tp_pos = list() for i in range(len(tp_startf)): tp_pos.append(int(tp_limits[i] + 0.95 * (tp_limits[i+1] - tp_limits[i]))) # create co_ret vector to return c/o ratio vector co_return = zeros(len(tp_pos)) for i in range(len(tp_pos)): co_return[i] = co_ratio[tp_ind[i]] # return the two vectors return tp_pos,co_return def ernst_table_exporter(self, cycle, outfname='table_out', sheetname='Sheet 1'): """ This routine takes NuGrid data (model output) for a given cycle and writes it into an Excel sheet. This is one format as requested by Ernst Zinner in June 2013 (through Marco). If you want all radioactive isotopes, start from the restart file. Empty columns are not written out and you will get a message how many were empty. Please note that only one cycle is written out. Parameters ---------- cycle : integer Number of the cycle to consider. outfname : string, optional File name to write it to, .xlsx is appended automatically. The default is 'table_out'. sheetname : string, optional Name of the sheet in the excel file. The default is 'Sheet 1'. """ from xlsxwriter.workbook import Workbook # https://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.org/ Note: We neex xlswriter. Please meake sure it is installed. Run pip install xlsxwriter to install it using pip. If pip is not installed, install it via easy_install pip. Depending on the system you are on, you might need sudo rights for thesethings.' # isotopes and data all_data = np.array(self.get(cycle,'iso_massf')) header_data = self.se.isotopes # get mass data mass_data = np.array(self.get(cycle,'mass'))[np.newaxis] # stack mass data and header together header_data = np.hstack((['Mass'],header_data)) all_data = np.hstack((mass_data.transpose(),all_data)) # zero the cells with 1.e-99 entry for i in range(len(all_data)): for j in range(len(all_data[i])): if all_data[i][j] == 1.e-99: all_data[i][j] = 0. # check how many columns have all zeros in the file colzero = 0 all_sum = all_data.sum(0) for i in range(len(all_sum)): if all_sum[i] == 0.: colzero += 1 print(str(colzero) + ' columns are empty. Skipping them.') # now filter data all_data_fil = np.zeros((len(all_data),len(all_data[0])-colzero)) header_data_fil = np.zeros((len(header_data)-colzero),dtype='|S9') k = 0 for j in range(len(all_data[0])): if all_sum[j] != 0: for i in range(len(all_data)): all_data_fil[i][k] = all_data[i][j] header_data_fil[k] = header_data[j] k += 1 # write to excel file excelfile = Workbook(outfname + '.xlsx') wsh = excelfile.add_worksheet(sheetname) print('If you run from a restart file, this might take a little bit. Be patient!') for i in range(len(all_data_fil)): for j in range(len(all_data_fil[i])): if i == 0: wsh.write(0,j,header_data_fil[j]) wsh.write(i+1,j,all_data_fil[i][j]) excelfile.close() return None def plot4(self, num): """ Plots the abundances of H-1, He-4, C-12 and O-16. """ self.plot_prof_1(num,'H-1',0.,5.,-5,0.) self.plot_prof_1(num,'He-4',0.,5.,-5,0.) self.plot_prof_1(num,'C-12',0.,5.,-5,0.) self.plot_prof_1(num,'O-16',0.,5.,-5,0.) pyl.legend(loc=3) def plot4_nolog(self, num): """ Plots the abundances of H-1, He-4, C-12 and O-16. """ self.plot_prof_2(num,'H-1',0.,5.) self.plot_prof_2(num,'He-4',0.,5.) self.plot_prof_2(num,'C-12',0.,5.) self.plot_prof_2(num,'O-16',0.,5.) pyl.legend(loc=3) def plot_prof_sparse(self, mod, species, xlim1, xlim2, ylim1, ylim2, sparse, symbol): """ plot one species for cycle between xlim1 and xlim2. Parameters ---------- species : list which species to plot. mod : string or integer Model (cycle) to plot. xlim1, xlim2 : float Mass coordinate range. ylim1, ylim2 : float Mass fraction coordinate range. sparse : integer Sparsity factor for points. symbol : string which symbol you want to use? """ mass=self.se.get(mod,'mass') Xspecies=self.se.get(mod,'yps',species) pyl.plot(mass[0:len(mass):sparse],np.log10(Xspecies[0:len(Xspecies):sparse]),symbol) pyl.xlim(xlim1,xlim2) pyl.ylim(ylim1,ylim2) pyl.legend() def trajectory(self, ini, end, delta, mass_coo, age_in_sec=False, online=False): """ create a trajectory out of a stellar model Parameters ---------- ini : integer Initial model, inital cycle number. end : integer Final model, final cycle number. delta : integer Sparsity factor of the frames. mass_coo : float Mass coordinate for the traj. age_in_sec : boolean, optional Set to True if age in se file is in seconds (like in MESA). The default is False. Returns -------- float radius_at_mass_coo, density_at_mass_coo, temperature_at_mass_coo, age_all Notes ----- plus writes a file with the trajectory information to be used with ppn. Warning: remove the old trajectory, if you have any for the same mass coordinate. You are appending data, not overwriting. Update: this method works for output types with indexes going from the outside in (MESA) or the other way around. Also the requested quantities are linearly interpolated in the mass shell. online: boolean, optional are you working online in the ipython notebook? If so, you will be given an HTML link to download the file. """ filename='traj_'+str(mass_coo)+'.dat' f = open(filename,'a') radius_at_mass_coo=[] density_at_mass_coo=[] temperature_at_mass_coo=[] masses=self.se.get(list(range(ini,end+1,delta)),'mass') temps=self.se.get(list(range(ini,end+1,delta)),'temperature') rhos=self.se.get(list(range(ini,end+1,delta)),'rho') radii=self.se.get(list(range(ini,end+1,delta)),'radius') ages=self.se.get(list(range(ini,end+1,delta)),'age') cycs=list(range(ini,end+1,delta)) age_all=[] for i in range(len(ages)): age=ages[i] if age_in_sec: age /= constants.one_year mass=masses[i] temperature=temps[i] rho=rhos[i] radius=radii[i] my_things=[temperature,rho,radius] if mass[0]>mass[len(mass)-1]: zone_above=where(mass>mass_coo)[0][-1] zone_below=zone_above+1 else: zone_above=where(mass>mass_coo)[0][0] zone_below=zone_above-1 if mass[zone_below]>mass[zone_above]: sys.exit("ERROR: finding of zone index confused") all_things_interplt=[] for thing in my_things: thing_interplt=thing[zone_below]+(mass_coo-mass[zone_below])* \ (thing[zone_above]-thing[zone_below])/(mass[zone_above]-mass[zone_below]) all_things_interplt.append(thing_interplt) this_temperature,this_rho,this_radius=all_things_interplt string = str(cycs[i])+' '+str(age)+' '+str(this_temperature)+' '+str(this_rho) f.write(string+"\n") radius_at_mass_coo.append(this_radius) density_at_mass_coo.append(this_rho) temperature_at_mass_coo.append(this_temperature) age_all.append(age) f.close() if online: return FileLink(filename) return radius_at_mass_coo, density_at_mass_coo, temperature_at_mass_coo, age_all def abund_at_masscoordinate(self, ini, mass_coo, online=False): """ Create a file with distribution at a given mass coord, and at a given time step. This for instance may be used as intial distribution for function trajectory, to reproduce local conditions in ppn. Parameters ---------- ini : integer Initial model, inital cycle number. mass_coo : float or 1x2 list Mass coordinate for the traj. If list, return mass-averaged abundances for the region spanned by the list. online: boolean, optional are you working online in the ipython notebook? If so, you will be given an HTML link to download the file. """ age=self.se.get(ini,'age') mass=self.se.get(ini,'mass') temperature=self.se.get(ini,'temperature') rho=self.se.get(ini,'rho') abund_string = self.se.dcols[5] print(abund_string) if online: from IPython.display import FileLink, FileLinks tm=type(mass_coo) if tm is not list: filename='massf_'+str(mass_coo)+'.dat' f = open(filename,'w') zone=np.abs(mass-mass_coo).argmin() abunds=self.se.get(ini,abund_string)[zone] mass_coo_new=mass[zone] else: filename='massf_'+str(mass_coo[0])+'_'+str(mass_coo[1])+'.dat' f = open(filename,'w') idx1=np.abs(mass-mass_coo[0]).argmin() idx2=np.abs(mass-mass_coo[1]).argmin() dm=np.diff(np.insert(mass,0,0.)) dm=dm[idx1:idx2] #average abundances: totmass=sum(dm) abunds=self.se.get(ini,abund_string)[idx1:idx2] dmabunds=[abunds[i]*dm[i] for i in range(len(dm))] abundsum=np.zeros(len(self.se.isotopes)) for i in range(len(abundsum)): abundsum[i]=sum([vec[i] for vec in dmabunds]) abunds=old_div(abundsum, totmass) # for i in range(len(mass)): # if mass_coo == mass[i]: # mass_coo_new = mass[i] # zone = int(i) # elif mass_coo > mass[i]: # try: # dum = mass[i+1] # if mass_coo <= mass[i+1]: # mass_coo_new = mass[i+1] # zone = int(i+1) # except IndexError: # mass_coo_new = mass[i] # zone = int(i) if tm is not list: string = 'C Model number | time (yr) | Temperature (GK) | density (cm^-3) ' f.write(string+"\n") string = 'C '+str(ini)+' '+str(age)+' '+str(temperature[zone])+' '+str(rho[zone]) f.write(string+"\n") string = 'C Mass coordinate that is really used' f.write(string+"\n") string = 'C '+str(mass_coo_new) f.write(string+"\n") else: string = 'C Model number | time (yr)' f.write(string+"\n") string = 'C '+str(ini)+' '+str(age) f.write(string+"\n") string = 'C Mass coordinate range' f.write(string+"\n") string = 'C '+str(mass_coo[0])+', '+str(mass_coo[1]) f.write(string+"\n") # the for loop below maybe optimized, I believe # defining before isotopes and abundances. Marco 13 Jannuary 2011 for i in range(len(self.se.isotopes)): if str(self.se.isotopes[i].split('-')[1][-2:]).upper() != 'M1': string = 'D '+str(self.se.isotopes[i].split('-')[0]).upper()+' '+str(self.se.isotopes[i].split('-')[1]).upper()+' '+str(abunds[i]) f.write(string+"\n") f.close() if online: return FileLink(filename) def _kip(self, cycle_end, mix_thresh, xaxis, sparse): """ *** Should be used with care, therefore has been flagged as a private routine *** This function uses a threshold diffusion coefficient, above which the the shell is considered to be convective, to plot a Kippenhahn diagram. Parameters ---------- cycle_end : integer The final cycle number. mix_thresh : float The threshold diffusion coefficient. xaxis : string Choose one of 'age', 'cycle', 'log_age' or 'log_time_left'. sparse : integer Sparsity factor when plotting from cyclelist. Examples -------- >>> pt=mp.se('/ngpod1/swj/see/mppnp_out/scratch_data/M25.0Z1e-02','.h5') >>> pt.kip(10000,'log_time_left',100) """ original_cyclelist = self.se.cycles cyclelist = original_cyclelist[0:cycle_end:sparse] xx = self.se.ages[:cycle_end:sparse] totalmass = [] m_ini = float(self.se.get('mini')) fig = pl.figure(1) ax = pl.subplot(1,1,1) fsize = 12 def getlims(d_coeff, massco): """ This function returns the convective boundaries for a cycle, given the cycle's dcoeff and massco columns, taking into account whether surface or centre are at the top. """ plotlims = [] if massco[0] > massco[-1]: for j in range(-1,-len(d_coeff)-1,-1): if j == -1: if d_coeff[j] >= mix_thresh: plotlims.append(massco[j]) else: pass elif (d_coeff[j]-mix_thresh)*(d_coeff[j+1]-mix_thresh) < 0: plotlims.append(massco[j]) if j == -len(d_coeff): if d_coeff[j] >= mix_thresh: plotlims.append(massco[j]) return plotlims else: for j in range(len(d_coeff)): if j == 0: if d_coeff[j] >= mix_thresh: plotlims.append(massco[j]) else: pass elif (d_coeff[j]-mix_thresh)*(d_coeff[j-1]-mix_thresh) < 0: plotlims.append(massco[j]) if j == len(d_coeff)-1: if d_coeff[j] >= mix_thresh: plotlims.append(massco[j]) return plotlims if xaxis == 'age': ax.set_xlabel('Age [yr]',fontsize=fsize) elif xaxis == 'cycle': xx = cyclelist ax.set_xlabel('Cycle',fontsize=fsize) elif xaxis == 'log_age': for i in range(len(xx)): xx[i] = np.log10(xx[i]) ax.set_xlabel('log$_{10}$(age) [yr]',fontsize=fsize) elif xaxis == 'log_time_left': for i in range(len(xx)): xx[i] = np.log10(max(xx)-xx[i]) xx[-2] = xx[-3]-abs(xx[-4]-xx[-3]) xx[-1] = xx[-2]-abs(xx[-3]-xx[-2]) ax.set_xlabel('log$_{10}$(time until collapse) [yr]',fontsize=fsize) #centre-surface flag: flag = False if self.se.get(cyclelist[1],'mass')[0] > self.se.get(cyclelist[1],'mass')[-1]: flag = True for i in range(len(cyclelist)): if flag == True: totalmass.append(self.se.get(cyclelist[i],'mass')[0]) else: totalmass.append(self.se.get(cyclelist[i],'mass')[-1]) percent = int(i*100/len(cyclelist)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\rcreating color map " + "...%d%%" % percent) d_coeff = self.se.get(cyclelist[i],'dcoeff') massco = self.se.get(cyclelist[i],'mass') plotlims = getlims(d_coeff,massco) for k in range(0,len(plotlims),2): ax.axvline(xx[i],ymin=old_div(plotlims[k],m_ini),ymax=old_div(plotlims[k+1],m_ini),color='b',linewidth=0.5) ax.plot(xx, totalmass, color='black', linewidth=1) if xaxis == 'log_time_left': ax.axis([xx[0],xx[-1],0.,m_ini]) else: ax.axis([min(xx),max(xx),0.,m_ini]) ax.set_ylabel('Mass [$M_{\odot}$]',fontsize=fsize) pl.show() def kip_cont(self, modstart, modstop, dcoeff_thresh=1.e12, xres=1000, ylims=[0., 0.], xlims=[0., 0.], yres=2000, ixaxis='log_time_left', outfile='', landscape_plot=False, codev='KEP', kepswitch=12555, outlines=False, write_preproc=False, hatching=False): """ This function creates a Kippenhahn diagram as a contour plot of the se output using a convection flag or diffusion coefficient threshold. Parameters ---------- modstart, modstop : integer First and last cycle numbers to plot. dcoeff_thresh : float, optional Diffusion coefficient threshold, above which assume convection is present (only for MESA, where convection_indicator is not there)). The default is 1.e12. xres, yres : integer, optional x and y resolution. The default for xres is 1000, the default for yres is 2000. xlims, ylims : list, optional x and y plot limits. The default is [0., 0.]. ixaxis : string, optional Choose one of 'age', 'model_number' or 'log_time_left'. The default is 'log_time_left'. outfile : string, optional Name of output file including extension, which will be saved in 300 dpi. The default is ''. landscape_plot : boolean, optional For a landscape plot. The default is False. codev : string, optional Coose one of 'KEP', 'MES' or 'GNV'. The default is 'KEP'. kepswitch : integer, optional The default is 12555. outlines : boolean, optional The default is False. write_preproc : boolean, optional The default is False. hatching : boolean, optional The default if False. Examples -------- >>> pt.kip_cont(0, -1, xres=1000, yres=1000, ixaxis='log_time_left') Notes ----- Unfortunately, although the implicit do loops are faster, I cannot implement a % bar, but this example call should not take more than 1 minute. """ tmp_cycles=self.se.cycles original_cyclelist = [int(tmp_cycles[i]) for i in range(len(tmp_cycles))] nmodels=len(self.se.cycles[modstart:modstop]) print('nmodels = ', nmodels) sparse = int(max(1,old_div(nmodels,xres))) cyclelist = original_cyclelist[modstart:modstop:sparse] age_unit=self.get('age_unit') if codev == 'KEP': oneyear = 365.*24.*3600. elif codev == 'MES': oneyear=self.get('one_year') elif codev == 'GNV': oneyear=1.e0 m_min=ylims[0] m_max=ylims[1] if m_min==0.: m_min=0. ylims[0] = m_min if m_max==0.: m_max=float(self.se.get('mini')) ylims[1] = m_max dy = old_div((m_max-m_min),float(yres)) y = np.arange(m_min, m_max, dy) Z = np.zeros([len(y),len(cyclelist)],float) datatype='convection' if 'convection_indicator' not in self.se.dcols: datatype='dcoeff' def list_to_string(array): string='' for el in array: string+=' '+str(el)+' ' string+='\n' return string if write_preproc==True: if os.path.exists(self.sedir+'/conv_data_preproc.txt'): print('Preprocessor already exists (conv_data_preproc.txt).') print('Please remove this file if you want to create a new preprocessor file') sys.exit() print('write_preproc=True') print('getting complete dataset') print('getting mass coordinates') allcycs=[int(self.se.cycles[i]) for i in range(len(self.se.cycles))] mass=self.se.get(allcycs,'mass') print('getting conv') if datatype=='dcoeff': conv=se.f.se.get(allcycs,'dcoeff') else: conv=self.se.get(allcycs,'convection_indicator') print('getting cycles') models=self.se.cycles print('getting ages') if codev=='KEP': deltat=self.se.get(allcycs,'deltat') ages=np.cumsum(deltat) else: ages=self.se.ages print('writing preprocessor file') f=open(self.sedir+'/conv_data_preproc.txt','w') #f=open('./conv_data_preproc.txt','w') f.write('FORMAT OF THIS FILE:\n') f.write('model_number\n') f.write('star_age/yr\n') f.write('mass/Mo\n') f.write('convection_indicator or dcoeff if unavailable \n') f.write('*************************************************************\n') for i in range(len(models)): percent = int(i*100/len(self.se.cycles)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\rprogress " + "...%d%%" % percent) f.write(str(models[i])+'\n') f.write(str(ages[i])+'\n') f.write(list_to_string(mass[i])) f.write(list_to_string(conv[i])) f.close() print('preprocessor file written') sys.exit() def realarray(array): """ Parameters ---------- array : list Takes array of strings Returns -------- list array of floats """ floatarray=np.array([float(el) for el in array]) return floatarray print('getting data...') if os.path.exists(self.sedir+'/conv_data_preproc.txt'): print('... from preprocessor file ...') lines=open(self.sedir+'/conv_data_preproc.txt','r').readlines() #lines=open('./conv_data_preproc.txt','r').readlines() lines=lines[6:] mod=np.array([float(line.split()[0]) for line in lines[::4]]) age=old_div(np.array([float(line.split()[0]) for line in lines[1::4]]),oneyear) # masses and mix types will be read just as an array of strings (each string is a profile) # to be extracted later masses=lines[2::4] conv=lines[3::4] tmp=[realarray(massco.split()) for massco in masses] masses=tmp tmp=[realarray(mixvec.split()) for mixvec in conv] conv=tmp print(len(age),len(mod),len(masses),len(conv)) else: print('... from HDF5 data ...') masses=self.se.get(cyclelist,'mass') mod=cyclelist if self.deltat == None: print('getting deltat since not initialised') self.deltat = self.se.get(self.se.cycles,'deltat') age=old_div(np.cumsum(self.deltat), (3600.*24.*365.)) if datatype=='convection': conv=self.se.get(cyclelist,'convection_indicator') else: conv=self.se.get(cyclelist,'dcoeff') print('calculating convection matrix... ') print(len(masses)) conv_i_vec_matrix=np.zeros([len(y),len(masses)],float) for i in range(len(masses)): percent = int(i*100/len(masses)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\rcreating color map mix " + "...%d%%" % percent) mass = masses[i] mix = conv[i] # print i, len(mass),len(mix) # rearrange centre to surface: if mass[-1]agemin: lage[i]=np.log10(gage[-1]-gage[i]+agemin) else : lage[i]=np.log10(agemin) xxx = np.array([lage[int(i)] for i in cyclelist]) # np.array([lage[i] for i in cyclelist]) print(len(xxx)) print('plot versus time left') ax.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{log}_{10}(t^*/\mathrm{yr})$',fontsize=fsize) if xlims == [0.,0.]: xlims = [xxx[0],xxx[-1]] elif ixaxis =='model_number': cyclelist=mod[modstart:modstop:sparse] # np.array([int(cycle) for cycle in cyclelist]) xxx= cyclelist print('plot versus model number') ax.set_xlabel('Model number',fontsize=fsize) if xlims == [0.,0.]: xlims = [cyclelist[0],cyclelist[-1]] elif ixaxis =='age': xxx = old_div(np.array([age_array[int(i)] for i in cyclelist]),1.e6) print('plot versus age') ax.set_xlabel('Age [Myr]',fontsize=fsize) if xlims == [0.,0.]: xlims = [xxx[0],xxx[-1]] #cmapMIX=mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['w','#8B8386']) # rose grey cmapMIX = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['#C4C4C4']) # grey77 #cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['w','b']) # some stuff for rasterizing only the contour part of the plot, for nice, but light, eps: class ListCollection(Collection): def __init__(self, collections, **kwargs): Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.set_collections(collections) def set_collections(self, collections): self._collections = collections def get_collections(self): return self._collections @allow_rasterization def draw(self, renderer): for _c in self._collections: _c.draw(renderer) def insert_rasterized_contour_plot(c): collections = c.collections for _c in collections: _c.remove() cc = ListCollection(collections, rasterized=True) ax = pl.gca() ax.add_artist(cc) return cc print('plotting contours') ax.autoscale(False) low_level = dcoeff_thresh - old_div(dcoeff_thresh,10) high_level= dcoeff_thresh + old_div(dcoeff_thresh,10) if datatype=='dcoeff': low_level = dcoeff_thresh - old_div(dcoeff_thresh,10) high_level= dcoeff_thresh + old_div(dcoeff_thresh,10) CMIX=ax.contourf(xxx,y,conv_i_vec_matrix, cmap=cmapMIX, alpha=1.0,levels=[low_level,1.e99]) else: CMIX=ax.contourf(xxx,y,conv_i_vec_matrix, cmap=cmapMIX, alpha=1.0,levels=[0.5,1.5]) if outlines == True: if datatype=='dcoeff': CMIXoutlines=ax.contour(xxx,y,conv_i_vec_matrix, cmap=cmapMIX,levels=[low_level,high_level]) else: CMIX_outlines=ax.contour(xxx,y,conv_i_vec_matrix, cmap=cmapMIX,levels=[0.5,1.5]) ax.plot(xxx,mtot,color='k') ax.axis([xlims[0],xlims[-1],ylims[0],ylims[1]]) def contour_to_hatched_patches(cntrset, hatch_colors, hatch_patterns, remove_contour=True): from itertools import cycle patches_list = [] for pathcollection in cntrset.collections: patches_list.append([PathPatch(p1) for p1 in pathcollection.get_paths()]) if remove_contour: pathcollection.remove() for patches, hc, hp in zip(patches_list, cycle(hatch_colors), cycle(hatch_patterns)): for p in patches: p.set_fc("none") p.set_ec("k") p.set_hatch(hp) ax.add_patch(p) hatch_colors = "k" hatch_patterns = "/\|-+xoO.*" if hatching==True: contour_to_hatched_patches(CMIX, hatch_colors, hatch_patterns, remove_contour=True) # uncomment or rasterizing the contour - for making nice eps figures that aren't huge files: #insert_rasterized_contour_plot(CMIX) #if outlines==True: # insert_rasterized_contour_plot(CMIXoutlines) if outfile!='': if outfile[-4:] == '.png': fig.savefig(outfile,dpi=300) elif outfile[-4:] == '.eps': fig.savefig(outfile,format='eps') elif outfile[-3:] == '.ps': fig.savefig(outfile,format='ps') elif outfile[-4:] == '.pdf': fig.savefig(outfile,format='pdf') else: print('file format not specified as .eps or .png, saving as eps:') print(outfile+'.eps') fig.savefig(outfile+'.eps',format='eps') pl.show() def _kip_cont2(self, sparse, cycle_start=0, cycle_end=0, plot=['dcoeff'], thresholds=[1.0E+12], xax='log_time_left', alphas=[1.0], yllim=0., yulim=0., y_res=2000, xllim=0., xulim=0., age='seconds', sparse_intrinsic=20, engen=False, netnuc_name='eps_nuc', engenalpha=0.6, outfile='plot.pdf', annotation='', KEPLER=False): """ !! EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE (flagged as private) !! This function creates a Kippenhahn diagram as a contour plot of the .se.h5 or .out.h5 files using any continuous variable (columns in the hdf5 cycle data). Multiple columns may be plotted, their name indicated in the list "plot", and their thresholds in the list "thresholds". Currently, this is only designed to take one threshold for each variable but future versions will hopefully be able to plot with multiple thresholds, however you may circumvent this issue by repeating the variable in "plots" and entering a second threshold for it in "thresholds". Parameters ---------- sparse : integer x-axis (timestep) sparsity. The true sparsity is sparse*sparse_intrinsic. Try 100 or 500 for .se.h5 and 20 for .out.h5 files and for preliminaxllimry plots. cycle_start : integer, optional Cycle from which you wish to plot. The default is 0. cycle_end : integer, optional Maximum cycle that you wish to plot. If cycle_end is 0, then it will plot up to the last cycle available. The default is 0. plot : list, optional 1-D array containing the variables to be plotted (as strings, e.g. plots=['dcoeff','C-13']. I recommend always plotting 'dcoeff' as plots[0]). The default is ['dcoeff']. thresholds : list, optional 1-D array containing the thresholds corresponding to the variables in "plots". The default is [1.0E+12]. xax : string, optional x-axis quantity; either 'log_time_left' or 'cycles'. The default is 'log_time_left'. alphas : list, optional Array containing the opacity (0 to 1) of the contour for each variable. The default is [1.0]. yllim : float, optional Lower plot limit for y-axis (mass co-ordinate). The default is 0.. yulim : float, optional Upper plot limit for y-axis (mass co-ordinate). The default is 0.. y_res : integer, optional y-axis resolution. Defaults to 2000 but increasing to as much as 10000 does not significantly affect the plotting time. The default is 2000. xllim : float, optional Lower plot limit for x-axis. The default is 0.. xulim : float, optional Upper plot limit for x-axis. The default is 0.. age : string, optional Either 'years' or 'seconds', depending on the data. The default is 'seconds'. sparse_intrinsic : integer, optional Sparsity of timesteps in the data provided (usually 20 for .out.h5 files and 1 for .se.h5 files). The default is 20. engen : boolean, optional Whether the user would like to plot Kippenhahn of convective zones and energy generation. If True, please still include plots=['dcoeff'] and thresholds=[1.0E+12'] in your call. This will require the data to have an 'eps_nuc' column, so the plot is only working for .se.h5 files from MESA in the current se library. This is the most recent addition, so probably the most buggy. The plot script will automatically calculate and assign multiple thresholds according to the model. The default is False. netnuc_name : string, optional The name of the column containing (eps_nuc-eps_neu). If you do not have available eps_neu, then you can give netnuc_name="eps_nuc" to just plot energy generation. The default is "eps_nuc". engenalpha : float, optional Opacity of the energy generation contours. The default is 0.6. outfile : string, optional The name to save the plot as. The default is 'plot.pdf'. annotation : string, optional Some optional annotation to add to the plot. The default is ''. KEPLER : boolean, optional The default is False. """ # Organize cycles and ages: original_cyclelist = self.se.cycles if cycle_end==0.: cycle_end = original_cyclelist[-1] cycle_end = old_div(int(cycle_end),sparse_intrinsic) - 1 if cycle_start==0: pass else: cycle_start = old_div(int(cycle_start),sparse_intrinsic) - 1 cyclelist = original_cyclelist[cycle_start:cycle_end:sparse] # fix for KEPLER restart counting at O burning: original_ages= self.se.ages age_at_restart = 0. age_at_restart_idx = 0 if KEPLER == True: for i in range(1,len(original_ages)): if (original_ages[i]-original_ages[i-1]) < 0.: age_at_restart_idx = i-1 age_at_restart = original_ages[i-1] print('age restart found at cycle = '+str(age_at_restart_idx)+', age = '+str(age_at_restart)) KEPLER = True break for i in range(age_at_restart_idx+1,len(original_ages)): original_ages[i] = original_ages[i] + age_at_restart # Figure: fig = pl.figure() ax = pl.axes() params = {'axes.labelsize': 15, 'text.fontsize': 15, 'legend.fontsize': 15, 'xtick.labelsize': 15, 'ytick.labelsize': 15, 'text.usetex': False} fsize=18 pl.rcParams.update(params) # X-axis: if xax == 'log_time_left': if KEPLER == True: xxtmp = original_ages[cycle_start:cycle_end:sparse] else: xxtmp = self.se.ages[cycle_start:cycle_end:sparse] if age == 'years': if KEPLER == True: pass else: xxtmp = self.se.ages[cycle_start:cycle_end:sparse] elif age == 'seconds': if KEPLER == True: for i in range(len(cyclelist)): xxtmp[i] = old_div(original_ages[cycle_start:cycle_end:sparse][i],31558149.984) else: for i in range(len(cyclelist)): xxtmp[i] = old_div(self.se.ages[cycle_start:cycle_end:sparse][i],31558149.984) if xax == 'cycles': xx = cyclelist xxtmp = cyclelist # Set up x-axis according to whether ages are in years or seconds and # re-write as log(time left). The last entry will always be -inf in this # way so we calculate it by extrapolating the anti-penultimate and # penultimate entries. # Modified from the GENEC gdic (R. Hirschi) if xax == 'log_time_left': xx=np.zeros(len(xxtmp)) agemin = max(old_div(abs(xxtmp[-1]-xxtmp[-2]),5.),1.e-10) for i in np.arange(len(xxtmp)): if xxtmp[-1]-xxtmp[i]>agemin: xx[i]=np.log10(xxtmp[-1]-xxtmp[i]+agemin) else : xx[i]=np.log10(agemin) ax.set_xlabel('$log_\mathrm{10}(t_\mathrm{end}-t)\;[\mathrm{yr}]$',fontsize=fsize-1) if xax == 'cycles': ax.set_xlabel('$\mathrm{CYCLE}$',fontsize=fsize-1) # Y-axis limits and resolution: totalmass = [] try: m_ini = float(self.se.get('mini')) except: mini=m.se.get(0,'total_mass') mini=old_div(mini,constants.mass_sun) print('getting Mini from 1st cycle') if yulim==0.: yulim = m_ini dy = old_div(m_ini,float(y_res)) vlinetol = 1.0E-8 # Set up (y-axis) vector and a 3-D (hist) array to store all of the # contours. y = np.arange(0., m_ini, dy) if engen == True: Z = np.zeros([len(y),len(xxtmp),len(plot)+2],float) else: Z = np.zeros([len(y),len(xxtmp),len(plot)],float) # Define function extracting the contour boundaries which will be # called for every cycle in cyclelist, for every variable to be plotted # along with its corresponding threshold(s). def getlims(variable_array,thresh,massco_array): """This function returns the variable boundaries (in mass) for a cycle, given the cycle's variable and mass columns, ensuring that the boundaries are ordered centre to surface (as some .se.h5 files are the opposite).""" plotlims = [] # Just a fix for some get problem I was having: if len(massco_array) == 2: massco_array = massco_array[0] if len(variable_array) == 2: variable_array = variable_array[0] if massco_array[0] > massco_array[-1]: for j in range(-1,-len(variable_array)-1,-1): if j == -1: if variable_array[j] >= thresh: plotlims.append(massco_array[j]) else: pass elif (variable_array[j]-thresh)*(variable_array[j+1]-thresh) < 0: plotlims.append(massco_array[j]) if j == -len(variable_array): if variable_array[j] >= thresh: plotlims.append(massco_array[j]) return plotlims else: for j in range(len(variable_array)): if j == 0: if variable_array[j] >= thresh: plotlims.append(massco_array[j]) else: pass elif (variable_array[j]-thresh)*(variable_array[j-1]-thresh) < 0: plotlims.append(massco_array[j]) if j == len(variable_array)-1: if variable_array[j] >= thresh: plotlims.append(massco_array[j]) return plotlims # Flag preventing plotting any other variables on an energy generation # Kippenhahn plot: if engen == True: plot = ['dcoeff'] # This loop gets the mass co-ordinate array and the variable arrays, # calls to get the boundaries in order, and populates the contour array. ypscoeff = [-1,-1,-1] # this should have same length as plot - quick fix for yps. total_massco = [] for i in range(len(cyclelist)): # print 'CYCLE: ', cyclelist[i] massco = self.se.get(cyclelist[i],'mass') total_massco.append(max(massco)) plotlimits=[] for j in range(len(plot)): if plot[j][1] == '-' or plot[j][2] == '-': # Assume file has yps, not iso_massf ypsthere = True try: variables = self.se.get(cyclelist[i],'yps') # If this is not the case, do the usual se calls for iso_massf except KeyError: variables = self.se.get(cyclelist[i],plot[j]) ypsthere = False # If yps is there, ask which indices correspond to the # elements that are to be plotted, one by one. if ypsthere == True: if ypscoeff[j] == -1: ypscoeff[j] = int(input("What integer is your element "+str(plot[j])+" in the 'yps' array? ")) else: pass variables = self.se.get(cyclelist[i],'yps')[:,ypscoeff[j]] else: variables = self.se.get(cyclelist[i],plot[j]) plotlims = getlims(variables,thresholds[j],massco) plotlimits.append(plotlims) percent = int(i*100/len(cyclelist)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\rcreating color map " + "...%d%%" % percent) for g in range(len(plot)): for k in range(0,len(plotlimits[g]),2): llimit = plotlimits[g][k] ulimit = plotlimits[g][k+1] #if xx[i] >= 0: for f in range(y_res): if llimit<=y[f] and ulimit>y[f]: Z[f,i,g]=1. #else: # ax.axvline(xx[i],ymin=llimit/m_ini,ymax=ulimit/m_ini,color='#8B8386',alpha=alphas[0],linewidth=0.5) # This function determines the adjacent two mass cells to a point in the # y-vector (which contains mass co-ordinates centre to surface, split into # y_res chunks), returning their index in the mass co-ordinate vector for # that timestep/cycle. def find_nearest(array,value): """ Returns [lower,upper] indexes locating adjacent mass cells (in the massco vector) around y-value (one of y_res points equally spaced between centre and surface). """ idx=(np.abs(array-value)).argmin() lims=np.zeros([2],int) if idx == len(array)-1: # SJONES post-mod lims[0] = idx - 1 # SJONES post-mod lims[1] = idx # SJONES post-mod return lims if array[idx] < value: if array[idx]-array[idx+1] < 0.: lims[0] = idx lims[1] = idx-1 return lims else: lims[0] = idx lims[1] = idx+1 return lims elif array[idx] > value: if array[idx]-array[idx+1] < 0.: lims[0] = idx+1 lims[1] = idx return lims else: lims[0] = idx-1 lims[1] = idx return lims # This flag enebles the loop below it to populate the contour array for # energy generation. It does not take threshold arguments, as the array # contains the log of the energy generation rather than "above" or "below". # Because of this, contour boundaries are automatically calculated # according to the max energy generation in the model. dummy_engen=[] engen_signs = [] if engen == True: # Requires eps_nuc array in the data. Produces energy generation contour # by linearly interpolating eps_nuc between mass co-ordinates according # to the y-resolution: for i in range(len(cyclelist)): # print 'CYCLE: ', cyclelist[i] max_energy_gen = 0. min_energy_gen = 0. massco = self.se.get(cyclelist[i],'mass') if len(massco) <= 10: massco=massco[0] dummy_engen = self.se.get(cyclelist[i],netnuc_name) if len(dummy_engen) <= 10: dummy_engen = dummy_engen[0] for f in range(len(dummy_engen)): # make all values absolute, but note in engen_signs which were negative: if dummy_engen[f] == 0.: engen_signs.append(1.) else: engen_signs.append(old_div(dummy_engen[f],abs(dummy_engen[f]))) if abs(engen_signs[f]) != 1.: print('engen sign not +/- 1!!') print('engen_signs['+str(f)+'] = ',engen_signs[f]) print('dummy_engen[f] = ', dummy_engen[f]) sys.exit() dummy_engen[f] = abs(dummy_engen[f]) log_epsnuc = np.log10(dummy_engen) # now insert the correct signs again: for f in range(len(log_epsnuc)): log_epsnuc[f] = log_epsnuc[f]*engen_signs[f] #for f in range(len(log_epsnuc)): #if str(log_epsnuc[f]) == 'nan': log_epsnuc[f] = 0. # print log_epsnuc percent = int(i*100/len(cyclelist)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\rcreating color map " + "...%d%%" % percent) for j in range(len(y)): if j == len(y)-1: energy_here = 0. elif j == 0: energy_here = log_epsnuc[-1] elif y[j] > max(massco): energy_here = 0. else: lims = find_nearest(massco,y[j]) frac = old_div((y[j]-massco[lims[0]]),(massco[lims[1]]-massco[lims[0]])) energy_here = frac*(log_epsnuc[lims[1]]-log_epsnuc[lims[0]]) + log_epsnuc[lims[0]] if energy_here > max_energy_gen: max_energy_gen = energy_here if energy_here < min_energy_gen: min_energy_gen = energy_here if abs(max_energy_gen) > 100.: print(y[j]) print(engen_signs[f], log_epsnuc[f], frac, lims[0], lims[1], massco[lims[0]], massco[lims[1]]) print((massco[lims[1]]-massco[lims[0]]), (y[j]-massco[lims[0]])) print(max_energy_gen) print('exit due to energy generation > 100') sys.exit() # print energy_here # print max_energy_gen # if energy_here >= 0.: #Z[j,i,1] = 10**energy_here #SJONES comment if energy_here < 0.: energy_here = 0. Z[j,i,1] = energy_here # if energy_here < 0.: # Z[j,i,2] = 10**energy_here # Here we define the colourmap for the energy generation and an array # containing a list of colours in which to plot each variable (in the # order that the variables appear in "plots") iso_colours is obsolete # but was for when we tried plotting isotopes with just their boundary # lines as opposed to shading (for clarity). Colourmaps of these choices # are written to cmap (array). engen_cmap=mpl.cm.get_cmap('Blues') engen_cmap.set_under(color='w',alpha=engenalpha) enloss_cmap=mpl.cm.get_cmap('Reds') colours = ['#8B8386','m','g','b'] iso_colours = ['b','r','y'] cmap = [] for i in range(len(plot)): cmap.append(mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['w',colours[i]])) print('plotting contours') if xllim==0. and xulim==0.: ax.axis([float(xx[0]),float(xx[-1]),yllim,yulim]) else: ax.axis([xllim,xulim,yllim,yulim]) # Plot all of the contours. Levels indicates to only plot the shaded # regions and not plot the white regions, so that they are essentially # transparent. If engen=True, then the energy generation levels # (boundary values) are calculated (in dex) from 2 to the maximum in # steps of 2. for i in range(len(plot)): ax.contourf(xx,y,Z[:,:,i],levels=[0.5,1.5],colors=colours[i], alpha=alphas[i]) if engen == True: #ceiling = int(max_energy_gen+1) #floor = int(min_energy_gen+1) #cburn = ax.contourf(xx,y,Z[:,:,1],cmap=engen_cmap,locator=mpl.ticker.LogLocator(),alpha=engenalpha) # SJONES comment cburn = ax.contourf(xx,y,Z[:,:,1],cmap=engen_cmap,alpha=engenalpha,levels=list(range(5,32,5))) cbarburn = pl.colorbar(cburn) # if min_energy_gen != 0: # closs = ax.contourf(xx,y,Z[:,:,2],cmap=enloss_cmap,locator=mpl.ticker.LogLocator(),alpha=engenalpha) # cbarloss = pl.colorbar(closs) # cbarburn.set_label('$\epsilon_\mathrm{nuc}-\epsilon_{\\nu} \; (\mathrm{erg\,g}^{-1}\mathrm{\,s}^{-1})$, > 0',fontsize=fsize) cbarburn.set_label('$log_{10}(\epsilon_\mathrm{nuc}) \; (\mathrm{erg\,g}^{-1}\mathrm{\,s}^{-1})$, > 0',fontsize=fsize) pl.plot(xx,total_massco,color='k') pl.text(0.9,0.9,annotation,horizontalalignment='right',transform = ax.transAxes,fontsize=fsize) pl.ylabel('$\mathrm{Mass}\;[M_\odot]$',fontsize=fsize-1) pl.savefig(outfile) print(outfile+' is done.') pl.show() def abup_se_plot(mod,species): """ plot species from one ABUPP file and the se file. You must use this function in the directory where the ABP files are and an ABUP file for model mod must exist. Parameters ---------- mod : integer Model to plot, you need to have an ABUPP file for that model. species : string The species to plot. Notes ----- The species is set to 'C-12'. """ # Marco, you have already implemented finding headers and columns in # ABUP files. You may want to transplant that into here? species='C-12' filename = 'ABUPP%07d0000.DAT' % mod print(filename) mass,c12=np.loadtxt(filename,skiprows=4,usecols=[1,18],unpack=True) c12_se=self.se.get(mod,'iso_massf','C-12') mass_se=self.se.get(mod,'mass') pyl.plot(mass,c12) pyl.plot(mass_se,c12_se,'o',label='cycle '+str(mod)) pyl.legend() def _read_iso_abund_marco(self, mass_range, cycle): """ plot the abundance of all the chemical species Parameters ---------- mass_range : list A 1x2 array containing the lower and upper mass range. If None, it will plot over the entire range. cycle : string or integer A string/integer of the cycle of interest. """ import nuutils as u masses = [] # Check the inputs #if not self.se.cycles.count(str(cycle)): # print 'You entered an cycle that doesn\'t exist in this dataset:', cycle # print 'I will try and correct your format.' # cyc_len = len(self.se.cycles[-1]) # print cyc_len, len(str(cycle)) # # while len(str(cycle)) < cyc_len: # cycle = '0'+str(cycle) # print cycle # if not self.se.cycles.count(str(cycle)): # print 'I was unable to correct your cycle. Please check that it exists in your dataset.' masses = self.se.get(cycle,'mass') if mass_range == None: print('Using default mass range') mass_range = [min(masses),max(masses)] # what this was for??? Marco #masses.sort() #mass_range.sort() print('Using The following conditions:') print('\tmass_range:', mass_range[0], mass_range[1]) print('\tcycle:', cycle) isotope_names = self.se.isotopes u.convert_specie_naming_from_h5_to_ppn(isotope_names) names_ppn_world = u.spe number_names_ppn_world = u.n_array u.define_zip_index_for_species(names_ppn_world,number_names_ppn_world) # from here below I read the abundance. #name_specie_in_file=self.se.dcols[5] # I am using directly 'iso_massf' only because somehow m20 explosive do not have dcols.... name_specie_in_file='iso_massf' abunds=self.se.get(cycle,name_specie_in_file) global used_masses used_masses = [] self.mass_frac = [] for i in range(len(masses)): if mass_range[0] <= masses[i] and mass_range[1] >= masses[i] : used_masses.append(masses[i]) self.mass_frac.append(abunds[i]) def decay(self, mass_frac): """ this module simply calculate abundances of isotopes after decay. It requires that before it is used a call is made to _read_iso_abund_marco and _stable_species. Parameters ---------- mass_frac : list alist of mass_frac dicts. See Also -------- _read_iso_abund_marco(), nuutils.Utils._stable_species() """ import nuutils as u global decayed_multi_d decayed_multi_d=[] #print len(mass_frac) #print len(decay_raw) for iii in range(len(mass_frac)): jj=-1 decayed=[] for i in range(len(u.decay_raw)): if u.jdum[i] > 0.5: jj=jj+1 dummy=0. for j in range(len(u.decay_raw[i])): try: dum_str = u.decay_raw[i][j] dummy = dummy + float(self.mass_frac[iii][u.cl[dum_str.lower().capitalize()]]) #print cl[dum_str.lower().capitalize()] #print dum_str, mass_frac[iii][cl[dum_str.capitalize()]] except KeyError: None #print 'I am not in the network:',decay_raw[i][j] except IndexError: None #print 'I am not read',cl[decay_raw[i][j].lower().capitalize()],decay_raw[i][j] decayed.append(dummy) decayed_multi_d.append(decayed) #print 'I am here' #print decayed_multi_d[0][back_ind['CU 63']] #print mass_frac[0][cl[('CU 63').lower().capitalize()]],spe[cl[('CU 63').lower().capitalize()]] #print back_ind #print decayed_multi_d[0][back_ind['ZR 90']] #print mass_frac[0][cl[('zr 90').capitalize()]],spe[cl[('zr 90').capitalize()]] #print decayed_multi_d[0][back_ind['ZR 91']] #print mass_frac[0][cl[('zr 91').capitalize()]],spe[cl[('zr 91').capitalize()]] #print decayed_multi_d[0][back_ind['ZR 92']] #print mass_frac[0][cl[('zr 92').capitalize()]],spe[cl[('zr 92').capitalize()]] #print decayed_multi_d[0][back_ind['ZR 94']] #print mass_frac[0][cl[('zr 94').capitalize()]],spe[cl[('zr 94').capitalize()]] #print decayed_multi_d[0][back_ind['ZR 96']] #print mass_frac[0][cl[('zr 96').capitalize()]],spe[cl[('zr 96').capitalize()]] #print decayed_multi_d[0][back_ind['CS133']] #print mass_frac[0][cl[('cs133').capitalize()]],spe[cl[('cs133').capitalize()]] #print spe,len(u.spe) #print cl,len(cl) def burnstage(self, **keyw): """ This function calculates the presence of burning stages and outputs the ages when key isotopes are depleted and uses them to calculate burning lifetimes. Parameters ---------- keyw : dict A dict of key word arguments. Returns ------- list A list containing the following information: burn_cycles, burn_ages, burn_abun, burn_type and burn_lifetime. Notes ----- The following keywords can also be used: +------------------+---------------+ | Keyword Argument | Default Value | +==================+===============+ | abund | "iso_massf" | +------------------+---------------+ | isoa | "A" | +------------------+---------------+ | isoz | "Z" | +------------------+---------------+ | mass | "mass" | +------------------+---------------+ | cycle | "cycle" | +------------------+---------------+ | cyclefin | 0 | +------------------+---------------+ All arguments change the name of fields used to read data from HDF5 files, other than cyclefin. Cyclefin is the last timestep to use when reading files. Cycles contain the cycle numbers for the various points where the abundance is abun. The age of the star at each point and the type of burning is indicated by those arrays. The lifetimes are calculated by. """ if ("isoa" in keyw) == False: keyw["isoa"] = "A" if ("isoz" in keyw) == False: keyw["isoz"] = "Z" if ("mass" in keyw) == False: keyw["mass"] = "mass" if ("age" in keyw) == False: keyw["age"] = "age" if ("abund" in keyw) == False: keyw["abund"] = "iso_massf" if ("cycle" in keyw) == False: keyw["cycle"] = "cycle" if ("cyclefin" in keyw) == False: cyclefin = 1.e99 else: cyclefin = keyw["cyclefin"] burn_cycles = [] burn_ages = [] burn_abun = [] burn_type = [] burn_lifetime = [] firstfile = True hemax, cmax, nemax, omax = 0, 0, 0, 0 cycles_list = self.se.cycles xm_list = self.se.get(keyw["mass"]) age_list = self.se.get(keyw["age"]) abund_list = self.se.get(keyw["abund"]) tables = self.se.Tables() isoa_list = tables[0] isoz_list = tables[1] # Check the order of the input data xm_init = xm_list[0] centre = 0 if isinstance(xm_init, list) == True: if xm_init[0] > xm_init[1]: # mass is descending with shell number and the centre of the star # is the last shell centre = -1 # Determine yps indices for certain abundances for i in range(len(isoa_list)): try: A = int(isoa_list[i]) Z = int(isoz_list[i]) except TypeError: A = int(isoa_list[i][0]) Z = int(isoz_list[i][0]) if A == 1 and Z == 1: h1index = i elif A == 4 and Z == 2: he4index = i elif A == 12 and Z == 6: c12index = i elif A == 16 and Z == 8: o16index = i elif A == 20 and Z == 10: ne20index = i elif A == 28 and Z == 14: si28index = i if firstfile == True: hmax = abund_list[0][centre][h1index] firstfile = False # Try and determine the location of a convective core using the central and # next from central shells for i in range(1, len(cycles_list)-1): if cycles_list[i] > cyclefin and cyclefin != 0: pair = False age1 = -1 for i in range(len(burn_type)): if 'start' in burn_type[i] and pair == False: age1 = burn_ages[i] pair = True elif 'end' in burn_type[i] and pair == True: age2 = burn_ages[i] pair = False if age1 != -1: burn_lifetime.append(age2 - age1) age1 = -1 return [burn_cycles, burn_ages, burn_abun, burn_type, burn_lifetime] # H-burning hcen = abund_list[i][centre][h1index] hcennext = abund_list[i+1][centre][h1index] if hcen >1.e-10: if hcennext < hmax-0.003 and hcen >= hmax-0.003: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(hcen) burn_type.append('H_start') if hcennext < 1.e-1 and hcen >= 1.e-1: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-1) burn_type.append('H') if hcennext < 1.e-2 and hcen >= 1.e-2: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-2) burn_type.append('H') if hcennext < 1.e-3 and hcen >= 1.e-3: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-3) burn_type.append('H') if hcennext < 1.e-4 and hcen >= 1.e-4: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-4) burn_type.append('H') if hcennext < 1.e-5 and hcen >= 1.e-5: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-5) burn_type.append('H_end') hemax = abund_list[i][centre][he4index] if hcennext < 1.e-6 and hcen >= 1.e-6: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-6) burn_type.append('H') if hcennext < 1.e-9 and hcen >= 1.e-9: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-9) burn_type.append('H') # He-burning hecen = abund_list[i][centre][he4index] hecennext = abund_list[i+1][centre][he4index] if hcen < 1.e-5 and hecen > 1.e-10: if hecennext < hemax-0.003 and hecen >= hemax-0.003: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(hecen) burn_type.append('He_start') if hecennext < 1.e-1 and hecen >= 1.e-1: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-1) burn_type.append('He') if hecennext < 1.e-2 and hecen >= 1.e-2: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-2) burn_type.append('He') if hecennext < 1.e-3 and hecen >= 1.e-3: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-3) burn_type.append('He') if hecennext < 1.e-4 and hecen >= 1.e-4: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-4) burn_type.append('He') if hecennext < 1.e-5 and hecen >= 1.e-5: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-5) burn_type.append('He_end') cmax = abund_list[i][centre][c12index] if hecennext < 1.e-6 and hecen >= 1.e-6: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-6) burn_type.append('He') if hecennext < 1.e-9 and hecen >= 1.e-9: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-9) burn_type.append('He') # C-burning ccen = abund_list[i][centre][c12index] ccennext = abund_list[i+1][centre][c12index] if hcen < 1.e-5 and hecen < 1.e-5 and ccen > 1.e-10: if ccennext < cmax-0.003 and ccen >= cmax-0.003: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(ccen) burn_type.append('C_start') if ccennext < 1.e-1 and ccen >= 1.e-1: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-1) burn_type.append('C') if ccennext < 1.e-2 and ccen >= 1.e-2: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-2) burn_type.append('C') if ccennext < 1.e-3 and ccen >= 1.e-3: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-3) burn_type.append('C') if ccennext < 1.e-4 and ccen >= 1.e-4: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-4) burn_type.append('C') if ccennext < 1.e-5 and ccen >= 1.e-5: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-5) burn_type.append('C_end') nemax = abund_list[i][centre][ne20index] if ccennext < 1.e-6 and ccen >= 1.e-6: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-6) burn_type.append('C') if ccennext < 1.e-9 and ccen >= 1.e-9: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-9) burn_type.append('C') # Ne-burning necen = abund_list[i][centre][ne20index] necennext = abund_list[i+1][centre][ne20index] if hcen < 1.e-5 and hecen < 1.e-5 and ccen < 1.e-3 and necen > 1.e-10: if necennext < nemax-0.003 and necen >= nemax-0.003: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(necen) burn_type.append('Ne_start') if necennext < 1.e-1 and necen >= 1.e-1: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-1) burn_type.append('Ne') if necennext < 1.e-2 and necen >= 1.e-2: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-2) burn_type.append('Ne') if necennext < 1.e-3 and necen >= 1.e-3: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-3) burn_type.append('Ne_end') omax = abund_list[i][centre][o16index] if necennext < 1.e-4 and necen >= 1.e-4: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-4) burn_type.append('Ne') if necennext < 1.e-5 and necen >= 1.e-5: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-5) burn_type.append('Ne') if necennext < 1.e-6 and necen >= 1.e-6: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-6) burn_type.append('Ne') if necennext < 1.e-9 and necen >= 1.e-9: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-9) burn_type.append('Ne') # O-burning ocen = abund_list[i][centre][o16index] ocennext = abund_list[i+1][centre][o16index] if hcen < 1.e-5 and hecen < 1.e-5 and ccen < 1.e-3 and ocen > 1.e-10: if ocennext < omax-0.003 and ocen >= omax-0.003: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(ccen) burn_type.append('O_start') if ocennext < 1.e-1 and ocen >= 1.e-1: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-1) burn_type.append('O') if ocennext < 1.e-2 and ocen >= 1.e-2: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-2) burn_type.append('O') if ocennext < 1.e-3 and ocen >= 1.e-3: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-3) burn_type.append('O') if ocennext < 1.e-4 and ocen >= 1.e-4: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-4) burn_type.append('O') if ocennext < 1.e-5 and ocen >= 1.e-5: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-5) burn_type.append('O_end') if ocennext < 1.e-6 and ocen >= 1.e-6: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-6) burn_type.append('O') if ocennext < 1.e-9 and ocen >= 1.e-9: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-9) burn_type.append('O') pair = False age1 = -1 for i in range(len(burn_type)): if 'start' in burn_type[i] and pair == False: age1 = burn_ages[i] pair = True elif 'end' in burn_type[i] and pair == True: age2 = burn_ages[i] pair = False if age1 != -1: burn_lifetime.append(age2 - age1) age1 = -1 return [burn_cycles, burn_ages, burn_abun, burn_type, burn_lifetime] def burnstage_upgrade(self, **keyw): """ This function calculates the presence of burning stages and outputs the ages when key isotopes are depleted and uses them to calculate burning lifetimes. Parameters ---------- keyw : dict A dict of key word arguments. Returns ------- list A list containing the following information: burn_cycles, burn_ages, burn_abun, burn_type and burn_lifetime. Notes ----- The following keywords can also be used: +------------------+---------------+ | Keyword Argument | Default Value | +==================+===============+ | abund | "iso_massf" | +------------------+---------------+ | isoa | "A" | +------------------+---------------+ | isoz | "Z" | +------------------+---------------+ | mass | "mass" | +------------------+---------------+ | cycle | "cycle" | +------------------+---------------+ | cyclefin | 0 | +------------------+---------------+ All arguments change the name of fields used to read data from HDF5 files, other than cyclefin. Cyclefin is the last timestep to use when reading files. Cycles contain the cycle numbers for the various points where the abundance is abun. The age of the star at each point and the type of burning is indicated by those arrays. The lifetimes are calculated by. """ if ("isoa" in keyw) == False: keyw["isoa"] = "A" if ("isoz" in keyw) == False: keyw["isoz"] = "Z" if ("mass" in keyw) == False: keyw["mass"] = "mass" if ("age" in keyw) == False: keyw["age"] = "age" if ("abund" in keyw) == False: keyw["abund"] = "iso_massf" if ("cycle" in keyw) == False: keyw["cycle"] = "cycle" if ("cyclefin" in keyw) == False: cyclefin = 1.e99 else: cyclefin = keyw["cyclefin"] burn_cycles = [] burn_ages = [] burn_abun = [] burn_type = [] burn_lifetime = [] firstfile = True hemax, cmax, nemax, omax = 0., 0., 0., 0. hburn_logic = True heburn_logic = True cburn_logic = True neburn_logic = True oburn_logic = True hburn_start_logic = False heburn_start_logic = False cburn_start_logic = False neburn_start_logic = False oburn_start_logic = False #cycles_list = self.se.cycles cyc = self.se.cycles sparsity_factor = int(1) cycles_list = list(range(int(cyc[0]),int(cyc[len(cyc)-1]),((int(cyc[1])-int(cyc[0])))*sparsity_factor)) age_list = self.se.get(keyw["age"]) # I want to read only the isotopes I need to identify the burning stages. all_isos=self.se.isotopes #list_all_isos=all_isos.tolist() useful_species = species_list("burn_stages") useful_index = [] for iso in useful_species: #useful_index.append(all_isos.index(iso)) useful_index.append(useful_species.index(iso)) specie_index={} for a,b in zip(useful_species,useful_index): specie_index[a] = b # Check the order of the input data xm_init = self.se.get(0,keyw["mass"]) central_zone = 0 external_zone = -1 if isinstance(xm_init, list) == True: if xm_init[0] > xm_init[1]: # mass is descending with shell number and the centre of the star # is the last shell central_zone = -1 external_zone = 0 # central zone first zone = 0 xm_cyc=[] xm_list=[] for i in cycles_list: xm_cyc = self.se.get(i,keyw["mass"])[central_zone] xm_list.append(xm_cyc) abund_list = [] for i in cycles_list: abund_tmp = [] for iso in useful_species: abund_cyc = self.se.get(i,keyw["abund"],iso)[central_zone] abund_tmp.append(abund_cyc) abund_list.append(abund_tmp) if firstfile == True: hsurf = self.se.get(0,keyw["abund"],'H-1')[external_zone] #hesurf = self.se.get(0,keyw["abund"],'He-4')[external_zone] firstfile = False # Try and determine the location of a convective core using the central and # next from central shells for i in range(1, len(cycles_list)-1): if cycles_list[i] > cyclefin and cyclefin != 0: pair = False age1 = -1 for i in range(len(burn_type)): if 'start' in burn_type[i] and pair == False: age1 = burn_ages[i] pair = True elif 'end' in burn_type[i] and pair == True: age2 = burn_ages[i] pair = False if age1 != -1: burn_lifetime.append(age2 - age1) age1 = -1 return [burn_cycles, burn_ages, burn_abun, burn_type, burn_lifetime] print('passa 3') # H-burning if hburn_logic: hcen = abund_list[i][specie_index['H-1']] hcennext = abund_list[i+1][specie_index['H-1']] if hcen >1.e-10: if hcennext < hsurf-0.003 and hcen >= hsurf-0.003: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(hcen) burn_type.append('H_start') hburn_start_logic = True if hcennext < 1.e-1 and hcen >= 1.e-1: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-1) burn_type.append('H') if hcennext < 1.e-2 and hcen >= 1.e-2: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-2) burn_type.append('H') if hcennext < 1.e-3 and hcen >= 1.e-3: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-3) burn_type.append('H') if hcennext < 1.e-4 and hcen >= 1.e-4: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-4) burn_type.append('H') if hcennext < 1.e-5 and hcen >= 1.e-5: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-5) burn_type.append('H_end') hemax = abund_list[i][specie_index['He-4']] if hburn_start_logic: hburn_logic == False if hcennext < 1.e-6 and hcen >= 1.e-6: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-6) burn_type.append('H') #if hcennext < 1.e-9 and hcen >= 1.e-9: # burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) # burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) # burn_abun.append(1.e-9) # burn_type.append('H') # He-burning hecen = abund_list[i][specie_index['He-4']] hecennext = abund_list[i+1][specie_index['He-4']] if hcen < 1.e-5 and hecen > 1.e-10: if hecennext < hemax-0.003 and hecen >= hemax-0.003: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(hecen) burn_type.append('He_start') if hecennext < 1.e-1 and hecen >= 1.e-1: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-1) burn_type.append('He') if hecennext < 1.e-2 and hecen >= 1.e-2: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-2) burn_type.append('He') if hecennext < 1.e-3 and hecen >= 1.e-3: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-3) burn_type.append('He') if hecennext < 1.e-4 and hecen >= 1.e-4: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-4) burn_type.append('He') if hecennext < 1.e-5 and hecen >= 1.e-5: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-5) burn_type.append('He_end') cmax = abund_list[i][specie_index['C-12']] if hecennext < 1.e-6 and hecen >= 1.e-6: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-6) burn_type.append('He') if hecennext < 1.e-9 and hecen >= 1.e-9: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-9) burn_type.append('He') # C-burning ccen = abund_list[i][specie_index['C-12']] ccennext = abund_list[i+1][specie_index['C-12']] if hcen < 1.e-5 and hecen < 1.e-5 and ccen > 1.e-10: if ccennext < cmax-0.003 and ccen >= cmax-0.003: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(ccen) burn_type.append('C_start') if ccennext < 1.e-1 and ccen >= 1.e-1: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-1) burn_type.append('C') if ccennext < 1.e-2 and ccen >= 1.e-2: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-2) burn_type.append('C') if ccennext < 1.e-3 and ccen >= 1.e-3: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-3) burn_type.append('C') if ccennext < 1.e-4 and ccen >= 1.e-4: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-4) burn_type.append('C') if ccennext < 1.e-5 and ccen >= 1.e-5: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-5) burn_type.append('C_end') nemax = abund_list[i][specie_index['Ne-20']] if ccennext < 1.e-6 and ccen >= 1.e-6: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-6) burn_type.append('C') if ccennext < 1.e-9 and ccen >= 1.e-9: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-9) burn_type.append('C') # Ne-burning necen = abund_list[i][specie_index['Ne-20']] necennext = abund_list[i+1][specie_index['Ne-20']] if hcen < 1.e-5 and hecen < 1.e-5 and ccen < 1.e-3 and necen > 1.e-10: if necennext < nemax-0.003 and necen >= nemax-0.003: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(necen) burn_type.append('Ne_start') if necennext < 1.e-1 and necen >= 1.e-1: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-1) burn_type.append('Ne') if necennext < 1.e-2 and necen >= 1.e-2: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-2) burn_type.append('Ne') if necennext < 1.e-3 and necen >= 1.e-3: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-3) burn_type.append('Ne_end') omax = abund_list[i][specie_index['O-16']] if necennext < 1.e-4 and necen >= 1.e-4: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-4) burn_type.append('Ne') if necennext < 1.e-5 and necen >= 1.e-5: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-5) burn_type.append('Ne') if necennext < 1.e-6 and necen >= 1.e-6: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-6) burn_type.append('Ne') if necennext < 1.e-9 and necen >= 1.e-9: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-9) burn_type.append('Ne') # O-burning ocen = abund_list[i][specie_index['O-16']] ocennext = abund_list[i+1][specie_index['O-16']] if hcen < 1.e-5 and hecen < 1.e-5 and ccen < 1.e-3 and ocen > 1.e-10: if ocennext < omax-0.003 and ocen >= omax-0.003: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(ccen) burn_type.append('O_start') if ocennext < 1.e-1 and ocen >= 1.e-1: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-1) burn_type.append('O') if ocennext < 1.e-2 and ocen >= 1.e-2: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-2) burn_type.append('O') if ocennext < 1.e-3 and ocen >= 1.e-3: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-3) burn_type.append('O') if ocennext < 1.e-4 and ocen >= 1.e-4: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-4) burn_type.append('O') if ocennext < 1.e-5 and ocen >= 1.e-5: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-5) burn_type.append('O_end') if ocennext < 1.e-6 and ocen >= 1.e-6: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-6) burn_type.append('O') if ocennext < 1.e-9 and ocen >= 1.e-9: burn_cycles.append(cycles_list[i]) burn_ages.append(age_list[i]) burn_abun.append(1.e-9) burn_type.append('O') print('passa 4') pair = False age1 = -1 for i in range(len(burn_type)): if 'start' in burn_type[i] and pair == False: age1 = burn_ages[i] pair = True elif 'end' in burn_type[i] and pair == True: age2 = burn_ages[i] pair = False if age1 != -1: burn_lifetime.append(age2 - age1) age1 = -1 return [burn_cycles, burn_ages, burn_abun, burn_type, burn_lifetime] def cores(self, incycle, **keyw): """ This function uses the abundances as a function of time to return core masses. Parameters ---------- incycle : integer incycle is the cycle to choose where to take the core masses. keyw : dict A dict of key word arguments. Returns ------- list [cores, core_type, core_info] cores contains the core masses for the types found in core_type. Core_info stores a variety of information about the abundances at certain mass coordinates. Notes ----- These core masses are: +----------+-----------------------------------------+ | M_alpha | mass of the helium core | +----------+-----------------------------------------+ | M_CO | mass of the carbon-oxygen core | +----------+-----------------------------------------+ | M_si | mass of the silicon core | +----------+-----------------------------------------+ | M_fe | mass of the iron core | +----------+-----------------------------------------+ | M_rem | mass of the remnant star post-supernova | +----------+-----------------------------------------+ The following keywords can also be used: +------------------+------------------+ | Keyword Argument | Default Value | +==================+==================+ | abund | "iso_massf" | +------------------+------------------+ | isoa | "A" | +------------------+------------------+ | isom | "isomeric_state" | +------------------+------------------+ | isoz | "Z" | +------------------+------------------+ | mass | "mass" | +------------------+------------------+ | core_opt | 1 | +------------------+------------------+ All arguments change the name of fields used to read data from HDF5 files, other than core_opt. core_opt controls which scheme to use for calculating the core masses. If core_opt is 0, then cores uses alpha-isotopes to calculate the silicon and iron cores. Use this for stellar evolution output. Si_core = Si28+S32+Ar36+Ca40+Ti44 Fe_core = Cr48+Fe52+Ni56 If core_opt is 1, then cores uses all elements in a network with proton number Z=23 as a boundary. Use this for MPPNP output. Si_core = Sum of all isotopes with 14 <= Z <= 22 Fe_core = Sum of all isotopes with 23 <= Z <= 28 """ def infomod(core_opt, *inp): """ This calls the correct infomod function depending on the value of core_opt. """ if core_opt == 0: return infomod1(inp[0], inp[1], inp[2]) elif core_opt == 1: return infomod2(inp[0], inp[1], inp[2], inp[3], inp[4]) def infomod1(shell, yps, isoindex): """ Function for defining data to print into a string. This is used for the case of core_opt = 0. """ xh = yps[shell][isoindex[0]] xhe = yps[shell][isoindex[1]] xc = yps[shell][isoindex[2]] xo = yps[shell][isoindex[3]] xsi = yps[shell][isoindex[4]] xs = yps[shell][isoindex[5]] xa = yps[shell][isoindex[6]] xca = yps[shell][isoindex[7]] xti = yps[shell][isoindex[8]] xcr = yps[shell][isoindex[9]] xfe = yps[shell][isoindex[10]] xni = yps[shell][isoindex[11]] xsicore = xsi + xs + xa + xca + xti xfecore = xcr + xfe + xni return ' h=' + "%12.4e"%(xh) + ' he=' + "%12.4e"%(xhe) + \ ' c=' + "%12.4e"%(xc) + ' o=' + "%12.4e"%(xo) + \ ' si=' + "%12.4e"%(xsicore) + ' fe=' + "%12.4e"%(xfecore) def infomod2(shell, yps, isoindex, xsicore, xfecore): """ Function for defining data to print into a string. This is used for the case of core_opt = 1. """ xsicore = 0. xsicoren = 0. xfecore = 0. xfecoren = 0. xh = yps[shell][isoindex[0]] xhe = yps[shell][isoindex[1]] xc = yps[shell][isoindex[2]] xo = yps[shell][isoindex[3]] for j in iso_si: xsicore += yps[i][j] xsicoren += yps[i+iter][j] for j in iso_fe: xfecore += yps[i][j] xfecoren += yps[i+iter][j] return 'shellnb = ' + str(shell) + ' h=' + "%12.4e"%(xh) + \ ' he=' + "%12.4e"%(xhe) + ' c=' + "%12.4e"%(xc) + \ ' o=' + "%12.4e"%(xo) + ' si=' + "%12.4e"%(xsicore) + \ ' fe=' + "%12.4e"%(xfecore) if ("isoa" in keyw) == False: keyw["isoa"] = "A" if ("isoz" in keyw) == False: keyw["isoz"] = "Z" if ("mass" in keyw) == False: keyw["mass"] = "mass" if ("abund" in keyw) == False: keyw["abund"] = "iso_massf" if ("coreopt" in keyw) == False: core_opt = 1 else: core_opt = keyw["coreopt"] cores = [0,0,0,0,0,0] core_type = ["","","","","",""] core_info = [] iso_si = [] iso_fe = [] first = True xm_list = self.se.get(incycle, keyw["mass"]) abund_list = self.se.get(incycle, keyw["abund"]) tables = self.se.Tables isoa_list = tables[0] isoz_list = tables[1] # Check the order of the input data xmass = xm_list yps = abund_list centre = 0 surface = len(xmass)-1 iter = -1 if isinstance(xmass, list) == True: if xmass[0] > xmass[1]: # mass is descending with shell number and the centre of the star # is the last shell centre = len(xmass)-1 surface = 0 iter = 1 mco01 = 0. na = 0 nco = 0 h1index = -1 he4index = -1 c12index = -1 o16index = -1 si28index = -1 s32index = -1 a36index = -1 ca40index = -1 ti44index = -1 cr48index = -1 fe52index = -1 ni56index = -1 # Determine yps indices for certain abundances for i in range(len(isoa_list)): try: A = int(isoa_list[i]) Z = int(isoz_list[i]) except TypeError: A = int(isoa_list[i][0]) Z = int(isoz_list[i][0]) if A == 1 and Z == 1: h1index = i elif A == 4 and Z == 2: he4index = i elif A == 12 and Z == 6: c12index = i elif A == 16 and Z == 8: o16index = i if core_opt == 0: if A == 28 and Z == 14: si28index = i elif A == 32 and Z == 16: s32index = i elif A == 36 and Z == 18: a36index = i elif A == 40 and Z == 20: ca40index = i elif A == 44 and Z == 22: ti44index = i elif A == 48 and Z == 24: cr48index = i elif A == 52 and Z == 26: fe52index = i elif A == 56 and Z == 38: ni56index = i if h1index == -1 or he4index == -1 or c12index == -1 or o16index == -1: print("A key isotope(s) is not found in network! Please check for the \ presence of H1, He4, C12 and O16.") os.sys.exit() # Si_core = Si28+S32+Ar36+Ca40+Ti44 # Fe_core = Cr48+Fe52+Ni56 if core_opt == 0: if si28index == -1 or s32index == -1 or a36index == -1 or ca40index == -1 \ or ti44index == -1 or cr48index == -1 or fe52index == -1 or ni56index == -1: print("Key isotopes for measuring the core mass with core_opt = 0 \ are missing. Setting core_opt = 1.") core_opt = 1 # Si_core = Sum of all isotopes with 14 <= Z <= 22 # Fe_core = Sum of all isotopes with 23 <= Z <= 28 if core_opt == 1: for i in range(len(isoa_list)): try: A = int(isoa_list[i]) Z = int(isoz_list[i]) except TypeError: A = int(isoa_list[i][0]) Z = int(isoz_list[i][0]) if Z >= 14 and Z <= 22: iso_si.append(i) if Z >= 23 and Z <= 28: iso_fe.append(i) isoindex = [h1index, he4index, c12index, o16index] if core_opt == 0: isoindex.extend([si28index, s32index, a36index, ca40index, ti44index, cr48index, fe52index, ni56index]) if first == True: first = False cores[0] = xmass[surface] core_type[0] = "Final" core_info.append(infomod(core_opt, surface, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) # Iterate over shells to determine the core masses for i in np.arange(surface, centre, iter): xsicore = 0. xfecore = 0. xsicoren = 0. xfecoren = 0. # Abundances of key isotopes at this shell (and the next one) xh = yps[i][h1index] xhe = yps[i][he4index] xc = yps[i][c12index] xo = yps[i][o16index] xhn = yps[i+iter][h1index] xhen = yps[i+iter][he4index] xcn = yps[i+iter][c12index] xon = yps[i+iter][o16index] xcocore = xc + xo xcocoren = xcn + xon if core_opt == 0: xsi = yps[i][si28index] xs = yps[i][s32index] xa = yps[i][a36index] xca = yps[i][ca40index] xti = yps[i][ti44index] xcr = yps[i][cr48index] xfe = yps[i][fe52index] xni = yps[i][ni56index] xsin = yps[i+iter][si28index] xsn = yps[i+iter][s32index] xan = yps[i+iter][a36index] xcan = yps[i+iter][ca40index] xtin = yps[i+iter][ti44index] xcrn = yps[i+iter][cr48index] xfen = yps[i+iter][fe52index] xnin = yps[i+iter][ni56index] xsicore = xsi + xs + xa + xca + xti xfecore = xcr + xfe + xni xsicoren = xsin + xsn + xan + xcan + xtin xfecoren = xcrn + xfen + xnin elif core_opt == 1: for j in iso_si: xsicore += yps[i][j] xsicoren += yps[i+iter][j] for j in iso_fe: xfecore += yps[i][j] xfecoren += yps[i+iter][j] # M_alpha: if xh >= 1.e-9: if xhen > 0.75 and xhe <= 0.75: if cores[1] == 0: cores[1] = xmass[i] core_type[1] = 'Malpha 75%' core_info.append('Malpha 75% '+str(xmass[i-iter])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i-iter, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) core_info.append('Malpha 75% '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) core_info.append('Malpha 75% '+str(xmass[i+iter])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i+iter, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) if xhen > 0.5 and xhe <= 0.5: core_info.append('Malpha 50% '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) if xhn < 1.e-2 and xh >= 1.e-2: na=i core_info.append('Malpha 1.e-2 '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) if xhn < 1.e-4 and xh >= 1.e-4: core_info.append('Malpha 1.e-4 '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) if xhn < 1.e-5 and xh >= 1.e-5: core_info.append('Malpha 1.e-5 '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) # M_CO: if xhe >= 1.e-9 and xh < 1.e-9: if xcocoren > 0.5 and xcocore <= 0.5: core_info.append('Mco 50% '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) if xcocoren > 0.75 and xcocore <= 0.75: core_info.append('Mco 75% '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) if xhen < 1.e-2 and xhe >= 1.e-2: if cores[2] == 0: mco01=xmass[i] nco=i cores[2] = xmass[i] core_type[2] = 'Mco' core_info.append('Mco 1.e-2 '+str(xmass[i-iter])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i-iter, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) core_info.append('Mco 1.e-2 '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) core_info.append('Mco 1.e-2 '+str(xmass[i+iter])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i+iter, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) if xhen < 1.e-4 and xhe >= 1.e-4: core_info.append('Mco 1.e-4 '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) if xhen < 1.e-5 and xhe >= 1.e-5: core_info.append('Mco 1.e-5 '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) # M_Si: if xcocore >= 1.e-7: if xsicoren > 0.5 and xsicore <= 0.5: if cores[3] == 0: core_info.append('Msi 50% '+str(xmass[i-iter])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i-iter, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) core_info.append('Msi 50% '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) core_info.append('Msi 50% '+str(xmass[i+iter])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i+iter, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) cores[3] = xmass[i] core_type[3] = 'Msi 50%' if xsicoren > 0.75 and xsicore <= 0.75: core_info.append('Msi 75% '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) if xcocoren > 1.e-2 and xcocore <= 1.e-2: core_info.append('Msi 1.e-2 '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) # M_fe: if xfecoren > 0.5 and xfecore <= 0.5: if cores[4] == 0: core_info.append('Mfe 50% '+str(xmass[i-iter])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i-iter, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) core_info.append('Mfe 50% '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) core_info.append('Mfe 50% '+str(xmass[i+iter])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i+iter, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) cores[4] = xmass[i] core_type[4] = 'Mfe 50%' if xfecoren > 0.75 and xfecore <= 0.75: core_info.append('Mfe 75% '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) if xsicoren > 1.e-2 and xsicore <= 1.e-2: core_info.append('Mfe 1.e-2 '+str(xmass[i])+ \ infomod(core_opt, i, yps, isoindex, iso_si, iso_fe)) mcof=mco01 i=na while i < nco: i+=1 xco = yps[i][c12index] + yps[i][o16index] xcop = yps[i-iter][c12index] + yps[i-iter][o16index] mcof+=(xco+xcop)/2.*(xmass[i-iter]-xmass[i]) cores[2] = mcof core_type[2] = 'Mco int' # M_rem vs M_CO relationship xmco = np.array([0.72,1.01,1.38,2.10,2.97,4.94,7.20,13.88,24.75,38.12,58.73]) xmre = np.array([0.72,1.01,1.23,1.42,1.65,2.15,2.72,4.3,7.6,11.4,17.1]) if 'Mco' in core_type: for i in np.arange(len(xmco)): if cores[2] < xmco[i]: xco = yps[i][c12index] + yps[i][o16index] xcop = yps[i-iter][c12index] + yps[i-iter][o16index] cores[5] = xmre[i-1]+(xmre[i]-xmre[i-1])*(cores[j]-xmco[i-1])/(xmco[i]-xmco[i-1]) core_type[5] = 'Mrem' break return [cores, core_type, core_info] def presnyields(self, *cycles, **keyw): """ This function calculates the presupernova yields of a full structure profile from a remnant mass, mrem, to the surface. Parameters ---------- cycles : variadic tuple cycle[0] is the cycle to perform the presupernova yields calculations on. If cycle[1] is also specified, the yields are outputted using 'initial' abundances from cycle[1], otherwise the ejected masses are outputted. keyw : dict A dict of key word arguments. Notes ----- The following keywords can be used: +------------------+---------------+ | Keyword Argument | Default Value | +==================+===============+ | abund | "iso_massf" | +------------------+---------------+ | xm | "mass" | +------------------+---------------+ | mrem | 0 | +------------------+---------------+ abund and xm are used when the variables within the input file differ in their names. The default values are set to the output typically found in an MPPNP output file. For example, if the table for the abundances is called "abundances" instead of the default value, use abund = "abundances" as a keyword argument. mrem is specified using a keyword argument and tells the program where to begin integrating. """ abund_list = [] xm_list = [] if ("xm" in keyw) == False: keyw["xm"] = "mass" if ("abund" in keyw) == False: keyw["abund"] = "iso_massf" if ("mrem" in keyw) == False: mrem = 0. else: mrem = keyw["mrem"] # Only two cycles are required in this program. # Any more will be ignored cylen = len(cycles) if cylen > 2: cylen = 2 for i in range(cylen): cycle = cycles[i] abund_list.append(self.se.get(cycle, keyw['abund'])) xm_list.append(self.se.get(cycle, keyw['xm'])) isoX = abund_list[0] xm = xm_list[0] if cylen == 2: isoXini = abund_list[1] # initial abundances niso = len(isoX[0,:]) nshells = len(xm) X_i = np.zeros([niso], float) ybound = np.zeros([niso], float) xarray = np.zeros([nshells+1], float) yarray = np.zeros([nshells+1], float) # This part determines the index of the mass coordinate array which # is closest to the specified remnant mass. This is used in the next # part, which is used to interpolate the abundances at the remnant mass for k in range(nshells): k1 = k if mrem<=xm[k]: break # This part is the interpolation of the isotopes found at the remnant # mass. for i in range(niso): if k1>=1: if isoX[k1-1,i]!=0.0: m=old_div((isoX[k1,i]-isoX[k1-1,i]),(xm[k1]-xm[k1-1])) ybound[i] = isoX[k1-1,i] +m*(mrem-xm[k1-1]) else: ybound[i]=1.e-99 if k1==0: if isoX[k1,i]!=0.0: ybound[i]=isoX[k1,i] else: ybound[i]=1.e-99 # This part merges the interpolated data and the existing arrays into # the arrays xarray and yarray. Once this is done, the summation is # made. xarray[0] = mrem xarray[1:nshells-k1+1] = xm[k1:nshells] for i in range(niso): yarray[0] = ybound[i] for j in range(nshells-k1): if isoX[k1+j,i] != 0.0: yarray[j+1] = isoX[k1+j,i] else: yarray[j+1] = 1.e-99 if cylen == 1: # Calculate the ejected masses for j in range(nshells-k1): X_i[i] = X_i[i] + ((0.5*(yarray[j+1] + yarray[j])) * \ (xarray[j+1] - xarray[j])) elif cylen == 2: # Calculate the SN yield. for j in range(nshells-k1): X_i[i] = X_i[i] + ((0.5*(yarray[j+1] + yarray[j]) - isoXini[-1,i]) * \ (xarray[j+1] - xarray[j])) return X_i def windyields(self, ini, end, delta, **keyw): """ This function returns the wind yields and ejected masses. X_i, E_i = data.windyields(ini, end, delta) Parameters ---------- ini : integer The starting cycle. end : integer The finishing cycle. delta : integer The cycle interval. keyw : dict A dict of key word arguments. Returns ------- list The function returns a list of the wind yields(X_i) and a list of the ejected masses(E_i) in the mass units that were used (usually solar masses). Notes ----- The following keywords cand also be used: +------------------+---------------+ | Keyword Argument | Default Value | +==================+===============+ | abund | "iso_massf" | +------------------+---------------+ | tmass | "mass" | +------------------+---------------+ | cycle | "cycle" | +------------------+---------------+ The keyword arguments are used when the variables within the input file differ in name from their default values typically found in an MPPNP output file. If the data table differs in name, use these keywords. For example, if the table for the abundances is called "abundances" instead of "iso_massf", then use abund = "abundances" as a keyword argument. """ if ("tmass" in keyw) == False: keyw["tmass"] = "mass" if ("abund" in keyw) == False: keyw["abund"] = "iso_massf" if ("cycle" in keyw) == False: keyw["cycle"] = "cycle" print("Windyields() initialised. Reading files...") ypsinit = [] niso = 0 X_i = [] E_i = [] totalmass = [] ypssurf = [] cycles = [] first = True # The following statements copy global functions into local memory, # which is called faster, speeding up the code slightly wc = self._windcalc cycleret = self.se.cycles retrieve = self.se.get capp = cycles.extend tapp = totalmass.extend yapp = ypssurf.extend # Retrieve the data from the files for i in range(ini,end+1,delta): step = int(i) capp([int(cycleret[i-ini])]) tapp([retrieve(step,keyw["tmass"])]) yapp([retrieve(step,keyw["abund"])]) print("Reading complete. Calculating yields and ejected masses...") nsteps = len(cycles)-1 niso = len(ypssurf[0]) X_i = np.zeros([niso], float) E_i = np.zeros([niso], float) # Call the windyields calculator X_i, E_i = wc(first, totalmass, nsteps, niso, ypssurf, \ ypsinit, X_i, E_i, cycles) return X_i, E_i def _windcalc(self, first, totalmass, nsteps, niso, ypssurf, ypsinit, \ X_i, E_i, cycles): """ This function calculates the windyields and ejected masses as called from windyields(). It uses a summation version of the formulae used in Hirschi et al. 2005, "Yields of rotating stars at solar metallicity". If it is the first file, the arrays need to be created and the initial abundances set """ if first == True: X_i = np.zeros([niso], float) E_i = np.zeros([niso], float) ypsinit = ypssurf[0] for m in range(niso): for n in range(nsteps): X_i[m] = X_i[m] + ((totalmass[n] - totalmass[n+1]) * \ (0.5 * (ypssurf[n][m] + ypssurf[n+1][m]) - ypsinit[m])) E_i[m] = E_i[m] + ((totalmass[n] - totalmass[n+1]) * \ (0.5 * (ypssurf[n][m] + ypssurf[n+1][m]))) else: for m in range(niso): for n in range(nsteps): X_i[m] = X_i[m] + ((totalmass[n] - totalmass[n+1]) * \ (0.5 * (ypssurf[n][m] + ypssurf[n+1][m]) - ypsinit[m])) E_i[m] = E_i[m] + ((totalmass[n] - totalmass[n+1]) * \ (0.5 * (ypssurf[n][m] + ypssurf[n+1][m]))) return X_i, E_i def average_iso_abund_marco(self,mass_range,cycle,stable,i_decay): """ Interface to average over mass_range. Parameters ---------- mass_range : list A 1x2 array required to plot data in a certain mass range. Needed for _read_iso_abund_marco. cycle : integer which cycle from the h5 file?. Needed for _read_iso_abund_marco stable : boolean Do you want to plot only stable or not. i_decay : integer If i_decay is 1, then plot not decayed. If i_decay is 2, then plot decayed. Make sense only if stable is true. See Also -------- _read_iso_abund_marco() """ import nuutils as u if not stable and i_decay == 2: print('ERROR: choose i_decay = 1') return #data=mp.se(directory,name_h5_file) self._read_iso_abund_marco(mass_range,cycle) #print spe if i_decay == 2: u.stable_specie() self.decay(self.mass_frac) # here I am calculating average mass fraction for all isotopes in given mass range, and then # if needed calculating average over decayed. # warning: mass_range is bigger than used_masses range, by definition. Should I use it? print('average over used_masses range, not over original mass_range') print(used_masses[0],used_masses[len(used_masses)-1],'instead of',mass_range[0],mass_range[1]) global average_mass_frac average_mass_frac = [] if len(used_masses) >= 2: dm_tot = abs(used_masses[len(used_masses)-1]-used_masses[0]) for j in range(len(u.spe)-1): temp = 0. for i in range(len(used_masses)-1): dm_i = abs(used_masses[i+1]-used_masses[i]) temp = float(self.mass_frac[i][j]*dm_i/dm_tot) + temp average_mass_frac.append(temp) #print average_mass_frac elif len(used_masses) == 1: print('case with 1 mass zone only, not implemented yet') somma = 0. somma = sum(average_mass_frac) print('departure from 1 of sum of average_mass_frac=',abs(1. - somma)) # not let's do it over decayed also, if i_decay = 2 if i_decay == 2: global average_mass_frac_decay average_mass_frac_decay = [] dm_tot = abs(used_masses[len(used_masses)-1]-used_masses[0]) # #print len(decayed_multi_d[0]),decayed_multi_d[0] for j in range(len(u.back_ind)): temp = 0. for i in range(len(used_masses)-1): dm_i = abs(used_masses[i+1]-used_masses[i]) temp = float(decayed_multi_d[i][j]*dm_i/dm_tot) + temp average_mass_frac_decay.append(temp) somma = 0. somma = sum(average_mass_frac_decay) print('departure from 1 of sum of average_mass_frac_decay=',abs(1. - somma)) # now I have the average abundances. We can do the plot. def _get_elem_names(self): """ returns for one cycle an element name dictionary.""" import nuutils as u # provide library for Z versus element names, and Z for elements #element_name = self.se.elements element_name = self.elements_names u.give_zip_element_z_and_names(element_name) self.z_of_element_name = u.index_z_for_elements # notice that z is not the element index! Z and indexing of elements can be different def get_abundance_iso_decay(self,cycle): """ returns the decayed stable isotopes. Parameters ---------- cycle : integer The cycle. """ import nuutils as u masses_for_this_cycle = self.se.get(cycle,'mass') self._read_iso_abund_marco([min(masses_for_this_cycle),max(masses_for_this_cycle)],cycle) u.stable_specie() self.decay(self.mass_frac) self.index_for_all_species = u.cl self.index_for_stable_species = u.back_ind self.decayed_stable_isotopes_per_cycle = decayed_multi_d # from here read solar abundances solar_factor = 2. u.solar('iniab1.0E-02.ppn_GN93',solar_factor) self.stable_isotope_identifier=u.jjdum self.stable_isotope_list=u.stable self.isotopic_production_factors=[] for i in range(len(masses_for_this_cycle)): pf_dum=[] jj=0 for j in range(len(self.stable_isotope_identifier)): if self.stable_isotope_identifier[j] == 1: pf_dum.append(float(old_div(self.mass_frac[i][self.index_for_all_species[self.stable_isotope_list [jj].capitalize()]],u.solar_abundance[self.stable_isotope_list[jj].lower()]))) jj=jj+1 #elif self.stable_isotope_identifier[j] == 0: # pf_dum.append(float(0.)) self.isotopic_production_factors.append(pf_dum) self.isotopic_production_factors_decayed=[] for i in range(len(masses_for_this_cycle)): pf_dum_d=[] jj=0 for j in range(len(self.stable_isotope_identifier)): if self.stable_isotope_identifier[j] == 1: pf_dum_d.append(float(old_div(self.decayed_stable_isotopes_per_cycle[i][self.index_for_stable_species[self.stable_isotope_list [jj].upper()]],u.solar_abundance[self.stable_isotope_list[jj].lower()]))) jj=jj+1 self.isotopic_production_factors_decayed.append(pf_dum_d) def get_abundance_elem(self,cycle): """ returns the undecayed element profile (all elements that are in elem_names). Parameters ---------- cycle : integer The cycle number """ import nuutils as u masses_for_this_cycle = self.se.get(cycle,'mass') self._read_iso_abund_marco([min(masses_for_this_cycle),max(masses_for_this_cycle)],cycle) u.stable_specie() self.decay(self.mass_frac) # provide library for Z versus element names, and Z for elements element_name = self.se.elements u.give_zip_element_z_and_names(element_name) # from here read solar abundances solar_factor = 2. u.solar('iniab1.0E-02.ppn_GN93',solar_factor) self.stable_isotope_identifier=u.jjdum self.stable_isotope_list=u.stable self.element_abundance_not_decayed=[] self.element_abundance_decayed =[] self.element_production_factors=[] self.element_production_factors_decayed=[] for i in range(len(masses_for_this_cycle)): mass_fractions_array_decayed = decayed_multi_d[i] mass_fractions_array_not_decayed = self.mass_frac[i] u.element_abund_marco(2,self.stable_isotope_list,self.stable_isotope_identifier,mass_fractions_array_not_decayed,mass_fractions_array_decayed) self.element_abundance_not_decayed.append(u.elem_abund) self.element_abundance_decayed.append(u.elem_abund_decayed) self.element_production_factors.append(u.elem_prod_fac) self.element_production_factors_decayed.append(u.elem_prod_fac_decayed) #self.decayed_stable_isotopes_per_cycle = decayed_multi_d def _obsolete_plot_iso_abund_marco(directory, name_h5_file, mass_range, cycle, logic_stable, i_decay, file_solar, solar_factor): """ Interface to plot average over mass_range. Parameters ---------- directory : string Location of h5 file to plot. Needed for plot_tools. name_h5_file : string Name of h5 file. Needed for plot_tools. mass_range : list A 1x2 array required to plot data in a certain mass range. Needed for _read_iso_abund_marco. cycle : integer which cycle from the h5 file?. Needed for _read_iso_abund_marco. logic_stable : boolean Do you want to plot only stable or not. i_decay : integer If i_decay is 1, then plot not decayed. If i_decay is 2, then plot decayed. Make sense only if stable is true. file_solar : string File where to take solar abundances. solar_factor : float value to correct initial abundances to solar, e.g. for Z=0.01 and AG89 solar_factor = 2. See Also -------- se._read_iso_abund_marco() """ # provide library for Z versus element names, and Z for elements u.give_zip_element_z_and_names() # solar abundances are read here u.solar(file_solar,solar_factor) # from here I have average abundances in mass_range to plot average_iso_abund_marco(mass_range,cycle,logic_stable,i_decay) fig = pl.figure() # Figure object ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # Axes object: one row, one column, first plot (one plot!) # Tick marks xminorlocator = MultipleLocator(1) xmajorlocator = MultipleLocator(10) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xmajorlocator) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(xminorlocator) yminorlocator = MultipleLocator(0.1) ymajorlocator = MultipleLocator(1) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ymajorlocator) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(yminorlocator) ax.set_yscale('log') if not logic_stable: for i in range(len(u.spe)): pl.plot(amass_int[u.cl[spe[i]]],average_mass_frac[u.cl[spe[i]]],'ko') pl.xlabel('$Mass$ $number$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('$X_{i}$', fontsize=20) pl.ylim(1.0e-10,10.) pl.xlim(55,110) elif logic_stable: # plot stable #for i in range(len(stable)): # pl.plot(amass_int[cl[stable[i].capitalize()]],average_mass_frac[cl[stable[i].capitalize()]]/u.solar_abundance[stable[i].lower()],'ko') if i_decay == 2: for j in range(len(stable)): #print cl[stable[j].capitalize()],stable[j].capitalize(),amass_int[cl[stable[j].capitalize()]] pl.plot(amass_int[u.cl[stable[j].capitalize()]],old_div(u.mass_fractions_array_decayed[u.back_ind[stable[j]]],u.solar_abundance[stable[j].lower()]),'Dk') for i in range(len(stable)): for j in range(len(stable)): if stable[i][:2] == stable[j][:2]: if stable[i] == stable[j-1]: adum =[amass_int[u.cl[stable[i].capitalize()]],amass_int[u.cl[stable[j].capitalize()]]] mfdum =[old_div(float(average_mass_frac[u.cl[stable[i].capitalize()]]),float(u.solar_abundance[stable[i].lower()])),old_div(float(average_mass_frac[u.cl[stable[j].capitalize()]]),float(u.solar_abundance[stable[j].lower()]))] mfddum=[old_div(float(u.average_mass_frac_decay[u.back_ind[stable[i]]]),float(u.solar_abundance[stable[i].lower()])),old_div(float(u.average_mass_frac_decay[u.back_ind[stable[j]]]),float(u.solar_abundance[stable[j].lower()]))] #pl.plot(adum,mfdum,'k-') # I had to add this try/except...why? I guess is someone related to H2, that I spotted that was wrong in stable_raw... # should deal without this. Have to be solved when I have time Marco (June 7 2011) if i_decay == 2: try: pl.plot(adum,mfddum,'k-') except UnboundLocalError: continue pl.xlabel('$Mass$ $number$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('$X_{i}/X_{sun}$', fontsize=20) pl.ylim(1.0e-3,5000.) pl.xlim(55,210) pl.grid() pl.show() def _obsolete_plot_el_abund_marco(directory,name_h5_file,mass_range,cycle,logic_stable,i_decay,file_solar,solar_factor,symbol='ko'): """ Interface to plot elements abundances averaged over mass_range. Parameters ---------- directory : string Location of h5 file to plot. Needed for plot_tools. name_h5_file : string Name of h5 file. Needed for plot_tools. mass_range : list A 1x2 array required to plot data in a certain mass range. Needed for _read_iso_abund_marco. cycle : integer which cycle from the h5 file?. Needed for _read_iso_abund_marco. logic_stable : boolean Do you want to plot only stable or not. i_decay : integer If i_decay is 1, then plot not decayed. If i_decay is 2, then plot decayed. Make sense only if stable is true. file_solar : string File where to take solar abundances. solar_factor : float value to correct initial abundances to solar, e.g. for Z=0.01 and AG89 solar_factor = 2. See Also -------- se._read_iso_abund_marco() """ # provide library for Z versus element names, and Z for elements u.give_zip_element_z_and_names() # solar abundances are read here u.solar(file_solar,solar_factor) # from here I have average abundances in mass_range to plot average_iso_abund_marco(mass_range,cycle,logic_stable,i_decay) # element abundances are calculated here mass_fractions_array_decayed = average_mass_frac_decay mass_fractions_array_not_decayed = average_mass_frac u.element_abund_marco(i_decay,stable,jjdum,mass_fractions_array_not_decayed,mass_fractions_array_decayed) fig = pl.figure() # Figure object ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # Axes object: one row, one column, first plot (one plot!) # Tick marks xminorlocator = MultipleLocator(1) xmajorlocator = MultipleLocator(10) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xmajorlocator) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(xminorlocator) yminorlocator = MultipleLocator(0.1) ymajorlocator = MultipleLocator(1) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ymajorlocator) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(yminorlocator) ax.set_yscale('log') if not logic_stable: for i in range(u.z_bismuth): pl.plot(z_for_elem[i],elem_prod_fac[i],symbol,markersize=10.) pl.xlabel('$Atomic$ $number$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('$X_{i}/X_{sun}$', fontsize=20) pl.ylim(1.0e-2,1000.) pl.xlim(0,95) elif logic_stable: for i in range(u.z_bismuth): if index_stable[i] == 1: continue #pl.plot(z_for_elem[i],elem_prod_fac[i],'ko') if i_decay == 2: for i in range(u.z_bismuth): if index_stable[i] == 1: pl.plot(z_for_elem[i],elem_prod_fac_decayed[i],symbol,markersize=10.) pl.xlabel('$Atomic$ $number$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('$X_{i}/X_{sun}$', fontsize=20) pl.ylim(1.0e-2,1000.) pl.xlim(0,95) pl.grid() pl.show()